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Archive01 of the talk page on Islam -- August 2006 through September 2009

For those of you who need it explained:

Parody, then, if you're going to be so fussy. And this article in particular is (or is supposed to be) a parody of the American belief of Muslims being evil terrorists bent on world destruction, or something like that. ~ Ghelæ talk contribs 20:00, 27 August 2006 (UTC)

Unhappy with this article?[edit source ]

If you are unhappy, here is your chance to make it better:

In your userspace (User:MyNameHere/Islam) make a better Islam article. When you're done, drop a link to your new page here. If people like it more than what we have currently, we'll swap it in. Bone F clear.png Sir Famine , Gun Petition » 20:03, 27 August 2006 (UTC)

Users banned for being bitchy whiners[edit source ]

*Either make it better, or go away. Enough bitching and whining. All y'all. Bone F clear.png Sir Famine , Gun Petition » 21:50, 28 August 2006 (UTC)

OK. Here you go. I don't think most people who view the article are going to come to the talk page, though. It should just be unlocked.--Countjulian 21:51, 27 August 2006 (UTC)

Ok, that's it! I've had enough with your nonsense. This is not a hate site, and we are not here dedicated to write anti-religious stuff to suit your atheist taste, nor are we here to host all that humourless, hateful crap that we were all eager to discard. Open your damn eyes and look at the page-vadalising jihads we have gone through ([1], [2], [3], [4]), and repect our position that we are here to make fun, not war. Having every single page full of anti-Islam material will not help us in maintaining our overall neutral standpoint in religious matters, and if I were you, I would definitely shut the hell up for good.
Now go somewhere else and make yourself useful.
-- The Colonel (talk), from Australia, 04:15, 28 August 2006 (UTC)

Listen SS officer Swordman: living in Australia has obviously fried your brains and destroyed your sense of humour (if you ever had one that is). Uncylopedia pokes fun at everything and anyone - d'you think the sections on the current Pope or Jesus etc. are neutral? A serious Catholic with no sense of humour could feel very insulted. Uncyclopedia makes fun of the Japanese, Germans, Americans, French, Russians, whatever. So what? Having a sense of humour means you can take it. Locking an article on Uncylopedia is absurd! Check out some of the stuff on the Holocaust here - that's where I thought things were going a little bit overboard. Jokes about the murder of millions? Doesn't make me feel too good - but I wouldn't go over there and start complaining. This is not a SERIOUS website - it's about making fun, for Christ's sake! You are seriously out of order man! But of course, I forgot - it's about Islam, that oh so liberal religion that can always take a joke. Uncyclopedia should not bow to a bunch of Islamic fascists! This reminds me of Rowan Atkinson's brilliant piss-take of hell, where he plays the devil and welcomes everyone who saw Monty Python's 'Life of Brian' to hell with the words: "I'm sorry, but apparently he couldn't take a joke after all!" Swordman - I suspect you of being a friggin' towelhead.-- 10:41, 28 August 2006 (UTC)

And I suspect you of being a friggin' racist who uses "Freedom of speech" as an excuse. Please, racist hypocrites, when you call somebody towelhead and say it's freedom of speech - it's not. It's hate. Learn to make the difference. I'm not opposed to religious slander but when you cross the line and it turns to racism - no, it's not funny. And using the Holocaust article to support your racist thoughts was quite sick actually. Doesn't make you too good but it's alright it's a JOOOKE. I don't know if you've ever confronted a Holocaust survivor but have fun explaining to him that this is such an innocent joke and we're all just messing about with them Jew lads. To be honest I wouldn't have bothered to say anything at all if it wasn't for your last sentence and thank heavens that you put it there to expose yourself as an ignorant bastard. I hope you choke. Xantion 18:18, 16 February 2008 (UTC)

For fucks sake ISLAM IS NOT A RASE! (to idiot above named Xantion), and uncyclopedia isn't PC webside, so anyway, anything, no metter how racist or biggoted is, if it's funny, should stay (IMO).

