Category:Military of the United States
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Pages in category "Military of the United States"
The following 124 pages are in this category, out of 124 total.
- Abu Ghraib
- UnNews:Admiral William Fallon bails from Iraq quagmire
- UnNews:Ahmadinejad snaps up "renovators delight" - US missile base
- Air Force Slang
- UnNews:Al-Qaeda network hacked; group blames terrorists
- UnNews:Alcatraz reopened for Bradley Manning
- UnNews:Alien Invasion Plans Revealed
- America's Army
- UnNews:American army to respond to encounter with Iranian ship by bombing Iran with Arabic-English dictionaries
- UnNews:Analysis of US defense spending levels indicates that the US is preparing for war with space aliens
- UnNews:Area 51 opened to public
- Arlington National Cemetery
- UnNews:Armed Forces to change uniforms to accommodate women
- UnNews:Army Corps in New Orleans meets bump in the road to rebuilding
- UnNews:Army launches new recruiting ad campaign
- UnNews:Army seeks more male enlistments
- UnNews:As Bernie Sanders starts his second term, we reflect on his Presidency so far
- UnNews:ATBF America should declare war on Silly Bandz!
- Battle of Hiroshima
- Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey
- UnNews:Body of last World War I veteran to be shot to moon
- UnNews:Bradley Manning mulls plea-bargain
- UnNews:Bradley Manning's limbs confiscated by military
- UnNews:Bush asks Congress for Surge for troops
- UnNews:Bush to announce Iraqi troop increase
- UnNews:Bush to send more troops to St. Helens in effort to appease Volcano God
- UnNews:Bush, seeking new generals, taps Boy Scouts
- Bush's National Guard service
- UnNews:General calls gay sex immoral, continues to support murder
- UnNews:General Ripper to head peace delegation to Russia
- UnNews:Generals, Admirals living the good life, sponsored by Uncle Sam
- George W. Bush's Evil Hurricane Machine
- UnNews:Georgian Naional Guard on red alert
- Gratuitous Anime Panty Shot
- UnNews:Guantanamo Bay Prison to be converted to "torture your own Arab" theme park
- UnNews:Taliban offensive drives NATO, U.S. attorney general to Tora Bora
- UnNews:Tarantula-pug dog cloned successfully
- Teabag everything that moves
- Team America: World Police
- The History of the War on Drugs
- The USA versus the primitive Taliban
- UnNews:There will be war in Iran?
- UnNews:To Bee or Not to Bee
- UnNews:Tomatoes receive chemical and biological weapons for use against humans
- UnNews:U. S. Air Force drops nuclear bomb on Tehran - claims "miscommunication"
- UnNews:U.S. military attempted to build "Gay Bomb"
- UnNews:U.S. military playing catch-up with dogs
- UnNews:U.S. reveals it has lost count of nuclear warheads, introduces "Continental Bomb"
- UnNews:UFC Lightweigth Champion to be Acting SecNavy
- United States Air Force
- United States Coast Guard
- UnNews:United States invasion of Iran imminent
- UnNews:United States Launches Massive Assault on Chile
- United States Marine Corps
- United States Navy
- UnNews:Update:US Marines did not blow on Japan nuclear reactor
- UnNews:US advances cyber-warfare
- UnNews:US Army to toughen tests, ignore results
- UnNews:US court orders change to gay military ban
- UnNews:US forces kill 26 Canadian rebels
- UnNews:US hands Libyan sky to NATO, takes over on ground
- UnNews:US Military Launches Weatherbomb in Hopes of Quelling Mass Protests
- UnNews:US plans to attack Iran!!!
- UnNews:US repeals "Don't ask, don't tell"
- UnNews:US to nuke Iran over plot to swat Saudi mosquito
- UnNews:USA successfully invades Poland
- UnNews:USA to deport all redheads following spy drama
- UnNews:USAF is Firin' Thah Lazor