McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

Upcoming Events

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Past Events

Fun with Physics — Sink or Float?
McGill Physics Outreach class geared for kids ~8-12.
November 1st and 14th, 2020, 11:00 (Eastern).
Sign-up here.
Scientific Revolutions Computing Hackathon
November 2-3, 2019, Mila - Quebec AI Institute
2nd Global 21cm Workshop
October 7th-9th, McGill University
Cosmology Research at McGill
Wednesday. September 11th, 2019
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)
Physics Matters
Auriane Canesse (McGill University) - The Secrets of Quantum Levitation: Superconductivity and its Application
Tuesday, June 4th 2019, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
Physics Matters
Mayank Singh (McGill University) - From Radioactivity to Quarks: The Evolution of Nuclear Physics
Tuesday, May 7th 2019, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
Physics Matters
Guilherme Franzmann (McGill University) - On the Nature of Time
Tuesday, April 9th 2019, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
Physics Matters
Tyler Enright (McGill University) - The Physics of Batteries and their Role in Future Technologies
Tuesday, March 12th 2019, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
Physics Matters
Megan Cowie (McGill University) - ‘Seeing’ atoms: Our world at the nanoscale
Tuesday, February 5th 2019, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
2018/19 Anna I. McPherson Lectures
Wendy Freedman
January 24th & 25th, 2019 [Poster]
Physics Matters
Vanessa Graber (McGill University) - Neutron Stars - Extraordinary Cosmic Laboratories
Thursday, December 13th 2018, 19:00
Room 204, McConnell Engineering Building.
Physics Matters
Hannah Wakeling (McGill University) - Why Does it (Anti-)Matter?
Thursday, November 15th 2018, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
2018 Scientific Revolutions Computing Hackathon
November 3-4, 2017, Phi Centre
Physics Matters
Marty Otto (McGill University) - Capturing Atomic Motion with the Worlds Fastest Cameras
Thursday, October 25th 2018, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
Physics Matters
Benjamin Dringoli (McGill University) - Unpacking Gravitational Waves: The Road to Discovery
Thursday, September 27th 2018, 19:00
W-215, Arts Building.
Physics Matters
William Witcak-Krempa (Université de Montréal) - Entanglement Matters
Thursday, April 5th 2018, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
Northeast Cosmology Workshop
March 16th-18th 2018
Boardroom, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling
Physics Matters
Shaun Lovejoy (McGill University) - Weather, Macroweather and Climate: Big and Small, Fast and Slow, Our Random Yet Predictable Atmosphere
Thursday, March 1st, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
Physics Matters
Aaron Dominguez (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) - Discovering the Truth in High Energy Physic
Thursday, February 8th 2018, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
2017/18 Anna I. McPherson Lectures
Alan Guth
January 18th & 19th, 2018 [Poster]
Physics Matters
Audrey Moores (McGill University) - How Green Chemistry Invents New Ways from Abundant Resources and Energies
Thursday, January 4th 2018, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
Physics Matters
Normand Mousseau (Université de Montréal) - Winning the War on Climate Change: Twelve Myths Debunked
Thursday, December 7th 2017, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
2017 Scientific Revolutions Computing Hackathon
November 4-5, 2017, Société des Arts et Technology
Physics Matters
Michael Hilke (McGill University) - The Beautiful Two-dimensional World: An Exploration of Flatworld
Thursday, November 2nd 2017, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
Physics Matters
Amy Szuchmacher Blum (McGill University) - Metamaterials: Going Beyond What Nature Gives Us
Thursday, October 5th 2017, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
Physics Matters
Robert Brandenberger (McGill University) - What Was Before The Big Bang - And How Might We Tell?
Thursday, September 7th 2017, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
3rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Canada
May 24-26, 2017, UQÀM [Poster]
McGill-Dartmouth Cosmology Day
May 25th 2017, ERP Boardroom (room 105)
Physics Matters
Qi Feng (McGill University) - Machine Learning and Crowdsourcing Made Easy for Physicists: Everybody Can Teach a Machine a Little Physics
Thursday, May 4th 2017, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
Physics Matters
Nicolas Cowan (McGill University) - Global Warming: We've Had This Coming For A Long Time
Thursday, April 6th 2017, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
2016/17 Anna I. McPherson Lectures
Rainer Weiss
March 9th & 10th, 2017 [Poster]
Journée Des Femmes en Sciences
March 7th, PK-1140, Pavillon Kennedy du Campus des Sciences de l'UQÀM [Poster]
Physics Matters
John Kildea (Medical Physics Unit, McGill University) - Cutting it Both Ways - Ionizing Radiation and Cancer
Thursday, March 2nd 2017, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
Physics Matters
Brian Watson (St. Lawrence University) - From N-Rays to Cold Fusion to NASA's EMDrive: A Tour of Pathological Science
Thursday, February 2nd 2017, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
Physics Matters
Alex Maloney - Black Holes, String Theory and Quantum Gravity
Thursday, January 5th 2017, 19:00
Keys Auditorium, Ernest Rutherford Physics Buidling.
