志村 拓也
Takuya Shimura
Engineering Department
- 1993年3月
- 東京大学工学部船舶海洋工学科 卒業
- 1995年3月
- 東京大学大学院工学系研究科 船舶海洋工学専攻修士課程 修了
- 1995年4月
- 海洋科学技術センター(現:海洋研究開発機構)入所
深海開発技術部(現:海洋基幹技術研究部)配属 - 2009年10月
- 博士号(工学)取得(東京大学大学院工学系研究科)
- 2009年10月
- 博士号(工学)取得(東京大学大学院工学系研究科)
- 2012年2月-2013年1月
- アメリカ スクリップス海洋研究所 客員研究員
- 高速音響通信装置の開発〜しんかい6500搭載画像伝送装置〜,距離6,500mにおいて、通信速度80kbpsを達成,Blue Earth, Vol. 159, pp. 24-27, 2019.
- Time Reversalによる海中音響通信 ―マルチユーザ通信、MIMO通信への適用―, 志村拓也, 日本音響学会誌, Vol. 75. No. 1,pp. 17–22. 2019.
- 位相共役波(時間反転波)による水中音響通信〜マルチユーザ通信、MIMO通信への適用〜, 志村拓也, 科研費NEWS, 2017年度Vol. 2, p.12.
- 海洋音響における時間反転波(time reversal)の応用研究, 志村拓也, 海洋音響学会誌, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 252-275, 2013.
- 時間反転波(位相共役波)の海洋音響技術への応用, 志村拓也, 日本音響学会誌, Vol. 65, No. 12, pp. 613-618, 2009.
- 2021
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- High-rate underwater acoustic communication over 600 kbps ×ばつ km for vertical uplink data transmission on a full-depth lander system,
Takuya Shimura, Yukihiro Kida, Mitsuyasu Deguchi, Yoshitaka Watanabe and Yosaku Maeda,
Underwater Communications and Networking (UComms’21) [will be published].
- High-rate underwater acoustic communication over 600 kbps ×ばつ km for vertical uplink data transmission on a full-depth lander system,
- 2020
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- Investigation of a channel tracking based time reversal processing for underwater acoustic communication,
Yukihiro KIDA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI and Takuya SHIMURA,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 59(SK), SKKF01 (2020). - Application of adaptive digital down-conversion to underwater acoustic communication with nonuniform Doppler shift,
Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI, Yukihiro KIDA, Yoshitaka WATANABE and Takuya SHIMURA,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 59(SK), SKKF02 (2020).
- Investigation of a channel tracking based time reversal processing for underwater acoustic communication,
- 2019
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- High-rate multiple-input/multiple-output communication with adaptive time reversal demonstrated in tank experiments,
Takuya SHIMURA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI, and Yukihiro KIDA,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 58 (SG), SGGF06 (2019). - The relationship of time-reversal and multi-channel decision feedback equalization in underwater acoustic communication,
Yukihiro KIDA, Takuya SHIMURA, and Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 58 (SG), SGGF03 (2019). - Dependence of demodulation performance on symbol rate for underwater acoustic communication with nonuniform Doppler shift,
Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI, Yukihiro KIDA, Yoshitaka WATANABE and Takuya SHIMURA,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 58 (SG), SGGF02 (2019).
- High-rate acoustic communication at the data rate of 69 kbps over the range of 3,600 m developed for vertical uplink communication,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yukihiro KIDA and Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI,
The proceeding of IEEE Oceans'19 Marseille. - Time Reversal DFEによる水中音響通信の研究 〜 MIMO通信、マルチユーザ通信への応用〜
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告、Vol. 119, No. 296, RCS2019-234, pp. 175-180. - 高速水中音響通信の研究開発 〜 Time ReversalによるMIMO通信の研究、しんかい6500搭載音響通信装置の開発〜
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告、Vol. 119, No. 184, US2019-43, pp. 33-38.
