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ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2022年1月14日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s)://www.jica.go.jp/jica-ri/publication/workingpaper/index.html ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。



JICA Ogata Research Institute


Working Papers

These Papers are scientific papers that report findings from JICA Ogata Research Institute ongoing or completed research, published with approval of the in-house review committee.

227 Publication(s) Found.

No.227 Gender Income Gap Among Cambodian Farmers: The Effects of Formal Credit Usage

Vichet Sam

Publishing date:December, 2021
Related Region:Asia
Research Clusters:Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
Abstract:The purpose of this article is to analyze the determinants of the gender income gap among farmers in...

No.226 The Importance of Farm Management Training for the African Rice Green Revolution: Experimental Evidence from Rainfed Lowland Areas in Mozambique

Kajisa Kei, Trang Thu Vu

Publishing date:December, 2021
Related Region:Africa
Research Clusters:Development Cooperation Strategies
Abstract:There remains an unsettled question regarding the achievement of the African rice Green Revolution (...

No.225 From Project to Outcome: the Case of the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory in Indonesia

Kawanishi Masato, Nela Anjani Lubis, Ueda Hiroyuki, Morizane Junko, Fujikura Ryo

Publishing date:December, 2021
Related Region:Asia
Research Clusters:Global Environment
Abstract:This study analyzes how and under what conditions technical cooperation may generate larger effects ...

No.224 Impact of Interest Rate Cap Policies on the Lending Behavior of Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from Millions of Observations in the Credit Registry Database

Aiba Daiju 、Sovannroeun Samreth、Sothearoath Oeur、Vanndy Vat

Publishing date:October, 2021

No.223 Evaluating the Robustness of Project Performance Under Deep Uncertainty of Climate Change: A Case Study of Irrigation Development in Kenya

Narita Daiju 、Sato Ichiro 、Ogawada Daikichi 、Matsumura Akiko

Publishing date:August, 2021

No.222 Strengthening Teacher Support for Students to Improve Math Learning: Empirical Evidence on a Structured Pedagogy Program in El Salvador

Maruyama Takao

Publishing date:July, 2021

No.221 Investments in Flood Protection: Trends in Flood Damage and Protection in Growing Asian Economies

Ishiwatari Mikio 、Sasaki Daisuke

Publishing date:May, 2021

No.220 An Inquiry into the Process of Upgrading Rice Milling Service: The Case of Mwea Irrigation Scheme in Kenya

Mano Yukichi 、Timothy Njagi Njeru、Otsuka Keijiro

Publishing date:March, 2021

No.219 Impacts of the Interest Rate Ceiling on Microfinance Sector in Cambodia: Evidence from a Household Survey

Sovannroeun Samreth、Aiba Daiju、Sothearoath Oeur 、Vanndy Vat

Publishing date:March, 2021

No.218 Resilience against the Pandemic: the Impact of COVID-19 on Migration and Household Welfare in Tajikistan

Shimizutani Satoshi、Yamada Eiji

Publishing date:January, 2021

No.217 Developing Textbooks to Improve Student Math Learning: Empirical Evidence from El Salvador

Maruyama Takao、Kurosaki Takashi

Publishing date:January, 2021

No.216 Microfinance Competition and Multiple Borrowing: Evidence Using Panel Data from Bangladesh

Minhaj Mahmud、Sawada Yasuyuki、Tanaka Mari

Publishing date:January, 2021

No.215 A Quest for Learning and Beyond: Aiming at Second Chance Education in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Sachiko G. Kamidohzono、Iyas Salim Abu-Hajiar

Publishing date:September, 2020

No.214 Monetary Policy Spillover Into a Developing Country When the US Federal Fund Rate Rises: Evidence on a Bank Lending Channel

Aiba Daiju、

Publishing date:July, 2020

No.213 The Local Economic Competitiveness of Rural Hometowns for Overseas Remittances-Induced Investments: Two Case Studies from the Philippines

Alvin P. Ang、Jeremaiah M. Opiniano

Publishing date:July, 2020

No.212 Are the Operations of Microfinance Institutions Different Across Countries? A Comparative Analysis of Cambodia and the Philippines Using DEA and PCA

Aiba Daiju 、Okuda Hidenobu

Publishing date:March, 2020

No.211 A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis of Air Pollution in China

Yamada Eiji

Publishing date:March, 2020

No.210 Help-seeking Pathways and Barriers of GBV Survivors in South Sudanese Refugee Settlements in Uganda

Kawaguchi Chigumi

Publishing date:March, 2020

No.209 Remittance Investment Climate Analysis: Framework and Methods to Ascertain the Local Development Potential of Overseas Remittances

Jeremaiah M. Opiniano、Alvin P. Ang

Publishing date:March, 2020

No.208 The Cost Efficiency of Cambodian Commercial Banks: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis

Okuda Hidenobu、Aiba Daiju

Publishing date:March, 2020

No.207 Heterogeneous Effects of Urban Public Transportation on Employment by Gender: Evidence from the Delhi Metro

Seki Mai、Yamada Eiji

Publishing date:March, 2020

No.206 Integrative Economic Evaluation of an Infrastructure Project as a Measure for Climate Change Adaptation: A Case Study of Irrigation Development in Kenya

Daiju Narita、Ichiro Sato、Daikichi Ogawada、Akiko Matsumura

Publishing date:March, 2020

No.205 The Variety of People in Refugee Settlements, Gender and GBV: The Case of South Sudanese Refugees in Northern Uganda