2016 Scientific Revolutions Computing Hackathon
July 9-10, 2016, Société des Arts et Technology
AFM Summer School and Workshop
May 12-13 2016, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)
2nd Physics Matters Lecture
Thursday, April 7th 2016, 19:00, Keys Auditorium (room 112).
1st Physics Matters Lecture
Thursday, March 10th 2016, 19:00, Keys Auditorium (room 112).
The Happy Hours 2016
February 4th 2016, McGill's Department of Physics
2015/16 Anna I. McPherson Lectures
Alain Aspect
November 19th & 20th, 2015 [Poster]
Applications of AdS/CFT to QCD and condensed matter physics
October 19-23, 2015, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Universié de Montréal
AdS/CFT, self-adjoint extension and the resolution of cosmological singularities
July 6-10 2015, Centre de Recheches Mathematiques
The Neutron Star Radius, And All That Jazz (RADIUS15)
June 30 - July 2 2015, McGill University
Hard Probes 2015
June 29-July 3 2015, McGill University
Public Astro Night
Richard Léveillé: Modern Planetary Science: Exploring the Diversity of our Solar System
March 19th 2015, 19:00 [Poster]
2015 Beatty Public Lecture
Perspectives on the Search for Other Earths, Debra Fischer, Yale University
March 12th 2015 (McIntyre Medical Building, room 522) [Poster]
30th Public Astro Night
Howard Trottier: The Passion and Science of Amateur Astronomy: A Scientist's Diary
February 19th 2015, 19:00 [Poster]
Howard Trottier is the recipient of the 2014 Qilak award for Astronomy Communications, Public Education and Outreach
Note special venue: Timmins Auditorium, Montreal Neurological Institute (3801 rue University)
2015 CAP/Year of Light Lecture
Through the Optics of the Eye to a Window on the Brain, Melanie Campbell, University of Waterloo
February 18th 2015, 15:30, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103) [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Sébastien Guillot: Are we there yet? Climbing the rungs of the cosmic ladder
January 15th 2015, 19:00 [Poster]
Introduction to Programming
January 10 & 11 2015, 08:00-16:00, Trottier Building [Poster]
Livestream: Philae landing on 67P/CG
November 12th 2014, 09:00 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Laurens Keek: The X-ray sky: Black Holes and Neutron Stars
November 20th 2014, 19:00 [Poster]
2014/15 Anna I. McPherson Lectures
David Wineland
November 6th & 7th, 2014 [Poster]
Data Visualization by David Taylor
November 4th, 12:00-13:00 2014, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103) [Poster]
McGill Physics Open House
Sunday, October 26th 2014, 10:00-16:00 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
René Doyon: The quest for life outside the Solar System
October 16th 2014, 19:00 [Poster]
Department Reunion 2014
October 17th 2014, 16:30-18:30
Public Astro Night
Robert Ferdman: Discovering radio blips and blasts: from pulsars to fast radio burts
September 18th 2014, 19:30 [Poster]
Mini-Workshop on the bulk-to-boundary correspondence in AdS/CFT
August 6 - 8 2014, McGill University
Public Astro Night
Lyle Whyte: The Search for Little Green Bugs on Mars and Astrobiology
July 17th 2014, 20:30 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Jean-François Rajotte: Gamma-ray Astronomy: The Atmosphere as a 3D Display
June 19th 2014, 20:30 [Poster]
Saturday Morning Astronomy
Fun hands-on activities & observations of the Sun as part of Québec-wide 9th 24 heures de science, May 10th 2014, 10:00 [Poster]
Astro Kids Night
Fun hands-on activities & night-sky observations as part of Québec-wide 9th 24 heures de science, May 9th 2014, 20:00 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
R. Brandenberger, M. Dobbs, V. Kaspi: Inflation, The Big Bang and Gravitational Waves: A Panel Discussion on the Results of the BICEP2 Telescope
April 24th 2014, 20:00 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Marie-Michèle Limoges (U. de Montréal): La Cartographie de l'Univers à Travers les Âges (in french)
March 20th 2014, 19:00 [Poster]
Astro Kids Night
February 27th 2014, 18:30 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Gil Holder: Does this Dark Matter Make my Galaxy Look Fat?
February 20th 2014, 19:00 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Matt Dobbs: CHIME: a new Canadian radio telescope for mapping the Universe in 3D
January 16th 2014, 19:00 [Poster]
Canadian Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics
McGill University, January 10-12, 2014 [Poster]
2013/14 Anna I. McPherson Lectures
Andrea Ghez
November 21st & 22nd, 2013 [Poster]
Physics Homecoming 2013
October 18th 2013, 16:30-18:30
R.E. Bell Lecture: You Can't See Them, But They're EVERYWHERE!
