Invited Lecturers
* : International
Union Session(U)
Public Session(O)
Space and Planetary Sciences(P)
Atmospheric,Ocean, and Environmental Sciences(A)
Human Geoscience(H)
Solid Earth Sciences(S)
Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary(M)
Union Session (U)
U-01 MURAYAMAYasuhiro Toward a New Framework of Global Data Activit
"ICSU World Data System-Global Data for Global Science" Mustapha Mokrane(ICSU WDS-IPO)
"Contribution of Data Community of Japan to ICSU World Data System" Takashi Watanabe(STELAB)
"Scienitific Information Commons and World Data System (tentative)" Shuichi Iwata(UT)
"Data Integration and Information Fusion towards the Integrated Human Security" Toshio Koike(Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
"Inter-University Upper Atmosphere Global Observation Network (IUGONET)" Toshitaka Tsuda(RISH, Kyoto Univ.)
"Framework for International Collaborations in Planetary Data Archives" Yukio Yamamoto(ISAS/JAXA)
"International and Interdisciplinary Data Access: the IPY Experience" David Carlson(IPY IPO)
"Toward a new phase of Arctic research data activity" Hironori Yabuki(JAMSTEC)
"Activities on the development of GEOSS and GEO Grid" Koki Iwao(AIST)
"Integration of heterogeneous data sources of Russian-Ukrainian WDS Segment based on ontology and agent-oriented approach" Kostiantyn Yefremov(WDC-Ukraine, NTUU "KPI")
"Application Layer in Science Data Systems: Case Study of "Digital Typhoon" and "2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake" Asanobu Kitamoto(NII)
"Toward a Big Data Science: A challenge of Science Cloud" Ken T. Murata(NICT)
"Access and scientific exploitation of planetary plasma datasets with the CDPP/AMDA web-based facility" Nicolas Andre(IRAP/CNRS)
"Substorm Zoo - a browser-based tool for space weather research and teaching" Eija Tanskanen(FMI and UiB/IFT)
U-02 YOSHIKAWA Makoto New Progress toward the Understanding of Small Solar System Bodies: From HAYABUSA to HAYABUSA2
"MarcoPolo-R: Asteroid Sample Return Mission" Patrick Michel(Univ. Nice, CNRS, OCA, F)
"Generation mechanism of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake - what are resolved and what are left unresolved" Akira Hasegawa(RCPEV, Graduate School of Sci., Tohoku Univ.)
"Role of the atmosphere numerical model at the time of the nuclear power plant accident and the earthquake disaster" Akira Watanabe
"Terrestrial Trasfer of fallout radionuclides by hydrogeomorphological process by Fukushima NPP accident" Yuichi Onda(School of Life&Envirom. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba)
"Significance of Tectonic Geomorphology in the Prediction of Plate Boundary Earthquakes around Japan" Takashi Nakata(nane)
"Disaster management about the Nankai Earthquakes after the 2011 off Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake" Makoto Okamura(Kochi Univ.)
