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Research Projects

JILPT conducts comprehensive research on labor policies as the Research Projects, Requested Research, and Urgent Surveys as follows.

Research Projects

JILPT‘s Research Project is conducted according to the themes set forth every five years—currently, six main themes and twelve subthemes—for the purpose of understanding and analyzing the actual conditions of medium and long term labor policy issues facing Japan, with data accumulated over a long period of time. It is planned based on the direction of medium and long term policies on labor administration, and the implications are provided to policy makers and other parties involved. Taking into account changes in the environment surrounding the labor market, and flexibly responding to changes in research needs, JILPT operates the project with the participation of experts in a wide range of the field, both inside and outside of the09 institute, throughout the Mid-term Plan for research operations that is the objectives to be achieved by JILPT as an incorporated administrative agency.


1. Research on labor market and safety net

The impact of the pandemic of infectious diseases has brought to light anew issues such as disparities among forms of employment, occupations, and gender as those facing the labor market in Japan. This project study will present policy implications for the study of how to build a labor market where workers can work safely and securely while enhancing their wellbeing, which contribute to discussions on a safety net based on improving the quality of employment and work, ensuring health and improving the working environment, correcting disparities, as well as verification of effectiveness of such efforts.

2. Research on career development support and occupational structure

This project will present effective career development support and counseling methods that meet the needs and challenges of the job counseling field as well as job seekers and job applicants in the age of digitalization, such as proactive career development support throughout life, effective job matching and counseling to promote labor mobility of those who wish to change jobs and labor participation of those who have difficulties in finding work, and the maintenance of vocational information and development of support tools.

3. Research on human resource development and technological innovation

Amid rapid technological innovation and changes in industrial structure and supply-demand structure of labor force, there is a need for systematic restructuring of vocational education and training including the establishment of vocational ability evaluation systems and expansion of recurrent education. This project will identify and analyze diverse needs for upgrading vocational skills, and present policy implications for discussions on vocational development infrastructure and human resource development in new industrial fields.

4. Research on diverse human resources and their activities

In Japan's labor market, where the birthrate is declining and the population is aging and shrinking, there is a need for a system that enables diverse human resources, including the elderly, youth, women, and foreign workers, to demonstrate their abilities and play an active role. This project will identify, analyze, and present policy implications for issues such as employment and social contribution activities by the elderly, changes in the work styles of young people, disparities between genders and forms of employment, and improvements in the treatment of non-regular workers.

5. Research on diverse work styles and their personnel treatment

The aging of society and the declining birthrate, as well as changes in industrial and social structures due to technological innovation, have transformed corporate behavior, and individuals are increasingly choosing flexible work styles over traditional work styles with limited working hours and locations. This project will add perspectives on flexible work styles, such as telework and dual/secondary employment, to the traditional themes of working hours, wages, and balancing work and childcare/nursing care, to identify issues faced by both companies and workers and present policy implications that contribute to the realization of a work-life balance.

6. Research on diverse work styles and work rules

Flexible patterns of work not restricted by traditional forms of employment by using digital technology are expanding in line with the progress of technological innovation. New concept of "worker" that differ from conventional employment and labor relations are also emerging, and dealing with workers who are not protected by the current legal system has become an issue. This project aims to grasp the actual situation through international comparisons, of the transformation of the concept of worker and labor-management relations in diverse and flexible work styles, to identify issues in labor law and policy and to present policy implications appropriate for the new era.

Requested Research

Based on requests from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) on a fiscal year basis, JILPT conducts labor policy researches on new policy issues of high importance. The Requested Research aims at providing objective, high-quality evidence in the field surrounding the policy issue under study and contributing to the planning and consideration of labor policy making.

Urgent Surveys

To identify urgent policy needs of the MHLW on a quarterly basis, JILPT conducts urgent surveys and compiles the results promptly and accurately, with the researchers who are most closely related to the theme in the institute.

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