Tobinai Yuko

Publishing date:March, 2020

No.204 Does Learning the Social Model Improve Behavior towards Persons with Disabilities? A Randomized Experiment for Taxi Drivers in South Africa

Igei Kengo

Publishing date:March, 2020

No.203 Prospects of Integrating Biodiversity Offsets in Japan’s Cooperation Projects: A Review of Experience from Developing Countries

Kamijo Tetsuya

Publishing date:March, 2020

No.202 Bridging the Gaps in Infrastructure Investment for Flood Protection in Asia

Ishiwatari Mikio、Sasaki Daisuke

Publishing date:February, 2020

No.201 Personal Determinants of Volunteering for Former International Volunteers: A Case of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers

Onuki Mayuko、Yuzhi Xiao

Publishing date:February, 2020

No.200 Economic Viability of Large-scale Irrigation Construction in 21st Century Sub-Saharan Africa: Centering around an Estimation of the Construction Costs of the Mwea Irrigation Scheme in Kenya

Kikuchi Masao、Mano Yukichi、Timothy Njagi Njeru、Douglas J. Merrey、Otsuka Keijiro

Publishing date:January, 2020

No.199 Barriers to Public Pension Program Participation in a Developing Country

Tomoaki Tanaka、Junichi Yamasaki、Yasuyuki Sawada、Khaliun Dovchinsuren

Publishing date:December, 2019

No.198 The Role of Emerging Donors in the Transformation of Traditional Donor Recipient Relationships: The Case of China in Myanmar

Yasutami Shimomura

Publishing date:December, 2019

No.197 Payment Dollarization and Foreign Exchange Market Development in Cambodia: The Role of Money Changers

Koji Kubo、Vichet Sam、Yuthan Chea

Publishing date:October, 2019

No.196 Technology Adoption, Impact, and Extension in Developing Countries’ Agriculture: A Review of the Recent Literature

Kazushi Takahashi、Rie Muraoka、Keijiro Otsuka

Publishing date:October, 2019

No.195 Continuing Global Fertility Convergence

Yoko Nakagaki

Publishing date:October, 2019

No.194 International Power Structure and Strategic Motivations: Democracy Support from Japan and Indonesia

Maiko Ichihara

Publishing date:August, 2019

No.193 The Impact of Microcredit on Agricultural Technology Adoption and Productivity: Evidence from Randomized Control Trial in Tanzania

Yuko Nakano、Eustadius F. Magezi

Publishing date:June, 2019

No.192 Obtaining a Second Chance Education in Post-conflict Rwanda: Motivations and Paths

Miho Taka

Publishing date:March, 2019

No.191 Estimating Social Infrastructure Demand: The Case of Japan

Fumiaki Ishizuka、Tsuyoshi Hara、Yu Namba、Koki Hirota

Publishing date:March, 2019

No.190 Willingness to Pay for Mortality Risk Reduction from Air Quality Improvement: Evidence from Urban Bangladesh

Minhaj Mahmud、Yasuyuki Sawada、Eiji Yamada

Publishing date:March, 2019

No.189 Effects on Consumer Attitudes of Appeal Information of Ethical Products

Akiko Masuda、Hiroaki Ishii、Naoto Onzo

Publishing date:March, 2019

No.188 Second Chance Education in Northern Uganda: Pathways and Motivation

Marion MacLellan

Publishing date:March, 2019

No.187 A Second Chance for Education: Examining the Roles of Education in Conflict and Peace based on Life Stories from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mari Katayanagi

Publishing date:March, 2019

No.186 Humanitarian Crises and the Rise of the Rest: The Future of Humanitarianism from the Perspective of Four Latin American Emerging Countries

Oscar A. Gómez

Publishing date:March, 2019

No.185 Currency Choice in Domestic Transactions by Cambodian Households: The Importance of Transaction Size and Network Externalities

Ken Odajima、Daiju Aiba、Vouthy Khou

Publishing date:March, 2019

No.184 Japan’s Foreign Aid and ‘Quality’ Infrastructure Projects: The Case of the Bullet Train in India

Purnendra Jain

Publishing date:March, 2019

No.183 Determinants of the EIA Report Quality for Development Cooperation Projects: Effects of Alternatives and Public Involvement

Tetsuya Kamijo、Guangwei Huang

Publishing date:February, 2019

No.182 Second-chance Education in Post-conflict Timor-Leste: Youth and Adult Learners’ Motives, Experiences and Circumstances

Taro Komatsu

Publishing date:January, 2019

No.181 The Impact of Migration and Remittances on Labor Supply in Tajikistan

Enerelt Murakami、Eiji Yamada、Erica Sioson

Publishing date:January, 2019

No.180 Variety of Middle-Income Donors: Comparing Foreign Aid Approaches by Thailand and Indonesia

Jin Sato、Awidya Santikajaya

Publishing date:January, 2019

No.179 Critical Factors for Success among Social Enterprises in India

Katsuo Matsumoto

Publishing date:December, 2018

No.178 Does Social Capital Encourage Disaster Evacuation? Evidence from a Cyclone in Bangladesh

Masahiro Shoji、Akira Murata

Publishing date:November, 2018

No.177 Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development Cooperation Projects through the Application of Mitigation Hierarchy and Green Infrastructure Approaches