"Geography and disaster prevention teaching in Kanai area learnt from the Great East Japan Earthquake's lesson" Haruo Noma
"How to apply the disaster lessons from the East Japan earthquake to the next ''unexpected'' disasters" Yoshiaki Kawata(Kansai University)
"Two sites of life system on the Earth" Shigenori Maruyama(Earth and Planetary Sci., Tokyo Institute of Technology)
"Development in the early Archean of the modern-styled geochemical cycles of Fe & U through the crust-ocean-mantle system" Hiroshi Ohmoto(Penn State)
"Earth's surface environments inferred from chemical sedimentary rocks deposited in a shallow ocean 3.2 billion years ago" Tsubasa Otake(GREEN, AIST)
"Organic matrices regulating the biomineralization -Structural and functional analyses of Pif in the nacreous layer-" Michio Suzuki(Graduate School of Science, Univ. of Tokyo)
SHIIBA Michiharu (Kyoto University)
SUGIMOTO Atsuko (Hokkaido University)
KITAHARA Hikaru (Shinshu University)
NAKAKITA Eiichi (Kyoto University)
"Remarks from Meteorology to Seismology" Akimasa Sumi(IR3S)
"Role and activity of Committee for Geosphere Stability Research in The Geological Society of Japan" Hidekazu Yoshida
"Immature Science and Social Responsibility" Jiro Tomari(ERI)
"Public's cognition and support toward seismology" Kazuya Nakayachi(Faculty of Psychology, Doshisha University)
"Science communication after the Tohoku earthquake: "bilateral communication" for what?" Kazuhisa Todayama
"A proposal to the community of earthquake researcher - overcoming the crisis of confidence -" Teruyuki Kato(Earthq. Res. Inst., Univ. Tokyo)
Public Session (O)
"Social Response of Local Governments during the Great East Japan Earthquake" Yoshihiro Okumura(DRI)
"When a natural disaster occurs, how should school staff members roles?" Tatsuya Sugoshi(KOBE High school)
"Knowledge of law for surviving disasters" Eiichi Yamasaki
"Lesson Development in Moral Education integrated with Disaster Education" Motoki Fujii
"Revisiting the concept of tsunami tendenko" Katsuya Yamori(DPRI, Kyoto Univ.)
Univ. of Tokyo,)"
"High energy particle imaging of the solid earth" Hiroyuki Tanaka(ERI, Univ. Tokyo)
"Anatomy of solar system origin from Itokawa and the family" Hisayoshi Yurimoto(Natural History Sci., Hokudai)
Space and Planetary Sciences (P)
P-CG14 KOJIMA Hirotsugu Instrumentation for space science
"Development of a Low-Energy Electron Instrument LEP-e for the ERG Mission" Chio Z. Cheng(PSSC, NCKU)
"The ESA-led JUpiter ICy moon Explorer mission: a sophisticated instrumentation in an intense radiation environment" Nicolas Andre(IRAP/CNRS)
"Tiny magnetic field measurement system onboard satellites by using an ASIC chip" Werner Magnes(IWF)
"Means to avoid the contamination effect of Langmuir probe measurement for ionosphere studies" Koichiro Oyama(PSSC NCKU)
P-EM07 EBIHARA Yusuke Space Weather
"Empirical Space Weather Forecast Models Based on Solar Data" Yong-Jae Moon(School of Space Research, Kyung Hee Univ)
"Characteristics of trapping boundary of outer radiation belt during geosynchronous electron flux dropout" Junga Hwang(KASI)
"Ionospheric Weather of S4 Index Observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC during 2006-2011" Jann-Yenq Liu(Institute of Space Science, National Central University,Taiwan)
"Ground-based observations of solar flares; current status" Kiyoshi Ichimoto(Hida Obs.)
【Poster】"Space Weather Activities in Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute" Jaejin Lee (KASI)
P-EM08 Liu Huixin Mesosphere-Thermosphere-Ionosphere coupling in Asian sector
"Longitudinal and Geomagnetic Activity Modulation of the Equatorial Thermosphere Anomaly" Lei Jiuhou(Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of China)
"Acoustic Gravity Waves Triggered by the 22 July 2009 Total Solar Eclipse" Jann-Yenq Liu(Institute of Space Science, National Central University,Taiwan)
"Study of the Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Using Observations of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC" Charles Lin(Dept. Earth Sci., NCKU)
"Zonal Drift Velocities of 3-m Field-aligned Irregularities of Layer-type and Clump-type Plasma Structures in Es Region" Yen-Hsyang Chu(Inst. Space Sci., NCU)
"VHF coherent scatter radar observations of mid-latitude E- and F-region field-aligned irregularities over South Korea" Young-Sil Kwak(KASI)
"WINDs Campaign -Lithium Releases from Sounding Rockets in the Thermosphere-" Shigeto Watanabe(Dep. of Cosmosciences, Hokkaido Univ)
P-EM09 Summers Danny Current Research on Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
"Simultaneous Global Observations of Ring Current Dynamics" Eric Grimes(Dept. of Physics, Auburn)
"Pc1/EMIC waves observed at subauroral latitude during sudden magnetospheric compressions" Khan-Hyuk Kim(SSR, Kyung Hee Univ.)
