UnNews:United States invasion of Iran imminent
5 January 2007
President George W. Bush announced at the pentagon today that there is going to be a full-scale invasion of the Islamic Republic of Iran. With the election of a Democratic Majority in both houses of congress, President Bush was forced to come up with an exit strategy that would allow our troops to leave Iraq.
This exit would involve the pullout of all American troops out of Iraq, and send them in to neighbouring Iran, a virtual tic-tac-toe in the Middle East. When met with media scepticism at the Pentagon's briefing room Bush said, "It's in Saudi’s interest it's in Jordan's interest, it's in the Gulf Coast countries interest, that there be a stable Iran. Iran that is capable of rejecting Iranian Influence"
Immediately After hearing this Comical Ali better known as Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf, quickly came to the aid of the Iranians denying all possibilities of troops being in Iran. The minister further claims that American troops have not even entered Iraq, and that American troops were committing suicide at the country's border.
Sources[edit | edit source ]
- CNN "CNN Transcipt of Pentagon Room Meeting" Cable News Network, December 13, 2006