It does an equally bad job at "parody." This article isn't "suppossed" to do anything but be funny, and, just maybe, incisive commentary on current events, but it currently fails badly in both regards.--Countjulian 21:49, 27 August 2006 (UTC)

I understand that the whole point of the Uncyclopedia is that people can say whatever they want as long as its funny. I've read through this, and none of this is remotely funny. I can understand what some people would find funny "I slam, like how they slam planes into buildings". I don't mind at all if there is a page on Islam, in fact, I would be quite suprised if there was not. I think there could be alot of good jokes coming out of this, but right now, this is essentially blatent hate and racism. If this is what the people want, then so be it, let them have their giggles, but I'd like it if someone would clean this up. --Hhamdy283 15:47, 1 September 2006 (UTC)

"I slam," as in "I slam planes into buildings" Yep, I'm really proud of that one. Zing! ^_^ Good to see that it's survived all the rewrites and everything. I mean, that has to be the absolute BEST way to start off a satirical article on Islam. --New Hotness 02:37, 16 September 2006 (UTC)

Yeah that was really funny... Problem here is that there is a lot of genuine hate in this article, compared to the Christianity and Judaism ones... I mean real hate.

Guys i have 2 brothers curently serving in Iraq becouse i lost my sister in 9/11 sadly i lost my other brother in Iraq not so long ago and 4 what?!?! ill tell you 9/11 and yes ill admit its n ot fair to poke fun at there religion but i Dont care anymore.

Hey buddy, it is not funny at all to make fun of religions at all. It is still possible to write something totally ridiculus, but not what is on this site so go get a life homo loser

But homophobic comments are justifiable? - AhhDiddums 15:14, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
FATWA'D!!!1!!one!!!1 --New Hotness 04:22, 16 December 2006 (UTC)
Ok people Im muslim and the current Islam page is just ridiclulous christian hate. The original mentioned in the beginning of this section is much better. Also YES THE I SLAM STUFF IS BRILLIANT.
Your an idiot. I'm a christian, but im not whining that the numerous (hell countless) articles making fun of christianity are hate speech. bottom line, stfu, be a good sport, and just enjoy the humor.

I kind of suspect that lots of non-christians get a little ticked off at Muslims for being barbaric murderers all the time.

Osama bitch[edit source ]

Dude, I know it's humor but I can't stand seeing Osama's picture in Islam article.

Yeah, I hate that one too, and hopefully one day it will be replaced with something else (perhaps by me), but until then, you'll just have to live with it. -- The Colonel (talk) 15:22, 2 November 2006 (UTC)


Pickup Lines[edit source ]

Are my pickup lines okay?

Simply too good - too good to be original. -- The Colonel (talk) 15:22, 2 November 2006 (UTC)


hi[edit source ]

u think u r so funny?yeah? if islam is terrorist so why ur governers kill people ? open ur eye and shut ur mouth and dont live like a blind worm be careful about what u say man dont play with fire baby

our "governers" kill people? you must be referring to arnold schwarzenegger, and i've known him to not have actually killed anyone, unlike certain practitioners of your religion. but he'll be back, and i hope he terminates you
George W. Bush is a boozer and that's why he sent troops to Iraq to kill people and get themselves killed. I don't know if he beats up Laura though. :D -- The Colonel (talk) 15:22, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

This article is not funny... obviously written by some 'Christian' with no sense of humour.

Speak for yourself dude, why do you also attack "christian" if you cant stand the attacking of Islam? The pot calling the kettle black, Irony. haha. Dum ass. 16:32, 12 November 2006 (UTC)

I wrote the first line, and I'm agnostic. --New Hotness 04:21, 16 December 2006 (UTC)

I may be catholic, but this article is unacceptable. It's not, at all, like the other religions articles. And the affirmative argument that this is a joke article, and that the writer is free to write whatever he wants dos not help either. There is a difference between a joke that does not diminish other believes, a joke that does diminish other believes, and something writed based on pure hate. Many parts of this article are on the third one, in my opinion, and should not wait for someone write something better to be removed. And more: if this really is "a parody of the american belief", then I see nothing against exploring every aspect of the stupidity of mass fear and generalizations as well while we make fun of the "Towelheads", dont you agree? Or some of the ones who were defending the "sense of humour" are going to be against that? Because that's what I intend to do right now.-- 03:49, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Terrorist Camel-riders [edit source ]

"Pray for the foolish who use Uncyclopedia and may they see the error in their ways. May they learn to love thy neighbor and not have to resort to childish prattle."