Janet Conrad, MIT
Friday, October 25th 2013, 15:30 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Patrick Dufour: Tales from the Crypt: Autopsies of white dwarf stars reveal hidden secrets
October 17th, 2013, 19:00 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Duncan Hanson: The afterglow of the Big Bang
September 19th, 2013, 19:30 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Robert Rutledge: Black Holes: From A to Y
August 15th, 2013, 20:00 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Ryan Lynch: NANOGrav: Opening a New Frontier in Astronomy
July 18th, 2013, 20:30 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Gabrielle Simard: Neutrinos: Les messagers invisibles du Cosmos (in french)
June 20th, 2013, 20:30 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Andrew Cumming: In Search for New Worlds: the Diverse Properties of Exoplanets
May 23rd, 2013, 20:30 [Poster]
N=2 Jeometry And ApplicationZ workshop Part II
May 22-24, 2013, McGill University
Adventures in Superspace
April 19-20, 2013, McGill University
Public Astro Night
Yashar Hezaveh: Looking through the Largest Telescopes of the Universe
April 18th, 2013, 20:00 [Poster]
Telescopes of the Future & Astrophysics of Today
A Workshop in Honour of Lorne Trottier
April 18th 2013, 13:30-18:00, Thomson House, McGill University [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Amy Bender: The South Pole Telescope: Observing the Infant Universe from the End of the World
March 21st, 2013, 19:30 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Robert Brandenberger: What was before the Big Bang?
February 21st, 2013, 19:00 [Poster]
2012/13 Anna I. McPherson Lectures
Brian Schmidt, Nobel Laureate
January 31st & February 1st, 2013 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Michel Burelle: The Space Race: Venturing out of the cradle, on the Wings of Apollo
January 17th, 2013, 19:00 [Poster]
Public Astro Night
Stephen Ng: Cosmic Fireworks: Supernova Explosions and Their Aftermaths
November 15th, 2012, 19:00
Searching for Cosmic Strings in New Observational Windows
October 26-28, 2012, McGill University
Public Astro Night
Tracy Webb: All the Colours the Eye Can't See: studying the universe with different kinds of light
October 18th, 2012, 19:00
Physics Cocktail Reception
October 12th, 2012, 16:00-18:00
Summer School in Computational Materials Science
July 9-13, 2012, McGill University
A symposium on contemporary subatomic physics
June 12-14, 2012, McGill University
2012 JET Summer School
June 16-18, 2012, McGill University
N=2 Jeometry And ApplicationZ workshop
June 20-22, 2012, McGill University
McGill-CSA Space Day
March 1st, 9:00-16:00, Faculty Club Ballroom
49th Winter Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference
Tremblant, February 23-26, 2012
GIG1 - Entrepeneurship, Science-based
Starting January 18th, 2012
GIG2 - Science students on the move
Starting January 16th, 2012
Northeast Cosmology Workshop
September 30th - October 2nd, 2011
Holography and Universality of Black Holes, Part Deux
September 9th-11th, 2011
Dark Matter From Every Direction
April 1st-3rd, 2011, Ernest Rutherford Physics Building
CPM's 20th anniversary
November 5th, 2010, Ernest Rutherford Physics Building
Cosmological Backreaction Workshop
October 31st-November 1st, 2010, McGill University
2010/11 Anna I. McPherson Lecture [Poster]
Jack Szostak, October 13th, 2010
NT10: 11th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes
June 27th-July 2nd, 2010, Montréal
Strong and Electroweak Matter 2010
June 29th-July 2nd, 2010, McGill University
Graphene Satellite Symposium 2010
June 27th-28th, 2010, Montréal
AdS/CFT: Condensed Matter, Holographic QCD and Fluid Mechanics
June 25th-27th,2010, McGill University
Hands-on Summer School on Advanced AFM Techniques and International Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Conductive AFM
June 1st-4th, 2010, Montréal
2nd Holographic Cosmology Worskhop
May 10th-11th, 2010, Montréal
2009/10 Anna I. McPherson Lectures [Poster]
David Gross, March 25th and 26th, 2010
APS plaques unveiling
November 30th, 16:00, Keys Auditorium (ERP room 112)
Black Holes Sing [Poster]
Janna Levin , Barnard College, Columbia University
Thursday, November 12th 2009, 18:45, Frank Dawson Adams Auditorium
Workshop on Holography and Universality of Black Holes
November 6th-8th, Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)
The Origin of the Universe and the Arrow of Time [Poster]
Sean Carroll, Caltech
Monday, October 19th 2009, 18:00, Stephen Leacock Building, room 132
Workshop on Holographic Cosmology