"Rapid radiation belt losses occurring during high speed solar wind stream driven storms: loss mechanisms" Craig Rodger(Department of Physics, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand)
"Recent observations of dropouts of the electron radiation belt and their implications" Steven Morley(LANL)
"Key Issues in Substorm Onset and Expansion" Chio Z. Cheng(PSSC, NCKU)
P-EM10 HIRAHARA Masafumi International Symposium for CAWSES-II and ISWI
"Formation of Preliminary Center for Capacity Building for Space Weather Research" Kiyohumi Yumoto(Space Environ. Res. Center, Kyushu Univ.)
"Recent developments of Pi2 research" Andreas Keiling(UC Berkeley)
P-EM13 TANSKANEN Eija Terrestrial and planetary magnetotails and their response to variable upstream conditions
"Galileo observations of Jovian tail reconnection" Satoshi Kasahara(ISAS/JAXA)
"Performance Evaluation of Automated Flare-CME Event Recognition
System for WASAVIES" Seiji Yashiro(CUA)
"Development of GLE alarm
system and observation of recent SEP events by neutron monitors" Takao
Kuwabara(Bartol Research Institute, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy,
Univ. of Delaware)
【Poster】"Cosmic-ray exposure during aircraft operation" Retsu Akutsu (ALPA-Japan)
"A prospective vision of future space weather research and operation" Ken T. Murata(NICT)
【Poster】"Space weather usage in JAXA radiation exposure management for astronauts" Chiemi Matsumura (JAXA)
P-PS01 Jorn Helbert Taking Mercury and the Moon in the laboratory
"Global classification of MESSENGER spectral reflectance data and lab spectra comparison." Mario D'Amore (DLR)
P-PS02 KIMURA Jun Toward future explorations of Jupiter and Saturn system
"Tidal Distortion of Outer Planet satellites: Implications for Interior Structure and Thermal State" Hauke Hussmann(DLR Inst. of Planet. Res.)
P-PS03 SASAKI Sho Mars
"Current and future exploration of the Moon and Mars: variations of rotation, shapes, displacements of center of mass" Yury Barkin(SAI MSU)
P-PS04 Yuty Barkin Studies of rotation, inner dynamics and gravitational fields of Solar system bodies
"VLBI mission proposed for SELENE-2 and its contribution to constrain the lunar internal structure" Koji Matsumoto(RISE, NAOJ)
"Comparison of changes in Earth rotation with temperature changes in the recent century" Leonid Zotov(ShAO)
P-PS05 KIMURA Makoto Asteroidal collision from meteorites and experimental works
P-PS06 YURIMOTO Hisayoshi Minerals-Water-Organics in the early solar system
"Nature, origins and thermal processing of carbonaceous material in chondritic meteorites" Adrian Brearley(Dept. Earth Planet. Sci., UNM)
"Hydrogen isotopic composition of the water in CR chondrites" LYDIE BONAL(IPAG)
"Where is all the CO in Protostellar Systems?" Joseph Nuth(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
"Deep Space Exploration Technology Experiment Mission DESTINY" Yasuhiro Kawakatsu(ISAS)
"Collisional and orbital evolution of dust particles in protoplanetary disks" Satoshi Okuzumi(Grad. Sch. Sci., Nagoya Univ.)
""Astromineralogy" as mineralogy: until now and from now" Akira Tsuchiyama(Earth and Space Sci., Osaka Univ.)