~ Lord Jesus

I replaced my intellegence with the mind of a fundie "Christian" and this article of pure hatred came right on out. Is it good enough, or in desperate need of expansion/deletion?

Praise this article here[edit source ]

  • Comment: I like this article. It's funny. -- 00:49, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
  • Comment: Think this article might suffer from the same problem as Holocaust Tycoon in that some people might not view the subject matter as a "suitable" topic for humour. I'm of the opinion that if something is genuinely amusing other things may be overlooked, such as the danger of offending people. For me, the article has quite a few "funnies" and is nicely laid out. Has my seal of approval. -- Sir Mhaille  Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
  • Comment: I was going to say something similar about Holocaust Tycoon. I'm sure a lot of people would expect me to be really offended by that article since I happen to be a j00; but, well, I'm not. Maybe I just have a better understanding of 'parody' than some people. I don't see that article as being offensive to Jews, but it could certainly be a rather pointed attack on the type of people who cash in on tragedies and terrible events (Princess Di merchandise, etc etc etc). And anyway, the person to make the most jokes about the Holocaust I've ever met was my Auntie Rose, who was liberated from Auschwitz in 1945. I suppose it was her way of dealing with the utter horror of what she saw and suffered. So, I'm not offended by Holocaust Tycoon. People who are offended by Islam as an article - be they Muslim or not - seem to be unable to realise it is actually a parody of the sort of people who really do think in this way about the religion and its followers. {{RabbiTechno 12:47, 6 March 2007 (UTC)}}

Whine about it here (or "oi fuckng wankers this article sucks u bitches ill beat shit out of ur mum < i'll rape your mom.")[edit source ]

please notice "Islam" is not an English word, it's an arabic word means "the peace". It's a truth, we have eyes, ears and minds. so we'd thinking about what happening.

The Arab word for peace is "Salaam", not "Islam". As in "As-salaamu-alaikum" (peace be upon you). Seriously, what hashish you smoking man?-- 13:07, 3 September 2007 (UTC) Islam means both peace and submission to God Veggieburgerfish 22:02, 18 March 2008 (UTC) Shahadah: "there is no God but Allah" it means there is no God except Allah. it means also: Allah is one, no partner for him no partner with him.

In fact, the word Islam is a derivation of salaam, and it means "peace through submission"

Ok hello everyone I have loads of stuff to say. Firstly the whole point of this whole site is that it makes stupid random absurd fun about things that is accessible to everyone. Now though I think its unfair that all the stuff about Islam is from a hateful-christian perspective I accept that it is what the writer thinks of us and though I dont find it funny I dont complain. However, its not like the page on christinaity is written from a jewish or muslim point of view, so far example a jew might right a history of jesus saying he is a bastard.

I of course would hate this. I think this page needs to be edited in a way that is funny to muslims too, like me for example. I found stuff like "Islam- like I slam like I slam planes into buildings pretty damn funny" and stuff like "Allah loves this article". But the stuff on 5 pillars isnt a paradoxical mockery its just outright hatred and offense. {Ed: Why offence and not a wall?]

When I get the chance I plan to write a more humourous article for Islam, eg for zakat ill put exaggerative stats on how much is to be paid, and that it funds things like panda bear conservation.

Until then bear with it Muslims and non-Muslim-Muslim-lovers etc.

Peace out -Omar F.