Tetsuya Kamijo

Publishing date:September, 2018

No.176 Capacity Development in Environmental Management Administration through Raising Public Awareness: A Case Study in Algeria

Mitsuo Yoshida

Publishing date:August, 2018

No.175 Sexual Exploitation of Trafficked Children: Evidence from Bangladesh

Masahiro Shoji、Kenmei Tsubota

Publishing date:June, 2018

No.174 Spillovers as a Driver to Reduce Ex-post Inequality Generated by Randomized Experiments: Evidence from an Agricultural Training Intervention

Kazushi Takahashi、Yukichi Mano、Keijiro Otsuka

Publishing date:June, 2018

No.173 Impacts of Kaizen Management on Workers: Evidence from Central America and the Caribbean Region

Go Shimada、Tetsushi Sonobe

Publishing date:June, 2018

No.172 Managing International Cooperation Projects for Organizational Capacity Development: A Design-Focused Case Study of the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology

Michael Barzelay、Masakatsu Okumoto、Hideki Watanabe

Publishing date:March, 2018

No.171 Safety and Security Management for International Volunteers: A Case Study of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers in Colombia during the War on Drugs

Kumiko Kawachi

Publishing date:March, 2018

No.170 Japan’s Experience of Creating Innovation for Smart Cities: Implications for Public Policy for Urban Sustainability

Masaru Yarime

Publishing date:March, 2018

No.169 A ‘Local’ Response to Peacebuilding Efforts in Timor-Leste

Yukako Sakabe Tanaka

Publishing date:March, 2018

No.168 Were the Adverse Effects of Disability on Employment Mitigated during 2002-2015 in South Africa?: A Pseudo-Panel Approach

Kengo Igei

Publishing date:March, 2018

No.167 Stagnation of Integration in Aid Administration in South Africa —Choices Between Norms, Interests and Power Balance—

Hisahiro Kondoh

Publishing date:March, 2018

No.166 Enlightening Communities and Parents for Improving Student Learning Evidence from Randomized Experiment in Niger

Eiji Kozuka

Publishing date:March, 2018

No.165 Inverse J-Shaped Relationship between Fertility and Gender Equality: Different Relationships of the Two Variables According to Income Levels

Yoko Nakagaki

Publishing date:March, 2018

No.164 Measuring the Competencies of International Volunteers: Key Competencies of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and their Perceived Achievements and Outcomes

Mayuko Onuki

Publishing date:March, 2018

No.163 Technical Efficiency of Public and Private Hospitals in Vietnam: Do Market-Oriented Policies Matter?

Hideaki Kitaki

Publishing date:March, 2018

No.162 The Hearts, Minds, and Sentiments: The Volunteers Program in the Immunization Program in Bangladesh and the Chagas Diseases Control Project of Honduras

Naoko Ueda

Publishing date:March, 2018

No.161 Long-term and Spillover Effects of Rice Production Training in Uganda

Yoko Kijima

Publishing date:February, 2018

No.160 Determinants of Firms’ Capital Structure Decisions in Highly Dollarized Economies: Evidence from Cambodia

Hidenobu Okuda、Daiju Aiba

Publishing date:January, 2018

No.159 Teacher and Parental Perspectives of Barriers for Inclusive and Quality Education in Mongolia

Yuriko Kameyama、Kazuo Kuroda、Yuji Utsumi、Yuka Hosoi

Publishing date:December, 2017

No.158 What Motivates Japan’s International Volunteers? Categorizing Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCVs)

Yasunobu Okabe、Sakiko Shiratori、Kazuya Suda

Publishing date:December, 2017

No.157 Contract Farming, Farm Mechanization, and Agricultural Intensification: The Case of Rice Farming in Cote d’Ivoire

Yukichi Y. Mano、Kazushi Takahashi、 Keijiro Otsuka

Publishing date:November, 2017

No.156 Individualized Self-learning Program to Improve Primary Education: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in Bangladesh

Yasuyuki Sawada、Minhaj Mahmud、Mai Seki、An Le、Hikaru Kawarazaki

Publishing date:October, 2017

No.155 A New Perspective on Conflict Resolution in Asia: Integration of Peace and Development for the Philippines

Sachiko Ishikawa

Publishing date:June, 2017

No.154 Women Empowerment in Bangladesh: Household Decisions under Development of Non-Farm Sectors and Microfinance Institutions

Minhaj Mahmud、Keijiro Otsuka、Yasuyuki Sawada、Mari Tanaka 、Tomomi Tanaka

Publishing date:June, 2017

No.153 Impact of Universal Primary Education Policy on Out of School Children in Uganda

Kamal Lamichhane 、Takahiro Tsujimoto

Publishing date:April, 2017

No.152 Managing International Cooperation for Organizational Capacity Development: Setting a Conceptual Foundation for Case Study Research and its Utilization

Michael Barzelay、Masakatsu Okumoto、 Hideki Watanabe

Publishing date:March, 2017

No.151 Breaking the Poverty Trap: A Psychological Framework for Facilitating Autonomous Motivation and Sustainable Behavioral Change in Development Aid Beneficiaries

Nobuo R. Sayanagi

Publishing date:March, 2017

No.150 Policy Measures for Mitigating Fine Particle Pollution in Korea and Suggestions for Expediting International Dialogue in East Asia

Changsub Shim

Publishing date:March, 2017

No.149 The Discourse of Japanese Development Assistance and the Scaling-up of Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) in Ghana

