
Hirai J, Urayama S, Takaki Y, Hirai M, Nagasaki K, Nunoura (accepted) RNA virosphere in a marine zooplankton community in the subtropical western North Pacific. Microbes and Environments.

Kobari T, Tokumo Y, Sato I, Kume G,Hirai J(accepted) Metabarcoding analysis of trophic sources and linkages in the plankton community of the Kuroshio and neighboring waters. Scientific Reports.

Zhou F,Hirai J, Hamasaki K, Horii S,Tsuda A(2021) Feeding ecology of three euphausiid species in the North Pacific Ocean inferred from 18S V9 metabarcoding and stable isotope analysis. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:756067.

Kume G, Shigemura T, Okanishi M,Hirai J, Shiozaki K, Ichinomiya M, Komorita T, Habano A, Makino F, Kobari T (2021) Distribution, feeding habits, and growth of chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus, larvae during a high-stock period in the northern Satsunan area, southern Japan. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:725227.

Hirai J, Hidaka K, Nagai S, Shimizu Y (2021) DNA /RNA metabarcoding and morphological analysis of epipelagic copepod communities in the Izu Ridge off the southern coast of Japan. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Hirai J, Yamazaki K, Hidaka K, Nagai S, Shimizu Y, Ichikawa T (2021) Characterization of diversity and community structure of small planktonic copepods in the Kuroshio region off Japan using a metabarcoding approach. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 657, 25–41.

平井惇也(2021) 分子生物学的手法を用いた動物プランクトンの群集構造解析と多様性に関する研究: 2020 年度日本海洋学会岡田賞受賞記念論文. 海の研究, 30, 1–13.

Kume G, Kobari T,Hirai J, Kuroda H, Takeda T, Ichinomiya M, Komorita T, Aita-Noguchi M, Hyodo F (2021) Diet niche segregation of co-occurring larval stages of mesopelagic and commercially important fishes in the Osumi Strait assessed through morphological, DNA metabarcoding, and stable isotope analyses. Marine Biology, 168, 6.

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