All I can do is pray for Allah to have mercy on the people who wrote this article

Islam as I slam planes in buildings[edit source ]

AHAHAHAHHA LOL :) Hetetic 16:36, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

FUNNY AND TRUE! --Freibe 13:59, 14 June 2007 (UTC) (P.S. How did you write this article and live? I need to know...) Oh yes absolutely hilarious its just sooo funny to type Malicious crap about someones religion oh yes I had a real laugh you guys are just so mature.

The best paragraph I've read at Uncyclopedia. Nice one, whoever wrote it!

Sad memories

Why???[edit source ]

Why the f*** do people have to lock these articles?

Register and it won't be a problem for you anymore. No charge. -- Sir Codeine K·H·P·B·M·N·C·U·Bu. · (Harangue) 06:53, 10 May 2007 (UTC)

Islam youslam he/she/itslam weslam youslam theyslam allah allae allas allarum allatis allant etc dies of boredom[edit source ]

Please learn to conjugate correctly

About the Quran[edit source ]

It is the word of Allah, because inside it it says it is the word of Allah. So there!

Dear God, shut the fuck up!!![edit source ]

This is uncyclopedia, so all of you saying "its hate speech, its bad to insult islam, allah is unhappy with you" just STFU. Bring your moral, rightous bullshit elseware, people can write whatever the fuck they want. Hell, this made me laugh, so stop trying to bring your sickening political correctness everywhere. For a true history of the perverted drunken, pimp Mohammad see's new book,"How Fatima Started Islam: Mohammad's Daughter Tells It All". This book exposes Islam, is very funny, and the Mullahs hate it. Sample pages and pictures of Fatima and Mohammad on the cover and back cover.

< would you like it if you saw ur momma getting raped by someone? how would you react? see things 'close to us' are affilated with a strong emotion and hysteria ....its would be simply prepostperous to evaulate such 'defensiveness' because its just natural....what im trying to say is that....things of such personal nature...moral believe' not be tempered with. Yes, i believe the purpose in this site, in order to 'capture a sense of humor' ...but biased articles like this are totally against this purpose and should be banned. For the people whom propiate this article... please, this is not something that should be taken lightly. ....mhm I impose i question for you's ....why is the world devoid of peace, and why has it been infliated with inane morons like these?.

-Look buddy, as a catholic, i get a little offended when i view the christian/catholic page of uncyclopedia. Yet i dont bitch. Yes its personal, but i have enough faith/personal fiber to rise above it and ignore the jab. if ur so insecure about ur personal beliefs, and somehow develop this idea that u are the center of the universe and if u and ur kinfolk should never get ur feelings hurt then i strongly advise you to go outside and look around. My apoligies for the anger, but i dont see how you can think wat u say. Seriously look around, if you think this site only aims at "capturing a sense of humor".. well ur wrong. Look at the other articles for a while, they serve to offend but at the same time be funny (not worded well i kno but its sorta like south park's approach to humor for lack of a better analagy). If u honestly think that only the islam related articles should be innofensive, then plz leave now.

This entire artical sounds like a conservative rant to me.[edit source ]

I dont think this artical is not funny but it is somewhat of a conservative rant. Elassint Throw things at me 01:36, 8 November 2007 (UTC)

So it worked? Navwheel-small.png » DJ "Reaper of Fail" Gentoo, now with wit, sarcasm, and even more obscure folk metal. Now in lime green! 15:47, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

embrace islam before die[edit source ]

to author: embrace islam before you die. you will safe. if you have time read the real quran. you will find the truth.

Read the Koran and find truth, its a load of shit if you ask me. Six hundred year after Christ and you say you know the truth about the death of Christ. Why dont you read a book called "Answering Islam, the crescent in the light of the cross". Read this and you will find the truth my friend, I will pray for you in Jesus name for he is the son of God, ask anything in his name and it shall be given unto you Honchos. Jesus was simply God in a human body. You say that because God is a spirit he cannot have a son. Wake up you fucking moron, your saying that G-d, the creator of the universe, who created everyhthing can't have a son. God does not need to have intercourse to make a son you fool, he only has to will this to happen you idiot. He made mary give birth to himself. If god is everywhere then why can't he be in Heaven and Earth and in a human body at the same time. Jee, wake up and get with the program, "Dunces" Beer Barrals Should be bigger 13:35, 28 January 2008 (UTC)

Durka Durka Mohammad Jihad[edit source ]

Durka oh crap durka what the fuck shit durka durka sherpa sherpa I sound like a video game jihad!