Kweku Ampiah

Publishing date:March, 2017

No.148 Implications for Teacher Training and Support for Inclusive Education in Cambodia: An Empirical Case Study in a Developing Country

KURODA, Kazuo、Diana Kartika、Yuto Kitamura

Publishing date:March, 2017

No.147 Can Efficient Provision of Business Development Services Bring Better Results for SMEs?: Evidence from a Networking Project in Thailand

Aya Suzuki 、Kengo Igei

Publishing date:March, 2017

No.146 The Evolving Life Improvement Approach: From Home Taylorism to JICA Tsukuba, and Beyond

Tomomi Kozaki、Yusuke Nakamura

Publishing date:March, 2017

No.145 A Comparative Study of Urban Air Quality in Megacities in Mexico and Japan: Based on Japan-Mexico Joint Research Project on Formation Mechanism of Ozone, VOCs and PM2.5, and Proposal of Countermeasure Scenario

Shinji Wakamatsu、Isao Kanda、Yukiyo Okazaki、Masahiko Saito、Mitsuhiro Yamamoto、Takuro Watanabe、Tsuneaki Maeda、Akira Mizohata

Publishing date:March, 2017

No.144 Focusing on the Quality of EIS to Solve the Constraints on EIA Systems in Developing Countries: A Literature Review

Tetsuya Kamijo、Guangwei Huang

Publishing date:March, 2017

No.143 Foreign Currency Borrowing and Risk-Hedging Behavior: Evidence from a Household Survey in Cambodia

AIBA, Daiju、ODAJIMA, Ken、Vouthy Khou

Publishing date:March, 2017

No.142 Untangling Disability and Poverty: A Matching Approach Using Large-scale Data in South Africa

Kengo Igei

Publishing date:March, 2017

No.141 Effect of School Factors on Gender Gaps in Learning Opportunities in Rural Senegal: Does School Governance Matter?

Mikiko Nishimura

Publishing date:February, 2017

No.140 Toward an Accounting of the Values of Ethiopian Forests as Natural Capital

Daiju Narita、Mulugeta Lemenih、Yukimi Shimoda、Alemayehu N. Ayana

Publishing date:February, 2017

No.139 Twin Peaks: Japan’s Economic Aid to India in the 1950s and 2010s

Purnendra Jain

Publishing date:February, 2017

No.138 Does a Rural Road Improvement Project Contribute to Inclusive Growth? – A Case Study from Bangladesh

Yasuo Fujita

Publishing date:February, 2017

No.137 Overview of Policy Actions and Observational Data for PM2.5 and O3 in Japan: A Study of Urban Air Quality Improvement in Asia

Hajime Akimoto

Publishing date:January, 2017

No.136 The Continuum of Humanitarian Crises Management: Multiple Approaches and the Challenge of Convergence

Oscar A. Gómez、Chigumi Kawaguchi

Publishing date:December, 2016

No.135 Lenses on ‘Japaneseness’ in the Development Cooperation Charter of 2015: Soft power, human resources development, education and training

Kenneth King

Publishing date:November, 2016

No.134 Perceptions and Practice of Human Security in Malaysia

Benny Teh Cheng Guan and Ngu Ik Tien

Publishing date:September, 2016

No.133 Examination of Poverty in Northern Mozambique:A Comparison of Social and Economic Dimensions

Naoko Shinkai

Publishing date:July, 2016

No.132 Altruism or Exchange? Experimental Evidence on the Motives behind Private Transfers in Sri Lanka

Takeshi Aida

Publishing date:July, 2016

No.131 Estimating China's Foreign Aid II: 2014 Update

Naohiro Kitano

Publishing date:June, 2016

No.130 Normative Framing of Development Cooperation: Japanese Bilateral Aid between the DAC and Southern Donors

Sakiko Fukuda-Parr、Hiroaki Shiga

Publishing date:June, 2016

No.129 Empowerment through Enhancing Agency: Bridging Practice and Theory through Crystallizing Wisdom of a Third-Country Expert

Mine Sato

Publishing date:June, 2016

No.128 Transformation of Rural Bangladesh: Role of Infrastructure and Financial Institutions

Shahidur R. Khandker、Hussain A. Samad

Publishing date:April, 2016

No.127 Deciphering Capacity Development through the Lenses of "Pockets of Effectiveness" - A Case of Innovative Turnaround of the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority, Cambodia -

Kyoko Kuwajima

Publishing date:March, 2016

No.126 Potential and Challenges for Emerging Development Partners: The Case of Indonesia

Akio Hosono

Publishing date:March, 2016

No.125 India's Unique Role in the Enhancement of Democratic Governance as a Model of Constitutional Democracy

Hiroaki Shiga

Publishing date:March, 2016

No.124 Youth Employment and NGOs: Evidence from Bangladesh

Akira Murata、Naoki Nishimura

Publishing date:March, 2016

No.123 User-Centered Approach to Service Quality and Outcome: Rationales, Accomplishments and Challenges

Toru Yanagihara

Publishing date:March, 2016

No.122 Does the Concept of Human Security Generate Additional Value? An Analysis of Japanese Stakeholder Perceptions

Kaoru Kurusu

Publishing date:March, 2016

No.121 The Motivation of Participants in Successful Development Aid Projects: A Self-Determination Theory Analysis of Reasons for Participating

Nobuo R. Sayanagi、Jiro Aikawa

Publishing date:March, 2016

No.120 Election, Implementation, and Social Capital in School-Based Management: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment on the COGES Project in Burkina Faso

