1. AlN Bulk Crystals and Templates
2. Growth and Properties of AlGaN Heterostructures
3. BN Growth and Fundamental Properties
4. Growth and Properties of Oxides (Ga2O3 etc.) and Diamond
5. UV-emitters (Lasers and LEDs) and Detectors
6. Nanostructures and Nanodevices
7. UV Photonics and Photonic Devices
8. Wide-gap Heterostructure Physics
9. UV Characterization Techniques
IWUMD 2022 Secretariat
Genicom Co., Ltd. 273, Baeul 1-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34036, Korea
Tel: +82-42-472-7460 Fax.: +82-42-472-7459
E-mail: iwumd2020@iwumd2020.org
Organized by Korea Society of LEDs and Optoelectronics(KSLOE)
Name of Representative: 백종협
Business Registration Number: 730-82-00072 / 583, Yangcheon-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
https://ksloe.org/html/ Tel: 010-9265-3313 E-mail: ksloe@naver.com