McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

Brief history of Physics at McGill

1813 Upon his death, Montreal fur trader, merchant, and civic leader James McGill bequeathes his 46-acre estate, Burnside Place, to the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning to found "an English college on a liberal scale" McGill College.
1821 Royal Charter granted to the University as McGill College.
1829 First classes start at McGill in the Faculty of Medicine.
1843 First classes start in the Faculty of Arts.
1854 Department of Natural Philosophy and Mathematics established in Faculty of Arts.
1864 Honours in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy program established.
1891 Department of Physics established in split of Department of Natural Philosophy and Mathematics. Wealthy philanthropist Sir William Macdonald provides funding for a Physics Building, and for the creation of the Macdonald Chair in Physics. John Cox named the first Macdonald Professor of Physics.
1893 Opening of the Macdonald Physics Building, and creation of a second Macdonald Chair in Physics. Establishment of the M.Sc. program in physics.
1898 Ernest Rutherford arrives in the Department of Physics as Macdonald Professor of Physics. During his time at McGill, from 1898 to 1907, Rutherford establishes a McGill tradition for excellent research in Physics.
1908 Nobel Prize for Chemistry to Ernest Rutherford for research on radioactivity carried out at McGill.
1911 First Ph.D. granted in physics to Robert Boyle.
1928 An important milestone was passed when Laura Rowles (née Chalk) was the first woman to obtain a Ph.D. in physics from McGill University. Dr. Rowles died in 1996.
1946 Construction of the Radiation Laboratory with the McGill 100 MeV cyclotron, the second largest in the world at the time and Canada's first. Theoretical physics starts with P. R. Wallace in the Department of Mathematics.
1949 McGill Cyclotron is fully commissioned and accelerates protons up to 100 MeV energy.
1950 The Eaton Electronics Research Laboratory, named for benefactor Lady Eaton, opens adjacent to the Radiation Laboratory.
1955 Creation of the Rutherford Chair in Physics.
1961 A new form of radioactivity - delayed proton emission - is discovered by Professor R. E. Bell and his student R. Barton, at the Radiation Laboratory.
1963 Theoretical Physics transferred from the Department of Mathematics to the Department of Physics.
1964 The Radiation Laboratory is renamed the J.S. Foster Radiation Laboratory in honour of J.S. Foster, Department Chair from 1952 to 1955.
1968 The Radar Weather Observatory is established at the Macdonald Campus in Ste. Anne.
1971 Formation of the Canadian Institute for Particle Physics with, as first chairman, B. Margolis of the McGill Department of Physics.
1977 The Ernest Rutherford Physics Building opens adjacent to the Foster Radiation Laboratory.
1982 Successful fabrication of amorphous metal strips.
1983 The McPherson Lecture Series is established to honour Anna McPherson, the department's first woman professor (1940-1970), and a generous benefactor.
1987 Discovery of mixing in neutral mesons by members of the ARGUS experimental collaboration.
1989 Creation of the McGill Centre for the Physics of Materials.
1994 First experimental evidence for the mass of the top quark announced by members of the CDF collaboration.
2006 McGill astrophysics group discovers the fastest spinning pulsar known.
2009 McGill Physics alumnus Willard S. Boyle (BSc'47, MSc'48, PhD'50) shares the Nobel Prize in Physics, for his developing of an imaging semiconductor circuit, the CCD.
2012 As members of the ATLAS Collaboration using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, McGill experimental particle physicists participate in the discovery of a new particle consistent with the long-sought Higgs boson.

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