ILOVETHIS![edit source ]



BAN THIS LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![edit source ]

What do u think u guys are doing this is racist!!!!!how dare u submit such a thing for such a peaceful religion.......Islam is the dare u make fun of them....may god have mercy on u for u have insulted ALLAH and His Prophet(PBUH) u should be ashamed.........this article must be changed.....or closed dare u insult us dare u call us terrorists u have no prooof.....BAN THIS LINK!!!!!NOW!!!!!!!!

Christianity and all other religions are also made fun of, why aren't you complaining in those sights? Look how can someone be racist towards MUSLIMS (Arabs, Africans, Bosnians, Albanians...). Racist means ethnicity!!!! Not religion!

PROOOF!?!?!?! 9/111 LONDON train bomibgs Osama bin fuking laden !!!!!! THERES YOUR PROOF !!!! and Allah Muhamed as in the teady bear ?!???? :)

Not to mention those poor cartoon writers...

Umm...they did draw a picture of Muhammad with a bomb on his head and a message beneath which said, 'Terrorist'. When asked to comment, the artist said, 'I didn't want to cause offense.' Excuse me? How is placing the word 'terrorist' beneath a picture of someone not going to cause them or their followers offense? The Dane was asking for it, me thinks. 22:27, 28 July 2008 (UTC)

*sigh* This is UNCYCLOPEDIA. Of course we're going to parody Islam, and of course we're going to stereotype terrorists. In case you haven't noticed yet, this is UNCYCLOPEDIA, not WIKIPEDIA. In fact, I suggest you go see the page on what Uncyclopedia is not. However, we are a Crystal Ball and Wikipedia isnt, so we get to predict the future. By the way, someone link me to the page on what Uncyclopedia is not please.

One final word before I leave, this is UNCYCLOPEDIA. It's not racism, it's a humourous look at terrorists. Really, you should be LAUGHING at how we parody this article, not DETESTING IT. If you don't share that sense of humor, I dunno, go sh*t out a brick or something.

SPARTAN-A984, Protecting the world from angry lawn gnomes since 1996 17:25, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

Give me a break[edit source ]

All the articles I've read in the Uncyclopedia so far on religion (Christianity and Islam) would be offensive to their followers.

Just get rid of the mohhamed picture[edit source ]

Everythibg in this article is good Except the mohhmed picture uncyclopedia can get sued and banned i aint bein a fag this site is going to get canceled if u dont get rid of the picture

Er, no. Ever hear of "freedom of speech"? Yeah. That. We aren't going to get "banned" or "sued" or "cancelled". We aren't a television show, for pete's sake, we're a bloody website.  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  critchat) 05:25 Dec 29, 2007

Freedom of speech eh? I say go get screwed u sadistic ignorant piece of shit. wat the hell would you know? And sense of humor? mehh this is some little white-trash who is so inflated of "itself". Geez, with this much ignorance and stupidity, im not at all surprised at the current predicament that the "united.scrupulous.assholes" (a.k.a USA) are faced with.

Whoops! Maybe you were looking for Wikipedia ?
And I say you have no sense of humor. See? It's impossible to prove your point until you learn about this little thing called sarcasm. By the way, thanks for calling us scrupulous. Navwheel-small.png » DJ "Reaper of Fail" Gentoo, now with wit, sarcasm, and even more obscure folk metal. Now in lime green! 16:20, 29 January 2008 (UTC)
God bless America (I am Australian though)


  • I think you need a good doctor/psychiatrist/psychologist. I could probably help you find one if you like Beer Barrals Should be bigger 04:31, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

To every poor soul who has contributed to this retarded so-called "humor" shit: have fun burning up in hell..only <100 years till u die anyway.. there is no saving you

I feel sorry for you![edit source ]

Why do you guys have a need to insult religion.TO do this much wrong infer you are not religious but this does not give you any right and i have one thing for you..........I pity you.You'll never know what it is like to believe truly in something.I will not write articles about said person(s) and stoop to your level because it is truly a sad sight to behold.I will not insult you but again i really do pity you a lot you poor soul.