"Lunar Polar Region, Lunar Water" Junichi Haruyama(ISAS/JAXA)
【Poster】"The layered structure of lunar maria: Identification of the HF-radar reflector in Mare Serenitatis using optical images" Shoko Oshigami (NAOJ)
【Poster】"Vertical trend of modal mineralogy and Mg# of the lunar highland crust estimated from Kaguya spectral data" Makiko Ohtake (ISAS/JAXA)
Atmospheric, Ocean, and Environmental Sciences (A)
A-AS01 ANDO Kentaro Variability of atmosphere, ocean, and air-sea interaction in and over the Indian Ocean
"Indian Ocean capacitor effect for the past 140 years" Shang-Ping Xie(IPRC, Univ Hawaii)
"Footprints of IOD and ENSO in the 115year-Kenyan coral record" Nobuko Nakamura
"Intraseasonal variability in tropical Asian monsoon regions" Satoru Yokoi(AORI, U. Tokyo)
A-AS02 Lin I-I Typhoon-Ocean Interaction in the Western North Pacific Ocean and Neighbouring Seas
"Influence of typhoon to primary production in the marine environment" Joji Ishizaka(HyARC)
A-AS03 NAKAMURA Hisashi Frontiers of Atmospheric Science: Extratropical air-sea interaction and Earth climate
"Formation and erosion of the seasonal thermocline in the Kuroshio Extension Recirculation Gyre" Meghan Cronin(NOAA PMEL)
"Predictability of the western North Pacific summer climate demonstrated by the coupled models of ENSEMBLES" Riyu Lu(LASG, IAP, CAS, China)
"Role of the East-Asian marginal sea SST in the regional predictability and the North Pacific climate variability" Hyodae Seo(WHOI)
"Extratropical ocean influence on climate: The East China Sea example" Shang-Ping Xie(IPRC, Univ Hawaii)
"Perspective on atmospheric chemistry and climate change from aerosols" Toshihiko Takemura(RIAM, Kyushu Univ.)
"Variability and change in sea level in the tropical Pacific" Tamaki Yasuda(MRI)
"Intraseasonal variability of ocean surface in the western Pacific warm pool and its connection with typhoon activity" Hiroyuki Yamada(JAMSTEC)
【Poster】"Mechanism for the asymmetry in ENSO transition and duration" Masamichi Ohba (CRIEPI)
"Solar influence on Greenland temperature anomalies over the past 1000 years" Takuro Kobashi(NiPR)
A-CG05 YAMASHIKI Yosuke Continental-Oceanic Mutual Interaction, Global-scale Material Circulation
"Data archiving of 44-year synoptic observation of solar chromosphere" Reizaburo Kitai(Kwasan Obs., Kyoto Univ)
"Observation of atmospheric radioactivity in Tsukuba-Impacts on aerosol and deposition by the Fukushima nuclear accident" Yasuhito Igarashi(MRI)
A-GE04 SAITO Hirotaka Subsurface Mass Transport and Environmental Assessment
"Computational Physics of Flow Through Porous Media: Permeability Scaling" Larry Winter(Arizona U)
"Fusion of Active and Passive Hydrologic and Geophysical Tomographic Surveys: The Future of Subsurface Characterization" Jim Yeh(Arizona U)
"Linking local soil transport processes to catchment hydrology and policy options" Brent Clothier(Plant & Food Research)
【Poster】"Predicting Soil CO_{2} dynamics in the vadose zone of Andisol in Western suburb of Tokyo" Chihiro Kato (Univ. of Tokyo)
"Development of multi-tracer of water toward Asian geo-isoscape
study" Takanori Nakano(RIHN)
"Aquifer structures and flow systems of
groundwater in the Osaka sedimentary basin" Harue Masuda(Dept. Geosci.,
Osaka City Univ.)
"Behavior of iodine in sedimentary rocks based on
iodine speciation and ^{129}I /^{127}I ratios" Yoko Togo(AIST)
【Poster】"The influence of the Ganges, Brahmaputra river, and Meghna
river on global carbon cycle" Takuya Manaka (Atmosphere and Ocean
Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)
【Poster】"Source and
residence time of groundwater around Battambang region in Kingdom of
Cambodia" Kazumi Asai (Geo-Science Laboratory)
"Urban water pollution by perfluorinated surfactants and their precursors derived from surface runoff" Michio Murakami("Wisdom of Water" (Suntory) The University of Tokyo)
"Annual channel migration and environmental diversity in the upper reaches of the River Azusa, Central Japan" Hiroshi Shimazu(Geography, Rissho Univ.)
"Consideration of climate factors concerning geographical distribution of fungi in Japan" Dai Hirose(Nihon Univ.)