- High-rate multiple-input/multiple-output communication with adaptive time reversal demonstrated in tank experiments,
- 2018
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- Multiuser communication using adaptive time reversal with moving transmitter,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yukihiro KIDA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI and Yoshitaka WATANABE,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 57 (7S1), 07LC07 (2018). - Experimental result for a high-rate underwater acoustic communication in deep sea for a manned submersible SHINKAI6500,
Yukihiro KIDA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI, Takuya SHIMURA,
海洋音響学会誌, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 197-203 (2018). - Evaluation of effects of multipath and co-channel interference on time reversal multiple-input/multiple-output in underwater acoustic channel,
Yukihiro KIDA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI and Takuya SHIMURA,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol. 57 (7S1), 07LG01 (2018). - Analysis of effects of multipath signal with nonuniform Doppler shift on vertical underwater acoustic communication,
Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI, Yukihiro KIDA, Yoshitaka WATANABE and Takuya SHIMURA,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol. 57 (7S1), 07LG03 (2018).
- Demonstration of high rate MIMO communication with adaptive time reversal in tank experiment,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yukihiro KIDA and Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI,
The 38th Symposium on UltraSonic Electronics (USE2018). - Effect of transmitter movement on multiuser communication with time reversal,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yukihiro KIDA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI and Yoshitaka WATANABE,
2018 Proceedings of Meeting of the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan, pp. 63-64. - Basic research on MIMO underwater communication using adaptive time reversal,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yukihiro KIDA and Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI,
The proceeding of IEEE Oceans'18 Aberdeen. - High-rate underwater acoustic communication system for SHINKAI6500,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yukihiro KIDA and Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI,
The proceedings of 2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop (AUV). - Time reversalによる水中音響通信の研究 〜 空間多重通信への適用とOFDMとの性能比較〜
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告、Vol. 117, No. 190, US2017-52, pp. 31-36.
- Multiuser communication using adaptive time reversal with moving transmitter,
- 2017
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- Experimental study on multiple-input/multiple-output communication with time reversal in deep ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yukihiro KIDA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI, Yoshitaka WATANABE and Hiroshi OCHI,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 56 (7S1), 07JG03 (2017). - Performance analysis of passive time reversal communication technique for multipath interference in shallow sea acoustic channel,
Yukihiro KIDA, Takuya SHIMURA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI and Koji MEGURO,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol. 56 (7S1), 07JG04 (2017).
- Multiuser communication with moving targets using adaptive time reversal,
Takuya SHIMURA,Yukihiro KIDA and Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI,
The 38th Symposium on UltraSonic Electronics (USE2017). - Vertical multiuser communication using adaptive time reversal,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yukihiro KIDA and Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI,
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 141, No.5, pp. 3990 (2017). - Time reversal for multiuser and MIMO communication,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yukihiro KIDA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI and Yoshitaka WATANABE,
2017 Proceedings of Meeting of the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan, pp. 35-36. - 位相共役を用いたMIMO通信、マルチユーザ通信の研究[招待講演],
日本音響学会 2017年 春季研究発表会 講演論文集 pp. 1317-1318. - Time reversal MIMO or multiuser communication in underwater acoustics,
Takuya SHIMURA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI and Yukihiro KIDA,
The proceedings of the 26th Ocean Engineering Symposium (2017).
- Experimental study on multiple-input/multiple-output communication with time reversal in deep ocean,
- 2016
Conference Proceedings 学会発表等
- Multiuser and multiple-input-multiple-output underwater acoustic communication using time reversal,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yukihiro KIDA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI, Kohji Meguro, Yoshitaka WATANABE and Hiroshi OCHI,
The 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 140, No. 4, pp. 3230. - MIMO underwater acoustic communication using adaptive time reversal in deep ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI, Yukihiro KIDA and Hiroshi OCHI,
The 37th Symposium on UltraSonic Electronics (USE2016).
- Multiuser and multiple-input-multiple-output underwater acoustic communication using time reversal,
- 2015
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- At-sea experiment of adaptive time-reversal multiuser communication in the deep ocean,
Yukihiro KIDA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI, Yoshitaka WATANABE and Hiroshi OCHI,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 54 (7S1), 07HG02 (2015).
- Recent experiment results of long-range time reversal communication in deep water,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yukihiro KIDA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI,
International Hydroacoustic Workshop (IHW2015).
