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JICA Ogata Research Institute



74 Publication(s) Found.

Policy Notes

No.8 Interest Rate Cap Policy in Cambodia -Summary of Findings from a Survey and the Policy Implications-

Aiba Daiju, Sovannroeun Samreth, Vandy Phal, Sothearoath Oeur

Publishing date:July, 2021
Related Region:Asia
Research Clusters:Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
Abstract:The summary of this policy note is as follows.

しかく An interest rate cap policy has been new...

Working Papers

No.214 Monetary Policy Spillover Into a Developing Country When the US Federal Fund Rate Rises: Evidence on a Bank Lending Channel

Aiba Daiju,

Publishing date:July, 2020
Related Region:Asia
Research Clusters:Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
Abstract:Banks in developing countries are highly dependent on funding sources from abroad, and such high dep...
Migration, Living Conditions, and Skills: A Panel Study - Tajikistan, 2018

Books and Reports

Migration, Living Conditions, and Skills: A Panel Study - Tajikistan, 2018

Murakami Enerelt , Yamada Eiji

Publishing date:March, 2020
Related Region:Asia
Research Clusters:Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
Abstract:Tajikistan is the poorest country in Central Asia with an economy that is heavily dependent on migra...

Working Papers

No.197 Payment Dollarization and Foreign Exchange Market Development in Cambodia: The Role of Money Changers

Koji Kubo、Vichet Sam、Yuthan Chea

Publishing date:October, 2019

Working Papers

No.185 Currency Choice in Domestic Transactions by Cambodian Households: The Importance of Transaction Size and Network Externalities

Ken Odajima、Daiju Aiba、Vouthy Khou

Publishing date:March, 2019

Books and Reports

Case Studies of Social Infrastructure Demand Estimates in Indonesia and Thailand

Publishing date:August, 2018

Working Papers

No.172 Managing International Cooperation Projects for Organizational Capacity Development: A Design-Focused Case Study of the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology

Michael Barzelay、Masakatsu Okumoto、Hideki Watanabe

Publishing date:March, 2018

Working Papers

No.160 Determinants of Firms’ Capital Structure Decisions in Highly Dollarized Economies: Evidence from Cambodia

Hidenobu Okuda、Daiju Aiba

Publishing date:January, 2018

Books and Reports

Economic and Social Development of Bangladesh: Miracle and Challenges

Yasuyuki Sawada、Minhaj Mahmud、Naohiro Kitano

Publishing date:November, 2017


Training-Infrastructure-Finance (TIF) Strategy for Industrial Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Group on Strategic Support for Industrial Development in Sub-Saharan Africa、KITANO, Naohiro、ODAJIMA, Ken、SHIMADA, Go

Publishing date:November, 2017

Books and Reports

Knowledge Creation in Public Administrations: Innovative Government in Southeast Asia and Japan

Ayano Hirose Nishihara、Masaei Matsunaga、Ikujiro Nonaka、Kiyotaka Yokomichi

Publishing date:October, 2017


Technical Notes for the ADB-JICA Joint Side Event "Bridging the Infrastructure Gap in Asia"

Publishing date:May, 2017

Working Papers

No.152 Managing International Cooperation for Organizational Capacity Development: Setting a Conceptual Foundation for Case Study Research and its Utilization

Michael Barzelay、Masakatsu Okumoto、 Hideki Watanabe

Publishing date:March, 2017

Working Papers

No.143 Foreign Currency Borrowing and Risk-Hedging Behavior: Evidence from a Household Survey in Cambodia

AIBA, Daiju、ODAJIMA, Ken、Vouthy Khou

Publishing date:March, 2017

Working Papers

No.130 Normative Framing of Development Cooperation: Japanese Bilateral Aid between the DAC and Southern Donors

Sakiko Fukuda-Parr、Hiroaki Shiga

Publishing date:June, 2016

Books and Reports

Chile's Salmon Industry: Policy Challenges in Managing Public Goods

Akio Hosono、Michiko Iizuka、Jorge Katz

Publishing date:May, 2016

Working Papers

No.119 Outsourced Technical Cooperation Reconsidered: Agency Problems in the Support of Decentralized Public Service Delivery in Sierra Leone

Satoru Mikami、Mitsuaki Furukawa

Publishing date:March, 2016

Working Papers

No.125 India's Unique Role in the Enhancement of Democratic Governance as a Model of Constitutional Democracy

Hiroaki Shiga

Publishing date:March, 2016

Books and Reports

The Myanmar Economy - Its Past, Present and Prospects

Konosuke Odaka

Publishing date:November, 2015

Books and Reports

Development for Sustainable Agriculture: The Brazilian Cerrado

Akio Hosono、Carlos Magno Campos da Rocha、Yutaka Hongo

Publishing date:October, 2015

Books and Reports

Industrial Policy and Economic Transformation in Africa

Joseph E. Stiglitz、Akbar Noman

Publishing date:September, 2015

Working Papers

No.106 Convergence of Aid Models in Emerging Donors? Learning Processes, Norms and Identities, and Recipients