Yasuyuki Sawada 、Takeshi Aida、Andrew S. Griffen、Eiji Kozuka、Haruko Noguchi、Yasuyuki Todo

Publishing date:March, 2016

No.119 Outsourced Technical Cooperation Reconsidered: Agency Problems in the Support of Decentralized Public Service Delivery in Sierra Leone

Satoru Mikami、Mitsuaki Furukawa

Publishing date:March, 2016

No.118 On the Concept of Green Growth and the Role of Policy and Public Finance

Tomonori Sudo

Publishing date:March, 2016

No.117 Intrageneration Poverty Dynamics in Indonesia: Households' Welfare Mobility Before, During, and After the Asian Financial Crisis

Teguh Dartanto、Shigeru Otsubo

Publishing date:March, 2016

No.116 Volunteer Disappointment and Outcome of Activities -Regional Perspective of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV)-

Hisao Sekine

Publishing date:February, 2016

No.115 Can School-Based Management Generate Community-Wide Impacts in Less Developed Countries? Evidence from Randomized Experiments in Burkina Faso

Yasuyuki Todo、Eiji Kozuka

Publishing date:February, 2016

No.114 Bangladesh's Achievement in Poverty Reduction: The Role of Microfinance Revisited

Shahidur R. Khandker、Hussain A. Samad

Publishing date:February, 2016

No.113 Measuring the Quality of Education Policies and Their Implementation for Better Learning: Adapting World Bank's SABER Tools on School Autonomy and Accountability to Senegal

Takako Yuki、Kengo Igei、Angela Demas

Publishing date:February, 2016

No.112 How Can Community Participation Improve Educational Outcomes? Experimental Evidence from a School-Based Management Project in Burkina Faso

Eiji Kozuka、Yasuyuki Sawada 、Yasuyuki Todo

Publishing date:January, 2016

No.111 A Quantitative Text Analysis of the Minutes from the Meetings in Public Involvement: A Case of a Bridge Project in Cambodia

Tetsuya Kamijo、Guangwei Huang

Publishing date:January, 2016

No.110 Is Seasonal Hunger a Distant Memory in Bangladesh? Revisiting Earlier Evidences

Shahidur R. Khandker、Hussain A. Samad

Publishing date:January, 2016

No.109 Measuring Quality of Policies and Their Implementation for Better Learning: Adapting the World Bank's SABER Tools on School Autonomy and Accountability to Burkina Faso

Takako Yuki、Kengo Igei、Angela Demas

Publishing date:December, 2015

No.108 A Verification of the Effectiveness of Alternatives Analysis and Public Involvement on the Quality of JICA Environmental and Social Consideration Reports

Tetsuya Kamijo

Publishing date:October, 2015

No.107 Determinants of School Enrollment of Girls in Rural Yemen: Parental Aspirations and Attitudes toward Girls' Education

Kengo Igei、Takako Yuki

Publishing date:August, 2015

No.106 Convergence of Aid Models in Emerging Donors? Learning Processes, Norms and Identities, and Recipients

Hisahiro Kondoh

Publishing date:July, 2015

No.105 On the Determinants of High Productivity Rice Farming in Irrigated Areas in Senegal: The Efficiency of Large Compared with Small-Scale Irrigation Schemes

Takeshi Sakurai

Publishing date:April, 2015

No.104 Chronic Poverty in Rural Cambodia: Quality of Growth for Whom?

Ippei Tsuruga

Publishing date:April, 2015

No.103 The Effect of Disability and Gender on Returns to the Investment in Education: A Case from Metro Manilla of the Philippines

Kamal Lamichhane、Takayuki Watanabe

Publishing date:April, 2015

No.102 Human Security in Practice in Thailand

Surangrut Jumnianpol、Nithi Nuangjamnong

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.101 Human Security in Singapore: Where Entitlement Feeds Insecurity

Belinda Chng、Sofiah Jamil

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.100 The Concept of Human Security in Vietnam

Pham Lan Dung、Nguyen Ngoc Lan

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.99 Perception on Human Security: Indonesian View

Lina A. Alexandra

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.98 Human Security in Practice: The Philippine Experience(s) from the Perspective of Different Stakeholders

Maria Ela L. Atienza

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.97 Industrial Transformation and Quality of Growth

Akio Hosono

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.96 Human Security and Development in Myanmar : Issues and Implications

Moe Thuzar

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.95 Human Security in Cambodia: Far From Over

Pou Sovachana and Alice Beban

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.94 Embracing Human Security: New Directions of Japan's ODA for the 21st Century

Sachiko G. Kamidohzono、Oscar A. Gómez、Yoichi Mine

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.93 Human Security in Practice: The Case of South Korea

Eun Mee Kim、Seon Young Bae、Ji Hyun Shin

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.92 Human Security in Practice: The Chinese Experience

Ren Xiao

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.91 Toward a Theory of Human Security

Akihiko Tanaka

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.90 The Impact of Training on Technology Adoption and Productivity of Rice Farming in Tanzania: Is Farmer-to-Farmer Extension Effective?

