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JpGU 2016 Outstanding Student Presentation Award
- Space and Planetary Sciences Section
- Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences Section
- Human Geosciences Section
- Solid Earth Sciences Section
- Biogeosciences Section
Space and Planetary Sciences Section (18)
Name | Affiliation | Title | Yuna Grace Kwon | Seoul National University | MONITORING OBSERVATIONS OF THE JUPITER-FAMILY COMET 17P/HOLMES DURING ITS 2014 PERIHELION PASSAGE |
Kevin Genestreti | University of Texas San Antonio | Three-dimensional magnetotail reconnection: Geotail and Cluster observations |
Septi Perwitasari | Tohoku University | 3-years Occurrence Variability of Concentric Gravity Waves in the Mesopause Observed by IMAP/VISI |
Jorge Pla-García | Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC) | Tracking the MSL-SAM methane detection source location Through Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (MRAMS) |
Soon KangLou | Ibaraki University | Modeling of Dust Emission from Disk Surrounding HD 142527 |
Heqiucen XU | Nagoya University | Statistical Analysis of Severe Magnetic Fluctuations in the near-Earth Magnetotail Observed by THEMIS-E |
Masataka Imai | Hokkaido University | Ground-based observations of the formation and periodical rotation of the global scale UV-feature on Venus cloud top |
Mamoru Ota | Kanazawa University | Study on prior information suitable for wave distribution function method |
Hiroaki Saito | Hokkaido University | Water Partitioning into the Martian Mantle during Accretion of Mars |
Yumika Sakamoto | Tokai University | A numerical study on decrease of electron temperature inside the sporadic E layer |
Mika Shishido | Tohoku University | Variation in SII and SIII brightness distribution of Io plasma torus based on Hisaki/EXCEED and ground based observation data |
Takuya Shibayama | Nagoya University | Fast magnetic reconnection supported by sporadic small-scale Petschek-type shocks |
Munehito Shoda | The University of Tokyo | Nonlinear reflection process of linearly-polarized, broadband Alfven waves in the fast solar wind |
Kouta Suzuki | Kobe University | Development of ambient-controlled gas levitation system embedded in tube furnace and its application to chondrule formation |
Yuko Daket | Kyoto University | One-dimensional crater chronology: A method of estimating the termination age of faulting |
Yohei Nakayama | Kyoto University | Void structure of O+ ion observed by the Van Allen Probes in the inner magnetoshpere |
Shota Notsu | Kyoto University | How to measure snowlines and C/O ratio distributions in protoplanetary disks using infrared spectroscopic observations |
Yuki Hibiya | The University of Tokyo | The origin of primitive achondrites inferred from a mineralogical and isotope cosmochemical study of NWA 6704 |
Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences Section (9)
Name | Affiliation | Title |
Keita Uehara | The University of Tokyo | The impact of Drake and Tasmanian Passages on Antarctic regions and deep ocean temperature |
Takashi Obase | The University of Tokyo | The role of glacial meltwater in the both hemispheres on the Southern Ocean during the last deglaciation |
Shoichiro Kido | The University of Tokyo | Subsurface salinity anomalies in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean during positive IOD events |
Takeshi Kinase | Ibaraki University | Seasonal variation of the concentration of black carbon and the size distribution of the surface snow sampled in the Syowa station in the Antarctica |
Hidetaka Kobayashi | The University of Tokyo | Role of Southern Ocean in glacial atmospheric CO2 reduction |
Anne Takahashi | The University of Tokyo | Dissipation processes of internal waves generated by geostrophic flows impinging on bottom topography |
Shun Muto | The University of Tokyo | Origin of the Lower Triassic deep-sea chert gap |
Koichi Murakami | Tokyo Metropolitan University | Development of a particle production method for calibration of a nanoparticle composition analyzer |
Ryosuke Yasui | The University of Tokyo | An analysis on the momentum budget in the MLT region based on satellite and whole atmosphere model data |
Human Geosciences Section (11)
Name | Affiliation | Title |
Jiaqi Liu | The University of Tokyo | Numerical modelling of tsunami-induced seawater intrusion and aquifer recovery process in the Niijima Island, Japan |
Qianling Zhu | Chiba University | The Chinese Poetry of Soseki Natsume: An Analysis of Nouns and Adjectives Related to the Features of Scenery |
Takako UTSUGAWA | Tokyo Metropolitan University | Fluvial breaking and abrasion mechanisms acting upon gravel–sand grains utilizing the difference of grain lithology |
Koji Ohata | Kyoto University | Discriminant functions for formative conditions of bedforms in open-channel flows |
Takuro Ogura | Kanazawa University | Study on content and constitution of learning to deal with Geomorphology in Geography A -Focusing on the relationship in the units and in the social life- |
Hana Sasaki | Fukuoka University | Record of thickness and fluorescence intensity of annual layers in a stalagmite of Shiraho Saonetabaru Cave, Ishigaki Island |
Natsuki Sasaki | The University of Tokyo | Characteristics and Development Processes of Wetlands on Large-scale Landslide in Ou Mountain Range, NE Japan |
Osamu Sandanbata | The University of Tokyo | 2015 Torishima tsunami earthquake: Ray tracing analysis of dispersive tsunami wave |
Kazuaki Sumi | Kyoto University | Tracing Atmospherically Deposited Nitrate in Forest Ecosystem Using Triple Nitrate Isotopes |
Takayuki Takahashi | The University of Tokyo | Relationship between the geomorphological characteristics of tributaries and the development processes of the fluvial terrace in the upstream area of the Tama River, central Japan |