Hisahiro Kondoh

Publishing date:July, 2015

Working Papers

No.97 Industrial Transformation and Quality of Growth

Akio Hosono

Publishing date:March, 2015

Books and Reports

Growth is Dead, Long Live Growth: The Quality of Economic Growth and Why it Matters

Lawrence Haddad、Hiroshi Kato、Nicolas Meisel、SHIMADA Go

Publishing date:January, 2015

Working Papers

No.79 Interdependent Happiness: Cultural Happiness under the East Asian Cultural Mandate

Hidefumi Hitokoto

Publishing date:July, 2014

Books and Reports

Perspectives on the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Hiroshi Kato

Publishing date:June, 2014

Books and Reports

Confronting Land and Property Problems for Peace

Shinichi Takeuchi

Publishing date:May, 2014

Books and Reports

Creating New Models: Innovative Public-Private Partnerships for Inclusive Development in Latin America

Publishing date:April, 2014

Working Papers

No.68 A Quantitative Study of Social Capital in the Tertiary Sector of Kobe : Has Social Capital Promoted Economic Reconstruction Since the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake?

Go Shimada

Publishing date:March, 2014

Working Papers

No.76 Happiness in Thailand: The Effects of Family, Health and Job Satisfaction, and the Moderating Role of Gender

Kalayanee Senasu、Anusorn Singhapakdi

Publishing date:March, 2014

Books and Reports

Study on inclusive development in Paraguay: International cooperation experiences

Publishing date:March, 2014

Working Papers

No.66 Objectives and Institutions for Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA):Evolution and Challenges

Keiichi Tsunekawa

Publishing date:February, 2014

Books and Reports

AFRICA 2050 —Realizing the Continent's Full Potential—

Theodore Ahlers、Hiroshi Kato、Harinder S. Kohli、Callisto Madavo、AnilSood

Publishing date:January, 2014


Designing Youth Employment Policies in Egypt

Akira Murata

Publishing date:January, 2014


Sustainable growth and structural transformation in Africa: how can a stable and efficient financial sector help?

Akio Hosono

Publishing date:December, 2013

Books and Reports

Tackling Global Challenges through Triangular Cooperation:Achieving Sustainable Development and Eradicating Poverty through the Green Economy

Hiroshi Kato

Publishing date:October, 2013

Policy Briefs

No.11 For the Aid Effectiveness through General Budget Support

Publishing date:September, 2013

Working Papers

No.63 Between Economic and Political Crises:Thailand's Contested Free Trade Agreements

Thitinan Pongsudhirak

Publishing date:August, 2013

Books and Reports

Governance of Natural Resources: Uncovering the Social Purpose of Materials in Nature

Jin Sato (Editor)、William Ascher、Eri Saikawa、Andrew Robert Cock、Masahide Horita、Doreen Allasiw、Naruhiko Takesada、Michiko Ishisone、Naofumi Suzuki、Tomohiro Oh

Publishing date:August, 2013

Books and Reports

WORKING PAPERS Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD) Task Force Meeting with Prof. Joseph Stiglitz 〜JICA and IPD (Columbia University)〜

Joseph E. Stiglitz、Julia Cagé、Ha-Joon Chang、Sakiko Fukuda-Parr、Stephany Griffith-Jones、Akio Hosono、Danny Leipziger、Shahid Yusuf、Akbar Noman、Annalisa Primi、Go Shimada

Publishing date:May, 2013

Books and Reports

Development Challenges in Africa Towards 2050

Publishing date:May, 2013

Books and Reports

Getting to Scale: How to Bring Development Solutions to Millions of Poor People

Laurence Chandy、Akio Hosono、Homi Kharas、Johannes F. Linn

Publishing date:April, 2013

Books and Reports

For Inclusive and Dynamic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Hiroshi Kato、Kei Yoshizawa、Koji Makino、Keijiro Otsuka、Jiro Aikawa、Go Shimada、Toru Homma、Hiromichi Murakami、Yasuo Fujita、Ippei Tsuruga、Asami Takeda、Kaori Matsushita、Ikuo Takizawa、Kazuro Shibuya、Tomonori Sudo、Ryutaro Murotani、Shunichiro Honda、Yukimi Shimoda

Publishing date:April, 2013

Working Papers

No.57 A Tale of Two Crises: Indonesia's Political Economy

Muhammad Chatib Basri

Publishing date:March, 2013


After the Spring: Inclusive Growth in the Arab World

Publishing date:February, 2013

Working Papers

No.50 Is GBS Still a Preferable Aid Modality?