Yuko Nakano、Takuji W. Tsusaka、Takeshi Aida、Valerien O. Pede

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.89 Spatial vs. Social Network Effects in Risk Sharing

Takeshi Aida

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.88 Chains of Knowledge Creation and Emerging Donors

Yasutami Shimomura、Wang Ping

Publishing date:March, 2015

No.87 The Benefits of Unification Failure: Re-examining the Evolution of Economic Cooperation in Japan

Jin Sato

Publishing date:February, 2015

No.86 Constraints on Rice Sector Development in Mozambique

Kei Kajisa

Publishing date:December, 2014

No.85 An Empirical Study of the Conditions for Successful Knowledge Transfer in Training Programs

Satoru Mikami、Mitsuaki Furukawa

Publishing date:December, 2014

No.84 Informing Citizens about Development Aid: A Single-blinded Randomized Controlled Trial to Estimate the Impact of Information to Change Japanese Attitudes towards ODA

Satoru Mikami

Publishing date:November, 2014

No.83 Aid Fragmentation and Effectiveness for Infant and Child Mortality and Primary School Completion

Mitsuaki Furukawa

Publishing date:October, 2014

No.82 Management of the International Development Aid System and the Creation of Political Space for China: The Case of Tanzania

Mitsuaki Furukawa

Publishing date:October, 2014

No.81 Risk, Infrastructure, and Rural Market Integration: Implications of Infrastructure Provision for Food Markets and Household Consumption in Rural Indonesia

Suguru Miyazaki、Yasuharu Shimamura

Publishing date:October, 2014

No.80 Enhancing Rice Production in Uganda: Impact Evaluation of a Training Program and Guidebook Distribution in Uganda

Yoko Kijima

Publishing date:September, 2014

No.79 Interdependent Happiness: Cultural Happiness under the East Asian Cultural Mandate

Hidefumi Hitokoto

Publishing date:July, 2014

No.78 Estimating China's Foreign Aid 2001-2013

Naohiro Kitano、Yukinori Harada

Publishing date:June, 2014

No.77 Analysis of Poverty between People with and without Disabilities in Nepal

Kamal Lamichhane、Damaru Ballabha Paudel and Diana Kartika

Publishing date:March, 2014

No.76 Happiness in Thailand: The Effects of Family, Health and Job Satisfaction, and the Moderating Role of Gender

Kalayanee Senasu、Anusorn Singhapakdi

Publishing date:March, 2014

No.75 Property Restitution and Return: Revisiting the Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mari Katayanagi、Satoru Mikami

Publishing date:March, 2014

No.74 Effects of Transport Corridor Development on Firms'Locational Choice and Firms' Perception of Business Environment: A Preliminary Analysis of Transport Corridors in Mozambique

Yasuo Fujita、Asami Takeda

Publishing date:March, 2014

No.73 Challenges of Quality of Learning Outcomes for Countries with the Unfinished Agenda of Universal Primary Education and Gender Parity: The Case of Yemen

Takako Yuki、Yuriko Kameyama

Publishing date:March, 2014

No.72 Political Origins of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, 1960-1965: Why the State Sends Young Volunteers Abroad

Yasunobu Okabe

Publishing date:March, 2014

No.71 To What Extent Does the Adoption of Modern Variety Increase Productivity and Income? A Case Study of the Rice Sector in Tanzania

Yuko Nakano、Kei Kajisa

Publishing date:March, 2014

No.70 Access to Infrastructure and Human Development: Cross-Country Evidence

Jeet Bahadur Sapkota

Publishing date:March, 2014

No.69 Inter-Ethnic Hostility and Mobility of Political Power:Changing Influences of Perceived Horizontal Inequalities

Satoru Mikami

Publishing date:March, 2014

No.68 A Quantitative Study of Social Capital in the Tertiary Sector of Kobe : Has Social Capital Promoted Economic Reconstruction Since the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake?

Go Shimada

Publishing date:March, 2014

No.67 Ex-post Risk Management Among Rural Filipino Farm Households

Akira Murata、Suguru Miyazaki

Publishing date:March, 2014

No.66 Objectives and Institutions for Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA):Evolution and Challenges

Keiichi Tsunekawa

Publishing date:February, 2014

No.65 Does Infrastructure Facilitate Social Capital Accumulation? Evidence from Natural and Artefactual Field Experiments in a Developing Country

Keitaro Aoyagi、Masahiro Shoji

Publishing date:February, 2014

No.64 Is Country-system-based Aid Really Better than Project-based Aid?Evidence from Rural Water Supply Management in Uganda

Mitsuaki Furukawa、Satoru Mikami

Publishing date:January, 2014

No.63 Between Economic and Political Crises:Thailand's Contested Free Trade Agreements

Thitinan Pongsudhirak

Publishing date:August, 2013

No.62 Achieving the Millennium Development Goals:Lessons for Post-2015 New Development Strategies

Jeet Bahadur Sapkota、Sakiko Shiratori

Publishing date:August, 2013

No.61 Extensification and Intensification Process of Rainfed Lowland Rice Farming in Mozambique

Kei Kajisa、Ellen Payongayong

Publishing date:March, 2013

No.60 A Fresh Look at Capacity Development from Insiders' Perspectives: A Case Study of an Urban Redevelopment Project in Medelllín, Colombia

Mine Sato

Publishing date:March, 2013

No.59 How Access to Irrigation Influences Poverty and Livelihoods:A Case Study from Sri Lanka

Sonali Senaratna Sellamuttu、Takeshi Aida、Ryuji Kasahara、Deeptha Wijerathna

Publishing date:March, 2013

No.58 The Determinants of Technology Adoption:The Case of the Rice Sector in Tanzania

