What is Asia Training Center for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Regulatory Affairs?
On the basis of "PMDA International Strategic Plan 2015", published in June 2015 by PMDA, "Asia Training Center for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Regulatory Affairs (PMDA-ATC)" was established on April 1, 2016.
This Training Center will provide the training for regulators in Asia in response to the demands made by them by making use of the accumulated knowledge and experiences of PMDA. The content of the training will include basic lectures on information necessary to build regulatory capacity in each country/region, such as benefit/risk evaluation of the medical products and post-marketing safety measures.
Besides, the Center will provide the programs such as on-site mock inspection in cooperation with actual manufacturing facilities.
Announcement of the Trainings/Seminars will be posted on the Symposia/Workshop site.
PMDA will, through the Center, contribute to enhancement and mutual understanding of regulations, and strengthening of cooperation in Asia and other parts of the world.
Please refer to the achievement of fiscal year 2021 here in the digital book.
Seminar Schedule
Training Materials
Business description of PMDA-ATC