出口 充康写真
Engineering Department
- 2007年
- 慶應義塾大学理工学部物理学科理論研究室卒業
- 2009年
- 同大学大学院 基礎理工学専攻修士課程修了
同年音響メーカー入社 - 2013年
- 音響メーカー退職、海洋研究開発機構入所
- 非定常ドップラーシフト環境下における音響通信の研究
- ASV-AUV間音響通信に関する研究開発
- Time Reversalによる長距離MIMO音響通信の研究
Journal Paper
- Y. Kida, M. Deguchi and T. Shimura, The Journal of Marine Acoustics Society of Japan, Vol. 45, 197 (2018).
- M. Deguchi, Y. Kida, Y. Watanabe and T. Shimura, Analysis of effects of multipath signal with nonuniform Doppler shift on vertical underwater acoustic communication, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 57(7S1),07LG03(2018).
- Y. Kida, M. Deguchi and T. Shimura, Evaluation of effects of multipath and co-channel interference on time reversal multiple-input/multiple-output in underwater acoustic channel, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 57 (7S1),07LG01(2018).
- T. Shimura, Y. Kida, M. Deguchi and Y. Watanabe, Multiuser communication using adaptive time reversal with moving transmitter, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 57(7S1), 07LC07 (2018).
- Y. Kida, T. Shimura, M. Deguchi, Y. Watanabe, H. Ochi and K. Meguro, Performance analysis of passive time reversal communication technique for multipath interference in shallow sea acoustic channel, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 56(7S1),07JG04 (2017).
- T. Shimura, Y/ Kida, M. Deguchi, Y. Watanabe and H. Ochi, Experimental study on multiple-input/multiple-output communication with time reversal in deep ocean, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 56(7S1), 07JG03(2017).
- T. Shimura, Yukihiro Kida, Mitsuyasu Deguchi, Yoshitaka Watanabe and Hiroshi Ochi, At-sea experiment of adaptive time-reversal multiuser communication in the deep ocean,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 54 (7S1), 07HG02 (2015).
Conference Paper
- M. Deguchi, Y. Kida, Y. Watanabe and T. Shimura, "Dependence of Demodulation Performance on Symbol Rate for Underwater Acoustic Communication with Nonuniform Doppler shift",The Proc. of The 39th Symposium on UltraSonic Electronics (USE2018).
- M. Deguchi, Y. Kida, Y. Watanabe and T. Shimura, "Analysis of effects of multipath signal with nonuniform Doppler shift on vertical underwater acoustic communication",The Proc. of The 38th Symposium on UltraSonic Electronics (USE2017).
- M.Deguchi, Y.Kida, K.Meguro, Y.Watanabe, T.Shimura, H. Ochi, "A basic study of acoustic communications between an autonomous surface vehicle and an autonomous underwater vehicle", The Proc. of the 30th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol.140(4), 3057(2016).
- M.Deguchi, Y.Kida, K.Meguro, Y.Watanabe, T.Shimura, H. Ochi, "At-sea experiment of underwater acoustic communication with a prototype of autonomous surface vehicle", The Proc. of the 37th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics(USE2016).
- M.Deguchi, Y.Kida, Y.Watanabe, T.Shimura, H. Ochi, "Basic Experimental Demonstration for Acoustic Communications between an ASV and an AUV", Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference(ISOPE2016), Vol.2, 556(2016).
- 海洋音響学会2017年度研究発表会においてベストポスター賞を受賞(2017.5)
- 日本海洋工学会JAMSTEC中西賞を受賞(2018.5)
- 第40回超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム(USE2019)にてUSE2018奨励賞受賞が決定(2019)