- At-sea experiment of adaptive time-reversal multiuser communication in the deep ocean,
- 2014
Conference Proceedings 学会発表等
- Multiuser communication by adaptive time reversal in deep ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Mitsuyasu DEGUCHI, Yukihiro KIDA, Takami MORI, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI,
The 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustics (UA2014), pp. 1191-1197 (2014).
- Multiuser communication by adaptive time reversal in deep ocean,
- 2013
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- Experimental demonstration of multiuser communication in deep water using time reversal,
Takuya SHIMURA, Hiroshi OCHI, and Heechun Song,
Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 134 (4), pp. 3223-3229 (2013).
- Experimental demonstration of multiuser communication in deep water using time reversal,
- 2012
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- Long-range time reversal communication in deep water: Experimental results,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and H. C. Song,
Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 132(1), pp. EL49-EL53 (2012). - Demonstration of time-reversal communication combined with spread spectrum at the range of 900 km in deep ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and Takehito HATTORI,
Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 113-116 (2012).
- Experiments of long-range time-reversal communication in the deep ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Hiroshi OCHI, and Yoshitaka WATANABE,
The 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA2012), pp.726-730 (2012). - Recent experiment results of long-range time-reversal communication in deep ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Hiroshi OCHI, and Yoshitaka WATANABE,
The spring meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA Vol. 131 (4), pp.3277 (2012).
- Long-range time reversal communication in deep water: Experimental results,
- 2011
Conference Proceedings 学会発表等
- Results of basic experiments for long-range communication in the deep ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and Takehito HATTORI,
The Proc. of UAM2011 (4th International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustic Measurements : Technologies and Results), pp. 1417-1422 (2011). - Time-reversal communication in deep ocean - results of recent experiments -,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and Takehito HATTORI,
International Symposium on Underwater Technology 2011 (2011).
- Results of basic experiments for long-range communication in the deep ocean,
- 2010
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- Experiment Results of Time-Reversal Communication at the Range of 300km,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and Takehito HATTORI,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 49 (7), 07G平成11年1月7日, (2010).
- Feasibility study on long horizontal time-reversal communication with AUV in the deep ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and Takehito HATTORI,
The 10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA2010), Vol. 2, pp. 643-648 (2010). - Feasibility study on time-reversal communication in the deep ocean with a long cruising AUV,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and Takehito HATTORI,
The spring meeting of the Japan Society of naval architects and ocean engineering (2010). - Experiment Results of Time-Reversal Communication in the Outer Ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and Takehito HATTORI,
Proceedings of Meeting of the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan, pp. 39-40 (2010).
- Experiment Results of Time-Reversal Communication at the Range of 300km,
- 2009
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- Basic Study on Flow-Induced Effect to Time-Reversal Communication,
Takuya SHIMURA, Hiroshi OCHI, Yoshitaka WATANABE, and Takehito HATTORI,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 48, No.7, 07GL02 (2009).
- Experiment of time-reversal communication at the range of 300 km,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and Takehito HATTORI,
The Proc. of the 30th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics, pp. 369-370 (2009). - Experiment results of time-reversal communication in the deep ocean at the range of 300 km,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and Takehito HATTORI,
The Autumn meeting of the acoustical society of America, JASA Vol. 126 (4), pp. 2252-2252 (2009). - Recent results of research on time-reversal communication in the deep ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and Takehito HATTORI,
IEICE Technical Report (US), Vol. 109 (180), pp. 1-5 (2009). - Recent experiment results of time-reversal communication in the deep ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and Takehito HATTORI,
The 21st Ocean Engineering Symposium 2009 (2009). - Experiment results of time-reversal communication in the deep ocean at the range of 300 km,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and Takehito HATTORI,
The Proc. the 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustic Measurements : Technologies and Results, pp. 1309-1314 (2009). - Basic research on time-reversal communication with a moving source-receiver,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI, and Takehito HATTORI,
The spring meeting of the acoustical society of America, JASA Vol. 125 (4), pp. 2580-2580 (2009).
