UnNews:Dead pregnant marine divorced

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27 June 2008

This is an age progressed computer generated photo of what we expect her unborn child to become when he is born. Sad, sad fate.

WASHINGTON D.C. -- On Wednesday, the US military announced the "horrific" divorce of a dead 23-year-old pregnant US soldier, the second female service member this year to divorce before carrying her child to term.

Megan Lynn Touma, a US army dental specialist, was divorced this Wednesday in a local hotel room in North Carolina, not far from the gas station where the walking corpse of 20-year-old US marine corporal Maria Lauterbach was discovered this past January.

Authorities released a statement calling Touma's divorce "disgusting and harmful to America!", and also said, "if it weren't for our shortage of soldiers, she'd be discharged faster than diarrhea."

"The divorce of Specialist Touma is immoral," the 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg, where Touma arrived for duty earlier in May, said in a statement. "This is the second time she trounced upon our Christian beliefs. First, by throwing out God's most precious gift - life. Then, she violated God's wishes by getting divorced! How dare that liberal slut! What's next?!? An abortion?!?"

The US military has struggled with a growing epidemic of divorced and undead female soldiers since Bill Clinton okayed fags joining the military in 1993. Sgt. Rapist reports divorces by service members increased by 40% in 2005 and again by 24% in 2006 before declining slightly in 2007.

Of the 4,349 divorces reported last year, 10% were Jews and 61.77% involved military or government officials.

An accompanying survey found the number of zombiefied service members increased by 122% since the start of the Iraq War. John McCain blames this surge of zombies on the Democrat's misuse of nuclear waste.

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