Mitsuaki Furukawa、Junichiro Takahata

Publishing date:January, 2013

Working Papers

No.51 Financial Restructuring after the 1997 Crisis and Impact of the Lehman Shock: Path Dependence of Financial Systems in Korea and Thailand

Yasunobu Okabe

Publishing date:January, 2013

Working Papers

No.53 China and the Two Crises: From 1997 to 2009

Barry Naughton

Publishing date:January, 2013

Books and Reports

How Can Africa Flourish with Ethnic Diversity? : Synopsis of the Fifth Kobe University/JICA Conference on Ethnic Diversity and Economic Instability in Africa

Hiroyuki Hino、John Lonsdale、Taylor St. John

Publishing date:January, 2013

Working Papers

No.49 Expansion of Lowland Rice Production and Constraints on a Rice Green Revolution: Evidence from Uganda

Yoko Kijima

Publishing date:December, 2012

Working Papers

No.48 General Budget Support in Tanzania, Late Disbursement and Service Delivery

Mitsuaki Furukawa、Junichiro Takahata

Publishing date:November, 2012

Working Papers

No.47 Modes of Collective Action in Village Economies: Evidence from Natural and Artefactual Field Experiments in a Developing Country

Ryuji Kasahara、Keitaro Aoyagi、Masahiro Shoji、Mika Ueyama

Publishing date:August, 2012

Books and Reports

Ethnic Diversity and Economic Instability in Africa: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Hiroyuki Hino、John Lonsdale、Gustav Ranis、Frances Stewart

Publishing date:July, 2012

Working Papers

No.46 Regional Integration in East Africa Diversity or Economic Conformity

Junichi Goto

Publishing date:June, 2012

Working Papers

No.43 99 Problems (But A Crisis Ain't One) Political Business and External Vulnerability in Island Southeast Asia

Thomas B. Pepinsky

Publishing date:March, 2012

Working Papers

No.44 Unraveling the Enigma of East Asian Economic Resiliency: The Case of Taiwan

Yun-han Chu

Publishing date:March, 2012

Working Papers

No.45 Success as Trap? Crisis Response And Challenges To Economic Upgrading in Export-Oriented Southeast Asia

Richard Doner

Publishing date:March, 2012

Books and Reports

Good Growth and Governance in Africa: Rethinking Development Strategies

Akbar Noman、Kwesi Botchwey、Howard Stein、Joseph E. Stiglitz

Publishing date:March, 2012

Working Papers

No.38 Do Export Costs Matter in Determining Whether, When, and How Much African Firms Export?

Wim Naudé and Marianne Matthee

Publishing date:February, 2012

Working Papers

No.35 Evidence from Spatial Correlation of Poverty and Income in Kenya

Nobuaki Hamaguchi

Publishing date:November, 2011


Background Papers for "World Development Report 2012: Gender Equality and Development"

Publishing date:September, 2011

Working Papers

No.28 Empirical Study on Industrial Cluster in Africa, the Role of Space, Infrastructure, Human Resource and Social Capital — Location Choice and Performance of Furniture Workshops in Arusha, Tanzania—

Megumi Muto、Yessica, C.Y. Chung、Shinobu Shimokoshi

Publishing date:March, 2011

Policy Briefs

No.4 On a Direction of Assistance for "Fragile States"

Publishing date:December, 2010

Working Papers

No.22 Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa

Bruce J. Berman

Publishing date:November, 2010

Policy Briefs

No.2 Applying the Experiences of Asia to the World -Infrastructure Development for Poverty Reduction-

Publishing date:October, 2010

Working Papers

No.20 Ethnic Patriotism and Markets in African History

John Lonsdale

Publishing date:September, 2010

Working Papers

No.19 Will China's Recovery Affect Africa's Prospects for Economic Growth?

Jean-Claude Maswana

Publishing date:July, 2010

Working Papers

No.17 The Green Revolution and Its Significance for Economic Development —The Indian Experience and Its Implications for Sub-Saharan Africa—

Koichi Fujita

Publishing date:June, 2010

Working Papers

No.18 Challenge for the OVOP Movement in Sub-Saharan Africa —Insights from Malawi, Japan and Thailand—

Kiyoto Kurokawa、Fletcher Tembo、Dirk Willem te Velde

Publishing date:June, 2010

Working Papers

No.15 The Global Financial Crisis and Recession —Impact on and Development Prospects for Africa—

Jean-Claude Maswana

Publishing date:April, 2010

Working Papers

No.2 How Do "Emerging" Donors Differ from "Traditional" Donors? —An Institutional Analysis of Foreign Aid in Cambodia—

Jin Sato、Hiroaki Shiga、Takaaki Kobayashi、Hisahiro Kondoh

Publishing date:March, 2010

Working Papers

No.3 Social Capital Formation in an Imperfect Credit Market —Evidence from Sri Lanka—

Masahiro Shoji、Keitaro Aoyagi、Ryuji Kasahara、Mika Ueyama

Publishing date:March, 2010

Working Papers

No.4 The Role of Infrastructure in Mitigating Poverty Dynamics: The Case of an Irrigation Project in Sri Lanka

Masahiro Shoji、Shinya Sugawara、Naoko Shinkai

Publishing date:March, 2010

Working Papers

No.5 State-building in Fragile Situations: Japanese Aid Experiences in Cambodia, Afghanistan, and Mindanao

Ryutaro Murotani、Eiji Wakamatsu、Tomonori Kikuchi、Masafumi Nagaishi、Naoyuki Ochiai

Publishing date:March, 2010

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