"Denitrification rates in different shallow aquifers" Sadao Eguchi(NIAES)
"Aquifer structure and groundwater flow related to arsenic contaminated groundwater in Sonargaon, Bangladesh" Harue Masuda(Dept. Geosci., Osaka City Univ.)
"Relationship between critical depth and residence time as controlling factors to retention and release of nutrient" Yuta Shimizu(Grad., Integrated Sci., Hiroshima Univ.)
【Poster】"Changes of the mitorogen pollution problem accompanying human work from the field survey example by LHG of Hosei Univ." Koji Kodera (Dep. of Geography, Hosei Univ.)
【Poster】"New challenge of integrated fisheries information system and links to future large-scale research plan in marine ecology" Sei-Ichi Saitoh (Fac. Fish. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.)
""Glacial climate and thermohaline circulation: an ocean biogeochemical modeling toward direct comparison with proxy data"" Akira Oka(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (AORI),
The University of Tokyo)"
"Origin of magnetic mineral concentration variation in the Southern Ocean" Toshitsugu Yamazaki(GSJ, AIST)
"Orbital-scale lake-level and productivity changes in the mid-Cretaceous lacustrine deposits in southeast Mongolia" Hitoshi Hasegawa(Earth and Planetary System Science, Hokkaido University)
"The separation from global and local components of climate signals by comparison between two lake sediments" Keiichi Naito(AORI)
【Poster】"Holocene oxygen isotopic records of Itoigawa stalagmites and climate change" Tomomi Sone (SCS)
【Poster】"Oxygen isotopic composition of the Bering Sea bottom water during the Last Glacial Maximum: constraints from pore water" Akira Ijiri (JAMSTEC)
【Poster】"A negative feedback on pCO2 by shelf organic matters" Hiroyuki Ushie (AORI, Univ. of Tokyo)
Human Geoscience (H)
"A slope stability study for marine gas hydrate resource development" Koji Yamamoto(JOGMEC)
H-DS05 PETROVA ELENA Natural hazard impact on technological systems and urban areas
"Protecting industry and communities: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011" Yoshio Kajitani(DPRI)
"Re-thinking of Land use planning at coastal area in Japan after Tsunami disaster" Hajime Matsushima(Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University)
"Post-Disater Reconstruction and Tourosm --the csce of Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture" Shinjiro Ohmori
"An Example of a Historical Natural Disaster and its Influence on the Japanese-Russian Relations" Anastasia Petrova(IOS,RAS)
"Ocean bottom seismic and tsunami network along the Japan Trench" Toshihiko Kanazawa(ERI, Tokyo Univ)
H-GG01 HARUYAMA Shigeko Global Land Project
"Climate change and changing glacial landscape in Garhwal Himalaya, India" R.B. Singh(Univ. of Delhi)
H-GM02 SHIMAZU Hiroshi Geomorphology
H-SC03 HIMIYAMA Yukio International Human Dimensions Programme
"Role of Wild Food Items for Seasonal Consumption Smoothing: The Case of Rural Zambia" Takeshi Sakurai(IER, Hitotsubashi University)
"Recent Development of Jabodetabek Region (Jakarta Megacity): The Dynamics of Population, Economic Hegemony and LUCC" Ernan Rustiadi(Center for Reg. Sys. Anal. Plan. and Dev., Bogor Agric. Univ. INDONESIA)
"Towards a Charter Moment: Hakone Vision on Governance for Sustainability in the 21th Century" Norichika Kanie(Tokyo Tech)
"Discussion on IHDP" Yukio Himiyama(Hokkaido Univ. of Edu.)
"Land use/cover change and landscape fragmentation analysis in Baguio: A hill station city in the Philippines" Ronald Estoque(Grad. Sch. of Life & Env'tl. Sci.)