October 2nd-4th 2009, McGill University
Origins and Aliens: The Search for Other Earths [Poster]
Sarah Seager, MIT
Monday, September 21st 2009
Feynman's Broader Impact [Poster]
Doug Osheroff, Stanford University
Monday, September 14th 2009, 15:30
Understanding the Columbia Accident [Poster]
Doug Osheroff, Stanford University
Friday, September 11th 2009, 16:30
Workshop: Next Generation X-ray Sources
Friday, May 1, 2009, McGill University
Rutherford's Nobel Prize Celebration
Rutherford: Canada's First Nobel Laureate [PDF]
John Campbell, University of Canterbury
Wednesday, October 22nd 2008, 17:30
2008/09 Anna I. McPherson Public Lecture
The LHC: the world's most powerful microscope and telescope [PDF]
John Ellis, CERN
Thursday, October 23rd 2008, 18:00
2008/09 Anna I. McPherson Scientific Lecture
What may we expect from the LHC? [PDF]
John Ellis, CERN
Friday, October 24th 2008, 15:30
AdS/CFT, Condensed Matter and QCD
October 3rd-5th 2008, McGill
McGill Speaker Series: Carl Wieman
September 24th and 25th, 2008 [PDF]
Co-sponsored with T-Pulse
Large Hadron Collider Start-up Event
Wednesday, September 10th 2008, Ernest Rutherford Physics Bldg
Eighth Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information
Université de Montréal, June 9-13, 2008
The Fifth Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Research Symposium
Thomson House, April 3rd-4th 2008
R.E. Bell Lecture: QCD, strings and black holes: A duality between gravity and field theory
Juan Maldacena, Institute for Advanced Study
Friday, March 28th
2007/08 Anna I. McPherson Lectures
George Smoot
February 14th and 15th (Poster [PDF])
Speaker Series: Eric Mazur
Confessions of a converted lecturer
Wednesday, January 16th 2008, 16:00
Wrapping light around a hair
Thursday, January 17th 2008, 16:00
Sponsors: Department of Physics, T-Pulse and Teaching and Learning Services
Organizational Meeting for Quebec Synchrotron Users
Montréal, November 10th, 2007
40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars, and More
Montréal, August 12th-17th, 2007
Graduate Physics Conference Canada America Mexico (CAM) 2007
Montréal, August 9th-11th, 2007
Early Time Dynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions
Montréal, July 16th-19th, 2007
Monte Carlo Techniques in Radiotherapy Delivery and Verification: Third McGill International Workshop
Montréal, May 29th-June 1st, 2007
International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensors
Montréal, May 27th-30th 2007
40th Anniversary Reunion of the 1967 Honours Physics Class
My Adventures in Photonic Crystals
Eli Yablonovitch, UCLA
Tuesday, May 15th 2007, 14:00
M-Theory: A “Theory of Everything” Confronts the Real World
Burt Ovrut, University of Pennsylvania
Tuesday, May 15th 2007, 15:30
The Fourth Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Research Symposium
March 29-30 2007, Thomson House
2006/2007 Anna I. McPherson Lectures
Wolfgang Ketterle
March 1st and 2nd 2007
The Lorne Trottier Public Science Symposium Series
A cosmic coincidence: Why is the universe just right for life?
Thursday, January 25th, 2007, 17:00
Special Seminar: Why is general relativity a geometric theory?
Harvey R. Brown
Friday, November 10th 2006, 12:00
Public Lecture: The Uncanny Physics of Superhero Comic Books
James Kakalios
Thursday, November 9th 2006, 18:00
September 25th-28th 2006
In Heaven and on Earth 2006
Montréal, July 5-7th 2006
Mini-Beatty Lectures 2005/2006
Robert Kirshner
March 30th and 31st 2006
The Unwritten Letters of Mileva and Albert Einstein
Werner and Inge Israel
Thursday, January 26th 2006, 18:00
Poster [PDF]
Mini-Beatty Lectures 2005/2006
Roger Blandford
January 5th and 6th 2006
Department's Christmas Party 2005
2005/2006 Anna I. McPherson Lectures
Brian Greene
Monday, November 21st 2005
Dean Martin Roast
Friday, May 6th, 2005
Workshop String Gas Cosmology
April 30 - May 1, 2005
Subal Das Gupta Festschrift and 2004 Robert E. Bell Lecture
Saturday, December 4th 2004
2004/2005 Anna I. McPherson Lectures
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
October 14th and 15th, 2004
2003/2004 Anna I. McPherson Lectures
Joseph Taylor
January 8th and 9th, 2004
Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference (CUPC)
October 30-November 1, 2003
Topics in Heavy Ion Collisions
June 25-28, 2003
McGill Workshop on Advanced Materials for Nano-Science and Nano-Technology
October 4-6, 2002
NC-AFM 2002: 5th International Conference on Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
August 11-14, 2002

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