Yuko Nakano、Kei Kajisa

Publishing date:March, 2013

No.57 A Tale of Two Crises: Indonesia's Political Economy

Muhammad Chatib Basri

Publishing date:March, 2013

No.56 Conflict Analysis in Virtual States (CAVS): A New Experimental Method Based on the Extensive Use of Multi-Agent Simulation (MAS) and Geographical Information System (GIS)

Takuto Sakamoto

Publishing date:March, 2013

No.55 Impact of a shade coffee certification program on forest conservation: A case study from a wild coffee forest in Ethiopia

Ryo Takahashi、Yasuyuki Todo

Publishing date:March, 2013

No.54 Measurements and Determinants of Multifaceted Poverty:Absolute, Relative, and Subjective Poverty in Indonesia

Teguh Dartanto、Shigeru Otsubo

Publishing date:February, 2013

No.53 China and the Two Crises: From 1997 to 2009

Barry Naughton

Publishing date:January, 2013

No.52 Institutional Development of Cross-Border Higher Education: The Case of an Evolving Malaysia-Japan Project

Kazuhiro Yoshida、Takako Yuki、Nozomi Sakata

Publishing date:January, 2013

No.51 Financial Restructuring after the 1997 Crisis and Impact of the Lehman Shock: Path Dependence of Financial Systems in Korea and Thailand

Yasunobu Okabe

Publishing date:January, 2013

No.50 Is GBS Still a Preferable Aid Modality?

Mitsuaki Furukawa、Junichiro Takahata

Publishing date:January, 2013

No.49 Expansion of Lowland Rice Production and Constraints on a Rice Green Revolution: Evidence from Uganda

Yoko Kijima

Publishing date:December, 2012

No.48 General Budget Support in Tanzania, Late Disbursement and Service Delivery

Mitsuaki Furukawa、Junichiro Takahata

Publishing date:November, 2012

No.47 Modes of Collective Action in Village Economies: Evidence from Natural and Artefactual Field Experiments in a Developing Country

Ryuji Kasahara、Keitaro Aoyagi、Masahiro Shoji、Mika Ueyama

Publishing date:August, 2012

No.46 Regional Integration in East Africa Diversity or Economic Conformity

Junichi Goto

Publishing date:June, 2012

No.45 Success as Trap? Crisis Response And Challenges To Economic Upgrading in Export-Oriented Southeast Asia

Richard Doner

Publishing date:March, 2012

No.44 Unraveling the Enigma of East Asian Economic Resiliency: The Case of Taiwan

Yun-han Chu

Publishing date:March, 2012

No.43 99 Problems (But A Crisis Ain't One) Political Business and External Vulnerability in Island Southeast Asia

Thomas B. Pepinsky

Publishing date:March, 2012

No.42 Do Community-Managed Schools Facilitate Social CapitalAccumulation? Evidence from the COGES Project in Burkina-Faso

Yasuyuki Sawada、Takaharu Ishii

Publishing date:March, 2012

No.41 The Labor Market Outcomes of Two Forms of Cross-Border Higher Education Degree Programs between Malaysia and Japan

Yoshiko Koda、Takako Yuki

Publishing date:March, 2012

No.40 Policy Challenges for Infrastructure Development in Asian LICs: Lessons from the Region

Yasuo Fujita

Publishing date:March, 2012

No.39 Cross-Border Collaborative Degree Programs in East Asia:Expectations and Challenges

Takako Yuki、Yeeyoung Hong、Kyuwon Kang、Kazuo Kuroda

Publishing date:March, 2012

No.38 Do Export Costs Matter in Determining Whether, When, and How Much African Firms Export?

Wim Naudé and Marianne Matthee

Publishing date:February, 2012

No.37 Ethnic Networks and Technical Knowledge Learning in Industrial Clusters

Yessica, C.Y. Chung

Publishing date:January, 2012

No.36 State Inaction in Resource Governance: Natural Resource Control and Bureaucratic Oversight in Thailand

Jin Sato

Publishing date:December, 2011

No.35 Evidence from Spatial Correlation of Poverty and Income in Kenya

Nobuaki Hamaguchi

Publishing date:November, 2011

No.34 Assessing Effectiveness and Sustainability of Community-managed Informal Irrigation in Africa —A Comparative Institutional Analysis of "Temporary" Irrigation in Malawi—

Atsushi Hanatani、Mine Sato

Publishing date:August, 2011

No.33 Social Capital as an Instrument for Common Pool Resource Management: A Case Study of Irrigation Management in Sri Lanka

Takeshi Aida

Publishing date:August, 2011

No.32 Gacaca and DDR: The Disputable Record of State-Building in Rwanda

Shinichi Takeuchi

Publishing date:July, 2011

No.31 Impact of Community Management on Forest Protection: Evidence from an Aid-Funded Project in Ethiopia

Ryo Takahashi、Yasuyuki Todo

Publishing date:July, 2011

No.30 Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Agricultural Income and Skills: Evidence from an Aid-Funded Project in Rural Ethiopia

Yasuyuki Todo、Ryo Takahashi

Publishing date:May, 2011

No.29 Cross-Border Higher Education for Labor Market Needs: Mobility of Public-Funded Malaysian Students to Japan over Years

Yoshiko Koda、Takako Yuki、Yeeyoung Hong

Publishing date:April, 2011

No.28 Empirical Study on Industrial Cluster in Africa, the Role of Space, Infrastructure, Human Resource and Social Capital — Location Choice and Performance of Furniture Workshops in Arusha, Tanzania—