"Spatial modeling applied to the cities in Japan" Luis C. Manrique Ruiz(UEC)
H-TT08 TAKAHASHI Yukihiro Scope of climatic research by remote-sensing in Asia
"Robust Monitoring Techniques on Large Scale Carbon Dynamics for REDD+ in Tropical Peatland-Forest" Mitsuru Osaki
"Assessment of Field and Airborne Hyperspectral to Detect Peat Forest Degradation in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia" Muhammad Evri(BPPT)
"Micro satellite development in Indonesia" ORBITA ROSWINTIARTI(LAPAN)
"Micro-satellite User Community in Vietnam: roadmap and challenges" Thanh Ngo-Duc(Dep. Meteo., HUS)
"Land use/ cover change by human impacts using time series of geographic information" Mamoru Koarai(GSI)
【Poster】"Introduce of Smart Tiles System Architecutre for Seamless Geological Map of Japan and contribute the new website" Yoshiharu Nishioka (AIST)
Solid Earth Sciences (S)
S-CG04 TAMURA Yoshihiko Creation and Destruction of Continental Crust by Plate Tectonics
"Geochemical evidence for delamination from the Jurassic Talkeetna arc crustal section: missing pyroxenites from the Moho" Susan DeBari(Geol. Dept., Western Washington Univ.)
"Ultra-deep drilling to the middle crust of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc: Why is this planet to be the Earth?" Yoshiyuki Tatsumi(IFREE, JAMSTEC)
"Active seismic studies in the Izu-Bonin arc and ultra-deep drilling" Shuichi Kodaira(IFREE, JAMSTEC)
S-CG05 Ur Rehman Hafiz Convergent boundary dynamics: collision, subduction, crustal growth and deformation
"Ontong Java Plateau lithosphere and its relation to craton formation" Akira Ishikawa(Univ. of Tokyo at Komaba)
"How can podiform chromitites tell us about the mantle dynamics?" Shoji Arai(Dept. Earth Sci., Kanazawa Univ.)
"Tectonic evolution of the Kurosegawa tectonic zone with relation to the multiple collisions in East Asia" Yasuhito Osanai(Earth Sci., Kyushu Univ.)
"Thermal overprinting of accretionary complex by a specific magma in Pacific type orogenic belt" Tetsumaru Itaya(RINS, Okayama Univ. of Sci.; Earth Planet. Sci., Kobe Univ.)
"Dynamics and evolution of Nansei Islands of Japan" Munetomo Nedachi(FSRC, Kagoshima Univ.)
"Atomistic origin of velocity-strengthening friction" Takahiro Hatano(ERI, Univ. of Tokyo)
"Seismic structures below the Japan Sea complied from results of ocean bottom seismographic observations" Masanao Shinohara(ERI, Univ. Tokyo)
"Thermal history of Earth and the evolution of oceans" Jun Korenaga(Yale)
"Microseismic-based detection of fluid flow in deep seated rock and its application to geothermal development" Takatoshi Ito(Inst. Fluid Sci., Tohoku Univ.)
【Poster】"Geochemical tomography for melting condition beneath Japan arcs" Hitomi Nakamura (TIT)
【Poster】"What stays in the slab and what returns to the surface? A geochemical mass balance model perspective" Jun-Ichi Kimura (IFREE-JAMSTEC)
"Characteristics of electromagnetic data at Marumori in Miyagi prefecture before and after Tohoku M9.0 earthquake" Hideaki Hase(ERI, Tokyo Univ.)
"Earthquakes in subduction zones: An important role of aqueous fluids in earthquake generation" Akira Hasegawa(RCPEV, Graduate School of Sci., Tohoku Univ.)
【Poster】"Origin of Suppressed Matrix Effect by 200Fs-SF-ICPMS Elemental Analysis" Jun-Ichi Kimura (IFREE-JAMSTEC)
S-IT02 YOSHINO Takashi Structure, mineral physics and dynamics of mantle
"Olivine fabric transition during ductile shearing in the uppermost mantle: an example from Oman ophiolite" Katsuyoshi Michibayashi(Inst. Geosciences, Shizuoka Univ)
S-SS01 HIRATA Naoshi Global Collaborative Earthquake Predictability Research
"Current developments and results of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP)" Maria Liukis(SCEC/USC)
"The Testability of Estimates of Maximum Magnitude" Danijel Schorlemmer(GFZ)
"Temporal Clustering of Mega Subduction Earthquakes" Felipe Dimer de Oliveira(Risk Frontiers)
"Possibility of the use of seismicity data for monitoring spatiotemporal slip variation on a plate interface" Naoyuki Kato(ERI, Univ. Tokyo)
"Fault geometry affecting spatial distribution and evolution of fracture zones" Masakazu Niwa(JAEA)
"Strain anomalies induced by 2011 Tohoku earthquake observed by means of a dense GPS network in NE Japan" Mako Ohzono(ISV, Hokkaido Univ.)
