Crack cocaine

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Not to be confused with Cocaine; this is the cheap and nasty version.
Crack cocaine in its purest form. Sometimes mistaken for a very mature cheddar.

Crack cocaine (also called: crack, krack, rock, wood, work, cavvy, iron, base, or anything else that can be easily confused for something entirely unrelated) is a cheap and very addictive form of cocaine enjoyed by anybody that doesn't have money but does have a spectacularly bad lifestyle. The lack of money comes about because of the crack cocaine, not the other way around. Users are almost always white trash without jobs and can be bought from 90% of shady characters standing on the streets of Chicago. The remaining 10% being undercover cops, looking to shoot fish in a barrel. After injecting, snorting or smoking crack it is very hard to determine how the user is feeling, as they are floating on a cloud somewhere, however it can be described very accurately as being "high as fuck".

Side effects from frequent abuse of crack include: psychosis, forgetfulness, insomnia, weight loss, forgetfulness, beating up loved ones, and a very empty wallet. The recipe for crack cocaine is known and followed by every Columbian ever.


Crack was discovered by bakers when they accidentally mixed some suspicious baking powder with cocaine. It's popularity increased over the 20th century, with many musicians writing songs about their favorite drug with completely not racist titles like "Back to Black". As you would expect, some musicians OD'd, ending their career in a swift way.

In film, portrayal of crackheads is a good way to give jobs to the clinically insane. A certified lunatic makes a better crack addict impersonation than the best actors available.


All you will ever need

Like every synthetic narcotic known to science, Wikipedia has an extensive and detailed rundown on how to produce the substance. For this and legal reasons, the "how" of this topic will be as vague as can be made possible.

For the seasoned crack addict, obtaining Cocaine-Hydrochloride and performing a series of very basic chemical reactions with substances found in every kitchen cupboard on the planet is the cheapest way to obtain it. However, since most crackheads cannot be trusted with anything involving chemistry in the slightest, it is usually up to a dodgy character wearing decrepit clothes, a beanie, and some goggles to do the synthesis. More than likely a crackhead themselves, it is unsurprising the amount of adulterated crack exists on the streets.

Role in Colombia

Colombia is the single biggest producer of coke on the planet. The reason for this is quite simply: Growing and using cocaine in Colombia is perfectly legal. It is technically speaking because cocaine has a number of traditional uses by natives, but the reason 75% of the world's coke comes from Colombia is the government doesn't give a fuck and is extremely inept, with a few bribes being enough for the police to look the other way when it comes to illegal drug exports.

Once Colombia had set up the United States with relatively expensive cocaine, the United States developed crack from it. Via the chemical process shown on the Wikipedia article they not only increased the volume, but also reduced the amount needed to feel awesome. Now cocaine was also the drug for poor people, huzzah!!! Sadly due to its addictive nature and ability to remove all motivation from anyone, most addicts do not work and are still extremely poor despite how cheap it is. However, no matter how rapidly the old market dies off (quite rapidly due to cardiac arrest) it can always be sold to kids!

Side effects

Short term

People under the influence of the drug may experience a brief, yet overwhelming urge to punch children in the head or strangle random hookers they find on the street. Hence users may have bruised knuckles and the thoughts of "what the fuck did I do last night?" after using. Nobody cares about children getting abused because there are plenty more children where they came from, and we all know how it's the child's fault that their mummy or duddy is a crackhead.

Other less amusing symptoms include headache, nausea, forgetfulness, restlessness, dilated pupils, acting like a wild boar, coma, and even death. The last two only apply if you are confused and you overdose. Crack also makes you confused. It may also make you confused. It can also cause forgetfulness.

Unlike the long term side effects of the drug, the average user does not give a fuck about a mild headache or desire to repeatedly throw up (see alcoholic) as "it will pass" and feeling crap is a small price to pay for feeling awesome. However, the long-term effects are what every crackhead tries to avoid. Like the pack a day smoker who is determined to not get lung cancer, they persist in the consistent belief that "it won't happen to them".

Your mother. This is why you never had good toys and were always covered with bruises.

Long term

Long-term abuse of crack leaves you with the look of being figuratively fucked (and probably literally as well). After a while, you start to run out of money to buy your precious crack so you resort to stealing it off or fucking drug lords to get some. All of this leaves you severely battered, bruised, and resembling something that just crawled out of a horror film. On top of that, the drug generally fucks with your brain and physical appearance. Men tend to have eyes that are permanently bloodshot, be covered in marks that don't heal and look like 80% of the characters taken from Breaking Bad. Women tend to end up dressing like sluts whilst at the same time looking completely gross (see also: blowjob). They can be taken to look like the other 20%.

Not even once, man.


See also: Amy Winehouse

People that urge in crack addiction end up becoming what is commonly known as a "crackhead". Crackheads are people who look like they've been run over by a bus. Repeatedly. We do not say this as a figure of speech by any means. Crackheads are also typically crazy unpredictable, willing to blow for 2ドル or less (gender or sexuality aside). These people are arguably more cocaine than human.

They are also very much identifiable by their house (if they even have one, is usually owned by somebody else or a rented caravan, deep in hillbilly country). With the magpie-like attraction to "shiny things" and desire to hoard as much useless crap as possible, it is a wonder how they have not been crushed by a falling stack of newspapers yet. If you should be a small child with a Frisbee on the street and your Frisbee lands on a property matching that description, be sure to retrieve it whilst holding a loaded rifle or better yet, just buy a new Frisbee.

Crack and violence

Crack is the driving force behind wonderful social problems such as domestic violence, rape, and child abuse. Given how high strung crack makes you, and how fucking psycho that crack withdrawal makes you, many addicts do the most wonderful thing that any family member can do and take it out on their loved ones. Crack also causes another fun type of violence, gang violence, where people are brutally murdered with swords, hacked to bits with chainsaws, balls are biten off, playfully impaled on a stake, etc., just for stealing crack, or for invading the territory of a rival gang, those dirty rascals!

See also

For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Crack cocaine .

[画像:BlankDrugChart light.png]

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