I feel sorry for people like you who take this shit seriously. You ain't in Kansas anymore, Dorothy... Navwheel-small.png » DJ "Reaper of Fail" Gentoo, now with wit, sarcasm, and even more obscure folk metal. Now in lime green! 14:57, 27 January 2008 (UTC)

  1. I think the guy that posted the original message should be a bit angrier and insult us a little bit more, this would prove to us that the article is really working.
  2. I think that all the moozo's should protest over this article world wide.
  3. I think you should learn to read and write in English [properly] so that you don't sound like a semi retard.
  4. I think that all you muslims [sic] are going to hell, simply for being muslim. You think you are going to paradise for seventy two virgins, does the koran state weather these are going to be male or female, what happens when you get up there and the virgins turn out to be male homosexuals who bum rape you for all eternity. Or even better bum raped by satan in hell while you burn for all your suicide bombings, terrorist attacks and the list goes on.
  5. You also support terror, all of you. When countries like the US UK and AUS go to war, you see all of us white people protesting for peace and no war alongside muslims who are also protesting. But when a Muslim nation goes to war and attacks a country like kuwait, you don't see any one of your people giving a shit. If an Arab nation attacked a country like Australia, would you see anyone in Egypt, Lebanon or Iran protesting, no, I don't think so Honchos, because thats the kind of people you are لإسلام; al-'islām of fals prophits 04:39, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

I feel sorry for you to when your profit does stuff like this. He was a simple goat farmer to start of with wasn't he?[edit source ]

Mohummid the Goat fucking prophet
Sheesh, ye profit not from spelling class.
--UnicornTapestry 23:41, 3 February 2008 (UTC)

Toilet/ascension photo[edit source ]

I vote we put our crayons away and ditch the toilet/ascension photo. We're supposed to be funny, not 4th-graders.

--UnicornTapestry 23:43, 3 February 2008 (UTC)

EDITING[edit source ]

For fuck's sake, unlock the stupid article, I want to edit it as well.

This article was meant to piss you off[edit source ]

If this article has pissed any one of then that was the whole idea, IT WORKS لإسلام; al-'islām and beer barrels 00:25, 17 February 2008 (UTC)

What the hell is wrong with people!?[edit source ]

Why is it that people are insulting other cultures!? Insulting cultures will create outrage and violence! Just stop it!

For the OVER 9000th time, this article isn't supposed to be taken seriously. It was written from the POV of an angry, ignorant Christian fundie. Teh internetz r seriuss bisness, no? Navwheel-small.png » DJ "Reaper of Fail" Gentoo, now with wit, sarcasm, and even more obscure folk metal. Now in lime green! 09:56, 7 March 2008 (UTC)

Seriously dumasses, do you want to be beheaded? Dont insult the religeon of peace. today folks i have lost my other brother in a road side bumb laid by some Islamic extremeist now i have lost 2 brothers and my sister i am distrourt and y life is ruind.


Insulting people's cultures is taking it too far. -- 13:25, 16 September 2008 (UTC)
  • You can blame the bible, that fake bible the kORAN Beer Barrals Should be bigger 22:52, 26 April 2008 (UTC)

all holy books are fake

Only the koran

This bit of information was left on this page about a gigillion times:


I took the liberty of removing the redundant lines. -> User:Midget

Diaperheads[edit source ]

Towelheads was just more funny I thought.

