The Zeroastrian religion, founded by the prophet Zimbara-bichki of Persia in 1267BC. He preached that everything is actually nothing, hence the moniker containing the word "zero". Some philosophers and theologians consider Zeroastriansm to be proto-nihilism, a claim which adherents militantly refute, each cleric being required to carry a military grade nail file.
Since nothing exists, nothing becomes meaningless because everything is within nothing. Consequently, everything exists. Existence is a crystalline object appearing to move in time.
The important thing to remember is don’t make them angry. They have Bat Fuck Howitzers, and they know how to use them.
Worldwide, as a Frankenstein Slave[edit | edit source ]
Dec isn't a name, but a code, a secret to be kept until Communism ruled the world and Sammie Davis Jr. escorted the plants back to Worldwide Mad Deadly Gangster headquarters in Mozambique. Bristling at the thought of a broom, Jakob and Heinrich plotted to inhibit gangster fornication in populations of serious mental incongruents. Those must be defeated, or a prolapse of yogurt may plethorate and ameliorate society and normal aishas for good!
"Eventual brain lobotomi-zation of the entire world population for the Worldwide Deadly Gangster Communist Computer God Overall Plan - an ideal worldwide population of light-skinned, low hopeless and helpless Jew-mulattos; the Communist "Black Wave" of the future."
~ FRANCIS E. DEC on something
See Also [edit | edit source ]
- Francis E. Dec
- Francis E Dec
- Religion
- Insanity
- Computer
- God
- Frankenstein Slavery
- Fart
- Christ
- Blondes
- Cheese is the worst
- Grandmaster Flash
- Grue
- Illogicopedia Pipeline
- Parroting puppet
- World-wide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Computer God
- Loonatic
- The chair is 10
- Filmore Peanuts
Other Francis E. Dec-related articles:
Playboy Scum-On-Top - Trained Parroting Puppet Assassins - World-wide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Computer God - Frankenstein Computer God - Hangman-rope Underling - Parroting puppet - Gangster Slaves - Carroting muppet - Nucleonic Power - Rape and sodomy - Zeroastrianism
External Link - The World-wide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Computer God