Regular Show

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"The 80s called. They want their virginity back."

~ Oscar Wilde

Regelmäßige Show (otherwise known as Regular Show in the English dub) is a German propaganda sitcom cartoon created by J. G. Quintillion. The show was originally written for kids who felt too "grown up" to watch those "childish" cartoons, such as SpongeBob SquarePants, which somehow manages to get a lot more sexual appeal than Regelmäßige Show (even though Regelmäßige Show has a higher rating of TV-PG). Give it up for the sweatshop animators for doing the impossible.

The show premiered in the year 1936, a day before the Hindenburg crashed onto the Olympics players. This marks the day that those crappy Nazis first stole approximately eleven minutes of their audiences' lives. With each showing of Regelmäßige Show, another eleven minutes of a child’s individuality is lost. For just pennies a day , you could save these kids precious eleven minutes of their lives from being snatched by Cartoon Network.

Now I know you are most likely reading this article because you enjoy "Regelmäßige Show". So, I guess we should just get down to business.

Plot[edit | edit source ]

"Oh, what a wonderful day! The only thing that could ruin this day, is a cartoon with National Socialist Furries!"

~ Oscar Wilde

The Regelmäßige Show series revolves around the bangtastic lives of 23-year-old best buddies. Herr Günsche (known in the dub as Mordecai just to spite the original creators), a blue jay that symbolizes the nation’s pride, and his raccoon companion with similar values, Herr Rigner (aka Rigby). They are forced to work as groundskeepers in a park, representing the underpaid labor associated with Communism, so they constantly seek to avoid working and instead seek entertainment in the form of partying and them video games. More often than not, this results in their boss, Comrade Benski (aka Benson), becoming extremely enraged at the two. It is already hard enough to take the furries seriously, but taking Benson seriously is much more difficult due to the fact that he is a living gumball machine that works for Stalin (Mr. Maellard).

The most trusted coworker is Comrade Skipanov (aka Skips). He is Benson's most hard working employee and is always willing to serve the Motherland. He will sometimes even pity the furries. Because he saved the his government's five giant babies from their evil brother, Capitalism, he was given the power of immortality.

Coworkers who sympathize with the 'protagonists' include Pops, the lollipop-headed dildo from outer space, looking like an old man and acting like a fragile man-child even though he is the universe's most powerful being, Herr Hermann Göring (aka Muscle Man), the overweight green Grinch who claims "MY MOM" harassed him as a kid, and a disgusting ghost of a war criminal named Hi Five Ghost, who violated the Geneva Convention.

The two love interests in the series include a red breasted robin hooker named Margaret, and another raccoon from you-know-where named Eileen. She looks like a mole, but she isn't. We all know that raccoons are breeded to deceive.

There are also recurring guest stars, such as Mike Pence and John Wilkes Booth.

Oh yeah ... and there’s also Herr Goatenburg (aka Thomas or Nikolai), the commie goat. He disguises as a German and later reveals himself as a Russian spy. He later changed his mind about being Russian.

Production[edit | edit source ]

Writing process[edit | edit source ]

For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Regular Show .

The writing process for Regelmäßige Show starts with the staff writers playing "writer's games". They do this to find any inspirations they deem enjoyable for putting into their kickass episodes. Once an idea is greenlit, the magic happens.

The plot for an episode generally begins with a problem that must be overcome. Generally, Mordecry and Rigjuice are the no-luck losers who must face these obstacles. During the attempts to overcome these problems, be it simple or hardcore, generally it the episode presents a normal problem which esculates to them fighting something along the lines of: "GARFNOR, THE PLANET VAPORISER". Comrade Benski is defeated, yet he respawns and imprisons them once more in order to maintain continuity. Each episode ends with an emotional speech done by our protagonists that successfully brainwashes all the children worldwide.

After the enemies are defeated, the episode typically ends because the Russians refuse to let episodes in the series be more strange then they already are.

The dubs have no choice but to try to censor the series as much as possible in order to prevent it from turning the children who watch it into white supremacists. Even then, some of the imagery still gets to the kids which is enough to turn them into big edgelords.

Anything notable about its production process?[edit | edit source ]

Well, this part of the production process is pretty normal, except for the fact that animation of the show occurs in North Korea. If North Korean citizens disobey the Great Leader Kim Jong Un, they are sent to the studio as "employees" for all eternity. If you look closely, there are sometimes secret codes hidden in the animation as calls for help. All of the "employees" for the show, despite their cries for help, were kidnapped once again to animate for the Regelmäßige Show's sequal that is currently in production.

Voice cast[edit | edit source ]

The voice cast has J. G. Quintillion voices Mordecai and Hi Five Ghost, William the Sailor voices Rigbone, Luke Skywalker voices Skips, Samuel Marine voices Pops, Muscle Man, and Benson, and some other people voice the rest of the weirdos in the show.

The voice casting has been praised for its ability to scream bigotry at just the right amount of decibels and for its various brainwashing included in each episode.

Movie[edit | edit source ]

It has a movie called Regelmäßige Show: der Film (or Regular Show: The Movie). Why in God's name would they not call it Regelmäßige Film (Regular Movie)???

So that still bares the question; is the Regular Show a regular show?[edit | edit source ]

Yes, the episodes did air on a specific daily schedule. The real answer is HELL naw.

See also[edit | edit source ]

Warner Bros.
Looney Tunes
Cartoon Network
Hannah Barbera
The Simpsons
Family Guy
South Park
My Little Pony
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"Regular Show" is part of a series on Mass Media

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