So this article is supposedly written from the VOP of an ignorant American. I'm neither Muslim nor Christian, but found the article quite offensive. You say that you have not written it with the intention of offending people, but that it is exactly what you are doing. Making fun of religions is OK I guess, but in this article, nothing really strikes me as humorous. This is plain racist (whatever you may say to contradict that) ridicule. Whatever you may say to defend this article, it is just not cool. And I don't care if there are similar articles about other religions on this site. That does not justify anything. Slandering religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, whichever one) and calling their prophets (not profits) names is just not funny. It can deeply hurt and anger people. Religion is a very sensitive and emotional issue. All religions deserve to be treated with respect. Even if you didn't mean any harm (and I seriously doubt that) you are gonna get extreme reactions from all quarters - Muslims, Christians and people from other religions. This is an inflammatory article. Not only would it anger Muslims, but also give an impetus to other racists like yourselves to hate Muslims more. And the vicious circle continues...

Your point being? This is a satire site. You don't like it, you are more than welcomed to try and improve it. ~Jewriken.GIF 12:21, 30 December 2008 (UTC)
You should read the one on Jews. As I said, feel free to improve it. It's very easy to criticize, it's not that easy to contribute. ~Jewriken.GIF 12:58, 30 December 2008 (UTC)

This is so beyond satire. I have read the page on Christianity. It isn't half as offensive as this article on Islam. --Phoenix3 12:29, 30 December 2008 (UTC)

I personally think towelhead is much funnier than diaperhead. The latter's just a bit childish. Whoremonal 21:37, 25 January 2009 (UTC)

I'm Muslim and i think this article is really funny.i liked it.I'm sure you know that many people in Muslim countries don't like to be Muslim and its just what their parents gave BEING in a Muslim country doesn't mean that i believe in Islam.this make me sick that when someone knows that I'm from Iran,he'll ask that ,am i terrorist too ?!!!

This is Offensive[edit source ]

I very much think that what you have done with this article goes beyond satire. Listen, get rid of the Picture of the Prophet and the guardian Angels picture. There is a fine line between something being funny and offensive (freedom of speech rules yes) and something being funny and dehumanising. I have a lot of muslim friends. A lot of these muslims are yes a bit weird and may be fanatical to a certain degree. But with this article you have dehumanised their source of Pride and life. Come on, be reasonable, This much offence hasnt been written on the Jews and Christians etc.

I can make fun of Islam.........But please take away the offensive pictures as they really do cause a lot of pain to a lot of people. Your art will not suffer for that, it will only become more refined (You can add as many pictures of Osama, Obama, Saddam, Ayatollah etc).

Thanks for the consideration.


The idea that Jews or Christians are somehow favored here while only Muslims receive a more demeaning level of humor is positively ridiculous. Have you read Gay Jesus? I don't see any pages elaborately devoted to a gay prophet of Islam, do you? Any Muslim that wants a sterile experience on the internet is clearly capable of not viewing western humor sites written in English. This mission of yours is what westerners call a "crusade" - a word that is used as a pejorative and steeped in embarrassment, not pride.--DRStrangesig5.png   Sherman.png   Fingertalk.png   00:19, 16 February 2009 (UTC)
If you take away the pictures what would be the point of visiting the article. Not many people read the article, they simply look at the pictures and piss themselves laughingMerbabuBombaybelly 20:01, 7 February 2009 (UTC)

FAO: DR STRANGE[edit source ]

I think that its a bit unfair in the way that you keep reverting older pictures back to the islam page. I am no fan of that religiion, but I have added pictures and text which I thought was more witty. Anyway, I am not going to waste anymore time being creative when guys like you just put crappy contributions which dont have any wit whatsoever. Now is this a website for wit or not?