Shinya Hamada | Chiba University | Monitoring alien plants by small UAV and TLC in Kanno river, Inbanuma catchment |
Solid Earth Sciences Section (35)
Name | Affiliation | Title |
Sajjad Amani | Kyoto University | A fast non-local transform-domain method for seismic random noise attenuation |
Adam Holt | University of Southern California | The dynamics of double slab subduction from numerical and semi-analytic models |
Zoe Keiki Mildon | Tohoku University | How variable normal fault geometry affects fault interaction and stress transfer: Examples from central Apennines, Italy |
Loic Viens | The University of Tokyo | Finite Source Modeling of a Large Earthquake Using the Ambient Seismic Field |
Naoki Araya | Tohoku University | Depth of pre-eruptive magma reservoir of Sakurajima Volcano estimated from melt inclusions |
Atsuro Okamoto | The University of Tokyo | Effect of the metallic melt on the mantle rheology |
Natsumi Okutsu | The University of Tokyo | Sedimentary structure of muddy turbidites recorded in a terminal basin |
Ryosuke Oyanagi | Tohoku University | Bidirectional replacement zoning developed in metasomatic reaction of olivine and its implication for development of mesh zoning of serpentinites |
Satoshi Katakami | Kyoto University | Detecting tectonic tremor through frequency scanning at a single station in the Japan Trench subduction zone |
Shogo Kawasumi | Okayama University | Sulfur Systematics in the Izena Hole Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems, Okinawa Trough: Stable Isotope, Mineralogy and Redox Equilibria |
Ippei Kitano | Kyushu University | LA-ICP-MS Zircon U-Pb ages for metamorphic rocks from the Highland and Wanni Complexes, Sri Lanka. |
Yoki Kitayama | Kyushu University | Geochemical Study on Redox Conditions of REE Zone in Nickel Laterie Deposit, South Dinagat Island, Philippines |
Takafumi Kimura | The University of Tokyo | Mantle potential temperature in Ordovician estimated from ultramafic dikes in the Hayachine-Miyamori Ophiolite |
Tatsuya Kubota | Tohoku University | Improved fault model of the Tohoku intraslab earthquake on Dec. 2012 (Mw 7.2) and its implication for the post-2011 stress state |
Yuto Sasaki | The University of Tokyo | Effect of Dislocations on Rock Anelasticity: Experimental Approach by Using an Analogue Material |
Ryohei Sasajima | Nagoya University | Strain rate dependency of b-values of oceanic intraplate earthquakes |
Tetsuro Sato | Tohoku University | Viscous remanent magnetitization of tsunamigenic boulders and the age of tsunami events |
Yu Takagi | The University of Tokyo | Green function for internal deformation due to a point dislocation in a spherical earth: asymptotic solution at the higher degree for a stratified earth model |
Kota Takatsuka | Kyoto University | U-Pb zircon ages younger than regional metamorphism obtained from gneissose granitoids in the Mikawa area, Ryoke belt |
Atsushi Takahashi | Kyoto University | Cluster Analysis of the Velocity Field in the Japanese Islands Derived from Dense GEONET Data |
Ryo Takahashi | Osaka City University | Magma process of alkali basalt magma: a case study of the Kannabe monogenetic volcano group |
Atsushi Nakao | Tokyo Institute of Technology | A new mechanism to produce chemical heterogeneity of Earth’s mantle: Slab dehydration at 660-km phase boundary |
Yuki Nakashima | Hokkaido University | Relationship Between Amplitudes of Infrasound and Ionospheric TEC Disturbances by Vulcanian Volcanic Explosions |
Ryosuke Nakashima | Kyushu University | The empirical mode analysis of the decadal variations in the geomagnetic Gauss coefficients |
Yoshihiro Nakamura | Niigata University | Pressure-temperature-time dependence of structural evolution of CM to graphite: Implication for fast graphitization in metamorphic terrain |
Yuka Namiki | Kyoto University | Correlation between frictional properties and deformation textures in frictional experiments on the biogenic sediment collected from the oceanic plate offshore Costa Rica |
Atushi Noguchi | Kochi University | Sub-millimeter scale magnetostratigraphy of ferromanganese crust from north western Pacific: High fidelity estimate of growth rate |
Kouta Hamada | Hokkaido University | 3D shear wave structure in the North American upper mantle from interstation phase and amplitude data of surface waves |
Yoshinori Higashi | Kyoto University | Hydrogen diffusion experiment in apatite: Effect of different water content |
Taroujirou Matumura | Shizuoka University | Forward modeling of microboudinaged columnar grains: simplified microboudin palaeo-piezometer |
Yoshihiro Miyake | University of Tsukuba | Geological provenance based on detrital chromian spinels from the Lower Cretaceous in the Kurosegawa Belt, SW Japan |
Yuki Mori | Kyushu University | Formation of Corona around Corundum in the Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica |
Masatoshi Yagi | Tokai University | Elucidation of activity history on Yatsushiro-sea submarine fault group-Challenge to the Seismic Trenching using high-resolution seismic survey- |
Taishi Yamada | Hokkaido University | Acoustic VLP signals accompanying the continuous ash emission following Vulcanian eruptions |
Ryusuke Yamamoto | Tohoku University | Creep rate measurement and fault modeling at the North Anatolian Fault, beneath the Sea of Marmara, Turkey, by means of acoustic ranging |
Biogeosciences Section (2)
Name | Affiliation | Title |
Hisahiro Ueda | Tokyo Institute of Technology | Experimental study on H2 generation through reactions between komatiite and CO2-rich seawater |
Yuko Yamagata | Kyoto University | Stable isotote signature of Fe to understand the Fe-biocycle in the hydrothermal-vent |