"Stress state and deformation mechanism in the Nankai Trough subduction system" Hiroko Kitajima(PSU)
"Drilling the Alpine Fault: Preliminary project report" Jun-ichi Fukuda(Dept. Earth Sci., Tohoku Univ.)
【Poster】"Energy partition for grain crushing in quartz gouge and sintering effect during subseismic to seismic fault motion" Tetsuhiro Togo (NIED)
"Temporal decays of induced inland earthquakes associated with the 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku-oki, Japan, earthquake" Shinji Toda(DPRI, Kyoto University)
"Constructing source fault models for the crustal earthquakes in Japanese Islands" Hiroshi Sato(ERI, Univ. Tokyo)
"Lessons of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake Focused on Characteristics of Ground Motions and Building Damage" Masato Motosaka(DCRC, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)
"Characteristics of long-term strain buildup in the Kuril-Japan subduction zone: a global comparison" Yasutaka Ikeda(Earth & Planet. Sci., Univ. Tokyo)
S-TT03 OKUMA Shigeo Airborne surveys and monitoring of the Earth
"Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Surveys in Austria - An Overview" Andreas Ahl(GBA)
"Radioactive cesium distribution released from Fukushima Daiichi NPP by aerial radiation monitoring" Atsuya Kondo(JAEA)
"Airborne gamma ray spectrometry using balloon and radio controller helicopter for decontamination evaluation" Masayuki Imaizumi(NARO,National Institure for Rural Engineering)
"Global synchroneity of Quaternary calcareous nannofossils datums betweem North Atlantic and Northwestern Pacific Oceans" Shun Chiyonobu(RITE)
"The 1883 eruption of Krakatau and its subsurface structure" Izumi Yokoyama
【Poster】"Stress conditions affected by pressure from magma reservoirs inferred from Miocene dikes in the Shitara area, Japan" Atsushi Yamaji (Div. Earth Planet. Sci., Kyoto Univ.)
"Potential Ability of Weather Radar for Volcanic Ash Detection" Masayuki Maki(NIED)
Biogeosciences (B)
B-AO01 KOBAYASHI Kensei Astrobiology: Origins, Evolution, Distribution of Life
"Origin and birth place of life on the Earth" Shigenori Maruyama(Earth and Planetary Sci., Tokyo Institute of Technology)
"Abiogenic graphite in the 3.8 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt" Takeshi Kakegawa(IMPE., Tohoku Univ.)
"Was the Archean atmosphere reducing?" Hiroshi Ohmoto(Penn State)
"Molecular resurrection of the genes of common ancestor of all the living organisms" Akihiko Yamagishi(Tokyo Univ. Pharm. Life Sci.)
B-PO02 KITAZATO Hiroshi Biocalcification and the geochemistry of proxies
"An attempt to create the animal genomic data as a Linked Data" TAKESHI KAWASHIMA(OIST)
Mutlidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary (M)
"Radioactive fallout: lesson from Chernobyl and what could be experienced for the Fukushima post-accidental situation" Olivier Masson(IRSN)
【Poster】"What could be the consequences of the Fukushima Dai-ichi releases over mountainous areas?" Laurent Pourcelot (IRSN)
M-IS01 KATAOKA Ryuho From the Universe to Genomes: Histories of the Galaxy, Sun, Earth, and Life
"An evolutionary story of Porifera: linkage between the most drastic climate change and the animal multicellularity" Akihiro Kano(Soc. Cul. Studies, Kyushu Univ.)
"Gene Duplication and Diversity of species" Kazuho Ikeo(nig)
"Biological effects of long-term low-dose-rate irradiation and biodefense mechanism" Kimio Tanaka(Dept. Radiobiol., IES)
"Meteorite impacts on the early Earth and origin of life" Takeshi Kakegawa(IMPE., Tohoku Univ.)
