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Charlie Sheen is not very jolly about my potrayal of him.

A list of my own original, and not so original, works. Each article is in it's own respective category and placed in chronological order from when it was mainspaced. If you're reading an UnNews article and it seems to be part of some storyline or contains reoccuring characters, you may have stumbled into an area which we call... The Kipperverse.

Articles[edit | edit source ]

Mainspace: The Hall of Shame.

HowTo[edit | edit source ]

UnBooks[edit | edit source ]

Poetry[edit | edit source ]

Why?[edit | edit source ]

Music and Song Parodies[edit | edit source ]

Eat your pancreas out, Weird Al.

Christmas Carols[edit | edit source ]

Not UnTunes[edit | edit source ]

Faux News[edit | edit source ]

2007[edit | edit source ]

2008[edit | edit source ]

2009[edit | edit source ]

2010[edit | edit source ]

2011[edit | edit source ]

2012[edit | edit source ]

2013[edit | edit source ]

2014[edit | edit source ]

2015[edit | edit source ]

2016[edit | edit source ]

2017[edit | edit source ]

2018[edit | edit source ]

2019[edit | edit source ]

2020[edit | edit source ]

2022[edit | edit source ]

2024[edit | edit source ]

2025[edit | edit source ]

Columns and Editorials[edit | edit source ]

Meta non-articles[edit | edit source ]

In-Joke and Article Parodies[edit | edit source ]

Go eat shit fuckers.

Fisher Price[edit | edit source ]

Euroipods[edit | edit source ]

Dan Kwon[edit | edit source ]

I'm sensing a pattern here.

A wizard did it[edit | edit source ]

My sojourn[edit | edit source ]

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source ]

I don't consider these canonical, though they deserve listing.

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