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: us ISBN 9780849325557
Starch is an important ingredient for the food industry and researchers are making progress in discovering new details about its structure, functionality and impact on our health. Starch in Food reviews starch structure and functionality and the growing range of starch ingredients used to improve the nutritional and sensory quality of food.
Starch in Food begins by illustrating how plant starch can be analyzed and modified, with chapters on plant starch synthesis, starch bioengineering, and starch-acting enzymes. It examines the sources of starch, from wheat and potatoes to rice, corn, and tropical supplies. The book looks at modified starches and the stability of frozen foods, starch lipid interactions and starch-based microencapsulation. It covers starch as a functional food, investigating the impact of starch on physical and mental performance, detecting nutritional starch fractions, and analyzing starch digestion.
Starch in Food is an authoritative and indispensable reference, edited by a leader in the field with contributions from experts worldwide.
Analysing and Modifying Starch
Plant Starch Synthesis, J. Preiss
Introduction: Localization and Function of Starch in Plants
Starch synthesis: Enzyme Reactions in Plants and Algae and Glycogen Synthesis in Cyanobacteria
Properties of Plant Glucan Synthesizing Enzymes: ADP -glucose Pyrophosphorylase
Properties of Plant Glucan Synthesizing Enzymes: Starch Synthase
Properties of Plant Glucan Synthesizing Enzymes: Branching Enzymes
Initiation of Starch Synthesis Using a Glucosyl-protein
Locating Starch Synthesis in Plants: The Plastid
In Vivo Synthesis of Amylopectin
Regulating Starch Synthesis in Plants
Analyzing Starch Structure, E. Bertoft
Introduction: Characterizing Structures of Starch Granules
Fractionation of Starch
Analysis of Amylose
Analysis of Amylopectin Structure
Analysis of Intermediate Materials
Analysis of Chemically Modified Starches
Future Trends
Source of Further Information and Advice
Starch Bioengineering, A. Blennow
Introduction: The Importance of Starch
Technologies for Genetic Modification and Starch
Improving Starch Yield and Structure
Physical and Chemical Properties of Modified Starches
Functionality and Uses of Modified Starches in Food Processing
Ensuring Successful Modification of Starch
Future Trends
Starch-acting Enzymes, D.P. Butler and P.A.M. Steeneken
Introduction: The Importance of Enzymes
Using Enzymes to Modify Starch
Developing Starch-modifying Enzymes for Food
Processing Applications
Future Trends
Understanding Starch Structure and Functionality, A.M. Donald
Introduction: Overview of Packing at Different Length Scales
The Effect of Amylopectin Chain Architecture on Packing
Improving Packing within Starch Granules
The Gelatinisation Process
Food Processing: Implications of Starch Granule Structure
Conclusions and Future Trends
Sources of Further Information and Advice
Measuring Starch in Food, M. Peris-Tortajada
Sample Preparation
Methods of Analyzing Starch in Food
Determining Starch in Food: Recent Technological
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information and Advice
Sources of Starch
The Functionality of Wheat Starch, H. Cornell
Introduction: Manufacture of Wheat Starch for the Food Industry
Granular and Molecular Structure of Wheat Starch
Functionality of Wheat Starch: Granules, Films, and Pastes
Rheological Properties of Starch Pastes and Gels
Improving and Chemically Modifying Wheat Starch for Use in the Food Industry
Wheat Starch Syrups
Analysing Starch-based Products
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information and Advice
Developments in Potato Starches, W. Bergthaller
Components and Rheological Properties of Potato
Techniques for Producing Potato Starch
Improving the Functionality of Potato Starch
Future Trends
The Functionality of Rice Starch, J. Bao and C.J. Bergman
Rice Flour as a Food Ingredient
Constituents of Rice Starch
Structure and Functionality of Rice Starch
Gelatinization and the Structure of Rice Starch
Retrogradation and Other Properties of Rice Starch
Improving Rice Starch Functionality for Food
Processing Applications
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information and Advice
New Corn Starches, P.J. White and A. Tziotis
Introduction: The Use of Corn Starch on Food
Improving the Functionality of Corn Starch for Food Processing Applications: Natural Corn Endosperm Mutants
Chemically Modifying Corn Starches for Use in the Food Industry
Genetically Modifying Corn Starches for Use in the Food Industry
Sources of Further Information and Advice
Tropical Sources of Starch, S.N. Moorthy
Introduction: Tropical Sources of Starch
Characteristics and Properties of Cassava Starch
Characteristics and Properties of Sweet Potato Starch
Characteristics and Properties of Yam and Aroid