- Basic Study on Flow-Induced Effect to Time-Reversal Communication,
- 2008
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- Time-Reversal Communication in Deep Ocean: Result of Second At-Sea Experiment,
Takuya SHIMURA, Hiroshi OCHI, and Yoshitaka WATANABE,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 47, No. 5B, pp.4360-4365 (2008).
- Basic Study on Effect of Current Flow to Time-Reversal Communication,
Takuya SHIMURA, Hiroshi OCHI, Yoshitaka WATANABE, and Takehito HATTORI,
The Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics, pp.117-118 (2008). - Basic at-sea experiment for long horizontal time-reversal communication in deep ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI and Takehito HATTORI,
The 9th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA) (Organized in the framework of the Acoustics'08 Paris Conference) pp. 699-704 (2008). - Results of Basic At-Sea Experiments on Time-Reversal Communication in the Deep Ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hiroshi OCHI and Takehito HATTORI,
Oceans '08 MTS / IEEE Kobe-Techno-Ocean '08 (2008).
- Time-Reversal Communication in Deep Ocean: Result of Second At-Sea Experiment,
- 2007
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- First Experiment Result of Time-Reversal Communication in Deep Ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Hiroshi OCHI, and Yoshitaka WATANABE,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 46, No. 7B, pp.4956-4960 (2007).
- Time-Reversal Communication in Deep Ocean - The result of the second at-sea experiment -,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE and Hiroshi OCHI,
The Proceedings of the 28th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics, pp. 185-186 (2007). - Research on long horizontal time-reversal communication in deep ocean,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE and Hiroshi OCHI,
The proceedings of UAM2007 (2nd International Conference & Exhibition on "Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results"), pp. 1365-1370 (2007).
- First Experiment Result of Time-Reversal Communication in Deep Ocean,
- 2006
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- Basic study on time-reversal communication in shallow water with high frequency,
Takuya SHIMURA, Hiroshi YOSHIDA and Lindsay Dhugal,
Techno-Ocean 2006 /19th JASNAOE Ocean Engineering Symposium (2006). - Time-Reversal Communication with Moving Source-Receiver in Shallow Water,
Takuya SHIMURA, Hiroshi OCHI and Yoshitaka WATANABE,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, No. 5B, pp.4847-4852 (2006).
- Research on Doppler Effect to Time-Reversal Communication,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE and Hiroshi OCHI,
The 8th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA) pp.879-884 (2006)
- Basic study on time-reversal communication in shallow water with high frequency,
- 2005
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- Basic study on active time reversal communication in shallow water,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE and Hiroshi OCHI,
Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 26, No.6, pp. 526-529 (2005). - Active Time Reversalによる音響通信の基礎研究、
志村 拓也、越智 寛、渡邊 佳孝、
海洋音響学会誌、Vol. 32 No. 4, pp. 16-25 (2005).
- A fundamental study on the application of passive time reversal to acoustic communication,
Takuya SHIMURA, Hiroshi OCHI and Yoshitaka WATANABE,
The Proceeding of Forum Acousticum 2005, Budapest, pp. 267-171 (2005).
- Basic study on active time reversal communication in shallow water,
- 2004
Journal Papers 査読付き論文
- A study on the focusing property of time reversal waves,
Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 364-372 (2004). - Convergence Property of Time Reversal Waves under Noisy Environment,
Takuya SHIMURA, Hiroshi OCHI and Yoshitaka WATANABE,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 43, No. 5B, pp. 3180-3185 (2004).
- A Basic Research on the Long Horizontal Active Time Reversal Communication,
Takuya SHIMURA, Hiroshi OCHI and Yoshitaka WATANABE,
MTS/IEEE Oceans 2004, Kobe, pp. 2220-2224 (2004) - Research on the Focusing Property of Time Reversal Waves with Various Array Configurations,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE and Hiroshi OCHI,
The 18th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA2004), Kyoto, pp. 371-374 (2004). - Research on Acoustic Positioning and Estimation of Sound Velocity Profile Using Time Reversal Waves,
Takuya SHIMURA, Yoshitaka WATANABE and Hiroshi OCHI,
The 7th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA), pp. 249-254 (2004).
- A study on the focusing property of time reversal waves,
関連リンク 研究者総覧