└■しかく Japan Geoscience union Mail News extraordinary Edition No.213 September 18, 2014
≪ Contents ≫
┃1.Regarding the Nishida Prize for Promotion of Geoscience
└■しかく 1.Regarding the Nishida Prize for Promotion of Geoscience
Awards Program Managing Director
Masato Nakamura
Japan Geoscience Union has created the “Nishida Prize for Promotion of Geoscience”
to honor internationally recognized mid-level researchers under the age of 45.
The prize is named for member Prof. Atsuhiro Nishida (fellow),
who provided a proposal and a donation in support.
1. Recipient Qualifications
This prize is conferred upon researchers under the age of 45 as of the beginning of the judging period (April 1)
who have provided an exceptional level of research in the field of Geoscience using a new approach,
attaining international recognition. As a rule, the award is for individuals, but we will also recognize
teams of up to two people. Decisions will not be made on the basis of nationality, sex, or whether one is
a Japan Geoscience Union member or a non-member. The selection committee will select 10 award winners.
2. Recommendations
i. Candidates must be recommended to be considered for selection,
and we will recognize recommendations from the candidate him or herself, as well as those from others (who shall have held JpGU membership; 10/10 update ).
If the candidate is recommended by someone else,
the candidate’s interest in receiving the award will need to be confirmed in advance.
ii. The following documentation is required for a recommendation.
Recommendations must be written in Japanese or English.
(Both languages can appear in the same recommendation document.)
· The candidate’s name and contact information (affiliated institution, address, telephone number, email address, etc.)
· The candidate’s work history and list of honors
· A list of all reviewed publications and a supplement of the five most important
· Reasons for recommendation (6 pages or fewer, A4 size)
If the candidate is providing the recommendation, it must be written by the candidate him or herself, and if providing a recommendation for another,
it must be written by recommender.(Dec 11th updated)
· If the candidate is providing the recommendation, they must also send two letters of support(Dec 11th updated), and if providing a recommendation for another, they must also provide letters of support from two others
· If providing a recommendation for another, the person providing the recommendation must provide their contact information (address, telephone number, email address, etc.)
· It does not matter whether who write letters of support have JpGU membership or not.(Dec 11th updated)
their contact information (address, telephone number, email address, etc.)
iii. Recommendations must be sent within the recommendation period for the year in question in the form of a word file
and a PDF version thereof, in an email addressed to the Office for the Nishida Prize for the Promotion of Geoscience (jpgu_nishidasho@icloud.com ). Supplemental publications can be provided only in PDF format.
3. Recommendation Period
September 20 – December 15, 2014
4. Method of Conferral
i. An award certificate will be given.
ii. As a supplementary prize, the winners will receive a one-time payment of 500,000円.
5. For further information, please refer to http://www.jpgu.org/news/nishidaprize.html.
Japan Geoscience Union (http://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org