
This page shows explanations and notices about Japanese pension system and pamphlets in various languages.

You may download this leaflet in Japanese which explains about this page.


日本(にほん)社会保険(しゃかいほけん)/Japanese Social Insurance Systems


The Japanese public pension system is designed based on the idea that all people support each other when we become old, when we have a disability due to an accident or illness, or when the income earner of our family dies.
We would like you to watch this video to learn about the public pension system and the necessary procedures.

言葉(ことば)(えら)んで説明(せつめい)()む/Pamphlets in Various Languages

社会保障協定(しゃかいほしょうきょうてい)/International Social Security Agreement

相談(そうだん)できる場所(ばしょ)/Where to consult

いつもの言葉(ことば)相談(そうだん)できます(通訳(つうやく)サービス)/Interpretation Service for Pension Consultation

日本年金機構(にっぽんねんきんきこう)とは/About Japan Pension Service

関連(かんれん)サイト/Related Sites

出入国(しゅつにゅうこく)在留(ざいりゅう)管理庁(かんりちょう)/Immigration Services Agency

外国人(がいこくじん)生活支援(せいかつしえん)ポータルサイト/A Daily Life Support Portal for Foreign Nationals