Megumi Muto、Yessica, C.Y. Chung、Shinobu Shimokoshi

Publishing date:March, 2011

No.27 What Makes the Bangladesh Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) So Effective? — Complementarity Between LGED Capacity and Donor Capacity Development Support —

Yasuo Fujita

Publishing date:January, 2011

No.26 Cross-Border Higher Education for Regional Integration:Analysis of the JICA-RI Survey on Leading Universities in East Asia

Kazuo Kuroda、Takako Yuki、Kyuwon Kang

Publishing date:December, 2010

No.25 On the Possibility of a Lowland Rice Green Revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from the Sustainable Irrigated Agricultural Development (SIAD) Project in Eastern Uganda

Yoko Kijima、Yukinori Ito、Keijiro Otsuka

Publishing date:December, 2010

No.24 Linking Resource Users' Perceptions and Collective Action in Commons Management—An Examination of Water Supply System in Southern Senegal—

Atsushi Hanatani、Kana Fuse

Publishing date:November, 2010

No.23 Exploring the Causal Mechanism of Collective Action for Sustainable Resource Management — A Comparative Analysis of Rural Water Supply Systems in Senegal —

Atsushi Hanatani

Publishing date:November, 2010

No.22 Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa

Bruce J. Berman

Publishing date:November, 2010

No.21 Diversity and Transformation of Aid Patterns in Asia's "Emerging Donors"

Jin Sato、Hiroaki Shiga、Takaaki Kobayashi、Hisahiro Kondoh

Publishing date:October, 2010

No.20 Ethnic Patriotism and Markets in African History

John Lonsdale

Publishing date:September, 2010

No.19 Will China's Recovery Affect Africa's Prospects for Economic Growth?

Jean-Claude Maswana

Publishing date:July, 2010

No.18 Challenge for the OVOP Movement in Sub-Saharan Africa —Insights from Malawi, Japan and Thailand—

Kiyoto Kurokawa、Fletcher Tembo、Dirk Willem te Velde

Publishing date:June, 2010

No.17 The Green Revolution and Its Significance for Economic Development —The Indian Experience and Its Implications for Sub-Saharan Africa—

Koichi Fujita

Publishing date:June, 2010

No.16 Motives behind Community Participation —Evidence from Natural and Field Experiments in a Developing Country—

Masahiro Shoji、Keitaro Aoyagi、Ryuji Kasahara

Publishing date:June, 2010

No.15 The Global Financial Crisis and Recession —Impact on and Development Prospects for Africa—

Jean-Claude Maswana

Publishing date:April, 2010

No.14 Has Decentralization in Indonesia Led to Elite Capture of Reflection of Majority Preference?

Shyamal Chowdhury、Futoshi Yamauchi

Publishing date:March, 2010

No.13 Climate Change, Perceptions and the Heterogeneity of Adaptation and Rice Productivity: Evidence from Indonesian Villages

Futoshi Yamauchi、Sony Sumaryanto、Reno Dewina

Publishing date:March, 2010

No.12 Impact of Prenatal and Environmental Factors on Child Growth: Evidence from Indonesia

Futoshi Yamauchi、Katsuhiko Higuchi、Rita Nur Suhaeti

Publishing date:March, 2010

No.11 Human Capital, Mobility, and Income Dynamics: Evidence from Indonesia

Reno Dewina、Futoshi Yamauchi

Publishing date:March, 2010

No.10 Are Schooling and Roads Complementary? Evidence from Rural Indonesia

Futoshi Yamauchi、Megumi Muto、Shyamal Chowdhury、Reno Dewina、Sony Sumaryanto

Publishing date:March, 2010

No.9 Conceptualizing and Measuring Ethnicity

Graham K. Brown、Arnim Langer

Publishing date:April, 2010

No.8 Stability of the Market Economy in the Presence of Diverse Economic Agents

Anjan Mukherji

Publishing date:March, 2010

No.7 Market, Democracy, and Diversity of Individual Preferences and Values

Satish K. Jain

Publishing date:March, 2010

No.6 Diversity of Communities and Economic Development: An overview

Gustav Ranis

Publishing date:March, 2010

No.5 State-building in Fragile Situations: Japanese Aid Experiences in Cambodia, Afghanistan, and Mindanao

Ryutaro Murotani、Eiji Wakamatsu、Tomonori Kikuchi、Masafumi Nagaishi、Naoyuki Ochiai

Publishing date:March, 2010

No.4 The Role of Infrastructure in Mitigating Poverty Dynamics: The Case of an Irrigation Project in Sri Lanka

Masahiro Shoji、Shinya Sugawara、Naoko Shinkai

Publishing date:March, 2010

No.3 Social Capital Formation in an Imperfect Credit Market —Evidence from Sri Lanka—

Masahiro Shoji、Keitaro Aoyagi、Ryuji Kasahara、Mika Ueyama

Publishing date:March, 2010

No.2 How Do "Emerging" Donors Differ from "Traditional" Donors? —An Institutional Analysis of Foreign Aid in Cambodia—

Jin Sato、Hiroaki Shiga、Takaaki Kobayashi、Hisahiro Kondoh

Publishing date:March, 2010

No.1 Conflict and Land Tenure in Rwanda

Shinichi Takeuchi、Jean Marara

Publishing date:September, 2009

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