If DrStrange mistakenly reverted your well-meant edits, try discussing it on his talkpage. -Sockpuppet of an unregistered user 17:00, 17 February 2009 (UTC)
I'm sure you both want what's best for Uncyclopedia. -Sockpuppet of an unregistered user 17:03, 17 February 2009 (UTC)

Actually you are just doing this because you know that islam is the right religion....and by the way if u are talking about terrorisim sisn't u see what hapened in GaZa :hundreds of children were killed and still islamic peaple are terrorist....well keep thinking that but i promise u people u will regret it one day... if u want to catch about islam in depth and u will see how a great religion it is -- 23:44, 17 February 2009 (UTC)

I've been speaking very clearly. Add to the page and stop making political edits of images you claim to be offensive to Muslims. Your ID name and activities speak volumes about a person who feels the need to "defend" Islam from humor. Like I said before, stop removing images and content and add whatever you like.--DRStrangesig5.png   Sherman.png   Fingertalk.png   23:58, 17 February 2009 (UTC)

Check out my freedom of speech page[edit source ]

hey guys check it out my friends, is it cool or what....--MissionMan 21:40, 19 February 2009 (UTC)

A few words on this page...[edit source ]

Just read this through again, I think it goes totally overboard, the claims that it is a parodied extremist conservative rant are blatanly untrue, a lot of it is really just offensive and not at all funny - the goatfucking pic for example, is just hate and provocation. Other parts (I slam...) are funnier, but really this article could be very good without having to be from the supposed point of view of a fundamentalist Christian. I would rather have a genuine satire of Islam, that respects its virtues while parodying its vices and questionable aspects, while moving an article like this one to a new page like "Islam, by Reverend BlaBla" or "Politically Incorrect Introduction to Islam" or something. That would be better, since I do respect the rights for this page to exist, but not as the primary Islam page.

The preachy part of my comment is that atheism's only real worth to me is in a kind of ying/yang way of countering the extremist views of fundamentalist monotheists, but since it is NOT a standalone system of belief in itself (it requires the other to exist), the current fad with it as "truth", and all other views as retarded, often goes too far. I believe in evolution (not in a zoomed-in way, as many seem to, focusing on unnecessary detailms, but rather as part of the constant change and metamorphoses of the universe), but I think some people seem to think they understand more about it in itself, and using it to debunk other religions, rather than understanding it as a philosophical process. I am naturally anti-creationist, but I'm very wary of all kinds of dogma, ultimately knowledge of details does not really matter. I'm fully aware of the danger of certain forms of Islam and all, I'm certainly no liberal douche, but this page isn't even about Islam, it would be better under the options I named earlier. Or something else.

That was said in reaction to a number of atheist posts I read while perusing this talk page, the hypocritical Christian posts aren't even worthy of response. I respect the top of the page argument, but it can be done without specifically trying to offend, and by offending you really miss any real comedic potential for this page--El Sid 23:15, 6 July 2009 (UTC)

Nice rant! I would have been proud of that one myself! :P You might like to edit Atheism (religion) or maybe Atheism. Yea, this article is not great currently. It has had a good few edits to it over time... You know what would be perfect for this page? If it were written in such a way that it was funny (or maybe even funny and insulting) to BOTH viewpoints about Islam. As you say there is plenty of material available... This page Mr Siddhartha-Wolf may be the challange you are looking for! Mr N MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 23:36, Jul 6
Ta, MrN, yeah I might give atheism an edit some day, I'd like to do something with both of course, it would certainly be a challenge, but at the moment I have my own ridiculously long and ambitious list to mess around with ;) --El Sid 08:58, 7 July 2009 (UTC)

Adding a Quote[edit source ]

Does anyone think that the following quote has value for being added to the page?

"Hi, my name is Billy Bob and I would just like to say to all them Muslims, to all them Islams, y'know all those Iranians and Afghanistanians and Iraqastanians, that they should just all go back to Africa. "

SufiyaFatimaLevi 03:52, 29 August 2009 (UTC)

Or you could just say, well if you want the USA, AUST, to leave Iraq, Afghanistan and all those other countries well we could probably make a deal. If all Muslims leave Australia, American and Great Britian then we will pull out of all your shitty countries. Cheers Gaylord Nikkul - King of the gaylords 06:37, September 9, 2009 (UTC)
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