Characteristics and Properties of Minor Root
Modifying "Tropical" Starches for Use in the Food
Future Trends
Starch as an Ingredient: Manufacture and Applications, P. Murphy
Technical Data
Uses and Applications
Regulatory Status: European Label Declarations
Utilizing Starches in Product Development, T. Luallen
Components of Starch
Characteristics of Natural and Modified Starches
Methods of Starch Selection
Factors Affecting Starch in Food Products
Using the Functional Properties of Starch to Enhance Food Products
Modified Starches and the Stability of Frozen Foods, H.D. Goff
The Structure and Stability of Frozen Foods
The Role of Modified Starch in Stabilizing Frozen
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information and Advice
Starch-lipid Interactions and their Relevance in Food Products, A-C Eliasson and M. Wahlgren
The Structure and Properties of the Starch-lipid
Analysis of Starch: Lipids and Emulsifiers
The Effect of Lipids on Starch Behavior
Enzymatic Degradation of Amylase and Aroma Binding
Future Trends
Starch-based Microencapsulation, P. Forssel
Introduction: Using Microencapsulation in Food
Using Starch in Microencapsulation: Starch Hydrolysates, Derivatives, Polymers, and Granules
Starch-based Shell Matrices for Food Ingredients
Future Trends
Starch and Health
Developing Starch-based Functional Foods, V. Lang
Introduction: The Glycaemic Index (GI)
Characteristics and Properties of Starch and Starchy
Low GI Diets and their Associated Health Benefits.
Case Study: Low GI, High Slowly Digestible Starch Plain Biscuits, the EDP (long lasting energy) Range Developed by Danone Vitapole
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information and Advice
Starch, Physical and Mental Performance, F. Brouns and L. Dye
Physical Performance: Energy Requirements, Delivery, and Availability
Mental Performance: The Effects of Glucose
Mental Performance: The Effects of CHO and Glucose during the Day
Future Trends
Detecting Nutritional Starch Fractions, K. Englyst and H. Englyst
Methods of Determining RAG, SAG, and RS Fractions
Quality Control and Trouble Shooting
Carbohydrate Bioavailability Data for Selected Foods
Conclusion and Future Trends
Resistant starch, M. Champ
Effects of Resistant Starch on the Digestive System
Improving the Functional Effects of Resistant Starch
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information and Advice
Clinical Applications of Slowly Available Starch, R.E. Wachters-Hagedoorn
Starch and the Prevention of Hypo-and Hyperglycaemia
The Determinates of the Rate of Absorption of Starch Derived Glucose
Techniques for Monitoring Starch Digestion
Current Applications of Slowly Available Starch and the Prevention of Hyper-and Hypoglycaemia
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information and Advice
- 巻冊次
: uk ISBN 9781855737310
Starch is both a major component of plant foods and an important ingredient for the food industry. Starch in food reviews starch structure and functionality and the growing range of starch ingredients used to improve the nutritional and sensory quality of food.Part one illustrates how plant starch can be analysed and modified, with chapters on plant starch synthesis, starch bioengineering and starch-acting enzymes. Part two examines the sources of starch, from wheat and potato to rice, corn and tropical supplies. The third part of the book looks at starch as an ingredient and how it is used in the food industry. There are chapters on modified starches and the stability of frozen foods, starch-lipid interactions and starch-based microencapsulation. Part four covers starch as a functional food, investigating the impact of starch on physical and mental performance, detecting nutritional starch fractions and analysing starch digestion.Starch in food is a standard reference book for those working in the food industry.
- Part 1 Analysing and modifying starch: Plant starch synthesis
- Analysing starch structure
- Starch bioengineering
- Starch-acting enzymes
- Understanding starch structure and functionality
- Measuring starch in food. Part 2 Sources of starch: The functionality of wheat starch
- Developments in potato starches
- The functionality of rice starch
- New corn starches
- Tropical sources of starch. Part 3 Applications: Starch as an ingredient: Manufacture and applications
- Utilising starches in product development
- Modified starches and the stability of frozen foods
- Starch-lipid interactions and their relevance in food products
- Starch based microencapsulation. Part 4 Starch and health: Development of a range of industrialised cereal-based foodstuffs high in slowly digestible starch
- Starch, physical and mental performance
- Detecting nutritional starch fractions
- Resistant starch
- Analysing starch digestion.
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