M-IS02 HOBARA Yasuhide Atmospheric Electricity
"Observation of lightning discharges using VHF broadband interferometers" Wansheng Dong
"Lightning Applications in Severe Weather Research" Colin Price(Tel Aviv University)
"Is it possible to predict earthquakes? - There are reasons to believe" Alexander Schekotov(IPE/RAS)
"Possible precursors to the 2011 3/11 Japan earthquake:VLF/LF propagation anomaly and ULF depression anomaly" Masashi Hayakawa(AWCC Univ. UEC)
M-IS03 Groisman Pavel Changes in Northern Asia and the Arctic: Their feedbacks to the Globe
"Megafauna and frozen soil: the drivers of atmospheric CH4 and CO2 dynamics" Sergey Zimov(North-East Scientific Station)
"Research on high-latitude Eurasian-global linkages at the International Arctic Research Center" John Walsh(IARC UAF)
M-IS04 OHTANI Eiji Deep Carbon Cycle
"Challenges to Explore the Terrestrial Subsurface Biosphere in Japan" Yohey Suzuki(Univ. Tokyo)
"Role of volatiles on petit-spot volcanoes" Naoto Hirano(CNEAS, Tohoku Univ.)
"Phase relations in peridotite and eclogite systems with H2O and CO2 at 3-27 GPa" Konstantin Litasov(Dept. Earth Planet. Mat. Sci., Grad. Sch. Sci., Tohoku Univ.)
"Density and magnetic properties Fe_{7}C_{3} to 1.7 Mbar with implications for carbon in the Earth's inner core" Jie Li(Earth Environ. Sci., U. Michigan)
"Processes of stromatolite formation examined from the modern analogs" Tomoyo Okumura
"Preparation of Core-Shell Type Organic/Metal Hybridized Nanocrystals and Their Optical Properties" Hidetoshi Oikawa(IMRAM, Tohoku Univ.)
"Hydraulics of sediment erosion and reworking by surging currents" Koji Minoura(Geology, Tohoku University)
"Climatic cooling caused by a major weakening of the geomagnetic field" Ikuko Kitaba(KURCIS)
"An isotopic view on ionising radiation as a source of sulphuric acid" Shohei Hattori(Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Sci. and Eng., Titech)
【Poster】"Spatial distribution of climate response to the solar cycles during the Maunder Minimum" Yasuhiko T. Yamaguchi (AORI, Univ. Tokyo)
"IODP Expedition 331 Deep Hot Biosphere" Takuro Nunoura(JAMSTEC)
"Isolation and characterization of Parmales and its dynamics in the Oyashio region, western North Pacific" Mutsuo Ichinomiya(Prefectural Univ. Kumamoto)
""Innovations on radar convection dynamics and Japan-Indonesia collaboration"" Manabu D. Yamanaka(IORGC, JAMSTEC;
DEPS/GSS, Kobe Univ)"
"Spatial compositional variability and origin of incipient subarc mantle inferred from the northern Oman ophiolite" Eiichi TAKAZAWA(Dept. Geol., Facul. Sci., Niigata Univ.)
"Three-dimensional shear wave structures of the upper mantle beneath the Philippine Sea and the French Polynesia region" Takehi Isse(ERI, Univ. of Tokyo)
M-TT06 MINAMOTO Yasuhiro Centennial Progress of Geophysic
"Geomagnetic detection of the sectorial solar magnetic field and the historical peculiarity of minimum 23-24" Jeffrey Love(USGS)
"Automatic Magnetic Observatories with AUTODIF" Jean Rasson(IRM)
"Magnetic observatory data - unique input for probing the Earth's mantle" Hisashi Utada(ERI, Univ. of Tokyo)
"The Earth's magnetic field: Where do we stand? Where do we go?" Mioara Mandea(CNES, FRANCE)
"U-Pb age determination for Quaternary zircons using a laser ablation-ICP-mass spectrometry" Hideki Iwano(Kyoto Fission-Track)