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Socialism is based on the theory that most people are not as big of assholes as the assholes who constantly bitch and whine about the societal ills of socialism. Most assholes will say something like "Socialism is based on the theory that people will want not to have careers and will leech off the government. Socialists are a bunch of liberal terrorists and slackers who reject capitalism because they fear it." Most often this is because they themselves would leech off the government the first chance they got while those of us who don't think that the rich should enjoy such items as lexuses, hummers, or 3rd vacation homes in the Alps work two jobs, 50 hours a week, so that the rich can profit from the hard work of Americans.

Some Douche Bag's Commentary[edit | edit source ]

Socialism is based on the theory that people will want not to have careers and will leech off the government. Socialists are a bunch of Liberal Terrorists and Slackers who reject Capitalism because they fear it. Socialists also are social to each other, and form groups of Hobos to keep company. Youth socialism is caused by Lesbians.

Most socialists argue that capitalism is evil because it was used by Elvis and causes a divide between the rich and the poor. Under socialism, everyone is poor, except for the members of the socialist party.

Sometimes Socialism turns into Communism after Grammar Nazis rise to power. Though most Socialists are Soccer fans who are unemployed, they tend to make their money off exploiting the rich.

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