You can search the databases available for the University of Tokyo members. Please see here for the details.
E-journal & E-book Portal
- provider
- ProQuest (Library System)
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Journal Articles
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese, Western language
TREE(UTokyo REsource Explorer)
※(注記)It mainly searches within the University of Tokyo OPAC and databases that the university has contracted with (which permission was given from the providers). There are materials such as Japanese newspaper databases which are outside of TREE search, please use individual databases according to the purpose.
※(注記)When you want to find specific books and journals, please also use the University of Tokyo OPAC and E-journal & E-book Portal.
※(注記)When accessing TREE with ECCS terminal computers, please do not use Internet Explorer.
- provider
- ProQuest (Library System)
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Books
- Journal Articles
- Doctorial Dissertations
- Newspaper Articles
- Scientific/Technological Reports
- Encyclopedic & Dictionary Tools
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese, Western language, Chinese, Korean
The University of Tokyo OPAC
- provider
- Library System
- access to full text
- none
- source type
- Books
- Journal Articles
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese, Western language, Chinese, Korean
JapanKnowledge Lib
- provider
- NetAdvance
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Encyclopedic & Dictionary Tools
- Journal Articles
- Old Documents & Rare Books
- others
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese, Western language
CiNii Articles
- provider
- National Institute of Informatics: NII (General Library)
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Journal Articles
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese, Western language
Web of Science Core Collection [Available through Web of Science]
This is a database of articles in major academic journals of all subject fields. It allows you to find articles citing these works or that share a common reference, as well as to limit a search by keywords. This is a web version of SCI, SSCI, and A&HCI.
・Science Citation Index Expanded (1900-)
・Social Sciences Citation Index (1900-)
・Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-)
・Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science (1990-)
・Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Social Science & Humanities (1990-)
・Book Citation Index: Science (2005-)
・Book Citation Index: Social Sciences & Humanities (2005-)
・Emerging Sources Citation Index (2015-)
・Current Chemical Reactions (1985-)(Includes Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle structural data since 1840)
・Index Chemicus (1993-)
As of July 12, 2021, there has been a change in the configuration and URL of Web of Science, and it is currently not available via the Authentication GW/SSL-VPN Gateway Service. More information
From August 11, 2021, members of the University of Tokyo will be able to use this database from off-campus by clicking "Use (EZproxy)" above.
- provider
- Clarivate Analytics
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Journal Articles
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese, Western language, Chinese, Korean
- provider
- Elsevier(研究推進部)
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Journal Articles
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Western language
・Academic Search Complete
・Bibliography of Asian Studies
・Business Source Complete
・CINAHL Plus with Full Text
・Communication Abstracts
・Historical Abstracts
・Index to Legal Periodicals and Books (H.W. Wilson)
・Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
・Linguistics Abstracts Online
・MLA Directory of Periodicals
・MLA International Bibliography
・Peace Research Abstracts
・Philosopher's Index
・PsycArticles(APA )
・PsycInfo(APA )
・Race Relations Abstracts
・Regional Business News
・SocINDEX with Full Text
・Teacher Reference Center
- provider
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Books
- Journal Articles
- subject
- History & Geography, Economics & Management & Business, Society & Education, Medicine & Life Science & Biology & Pharmacy
- language
- Western language
・Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection
・ProQuest Ebook Central (旧ebrary)
・Periodicals Archive Online
・Periodicals Index Online
・ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
・ProQuest Historical Annual Reports
・ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chinese Newspaper Collection(1832-1953)
・ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Times of India (1838-2010)
・Social Science Premium Collection
・Criminology Collection
・Education Collection
・Education Database
・International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
・Library & Information Science Collection
・Linguistics Collection
・Politics Collection
・Social Science Database
・Sociology Collection.
- provider
- ProQuest
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Books
- Journal Articles
- Newspaper Articles
- subject
- General Fields, Literature & Language, Humanities & Social Sciences, Society & Education, Medicine & Life Science & Biology & Pharmacy, (Natural Science) Others
- language
- Western language
Asahi Shimbun Digital News Archives "KIKUZOU II Visual"
(Simultaneous users:4)
- provider
- The Asahi Shimbun Company
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Newspaper Articles
- Journal Articles
- Encyclopedic & Dictionary Tools
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese
Nikkei Telecom 21
The number of simultaneous sessions is limited, so please try again at a later time if unable to access this service.
- provider
- Nikkei Digital Media, Inc.
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Newspaper Articles
- Statistical data
- others
- subject
- General Fields, Economics & Management & Business
- language
- Japanese
(Simultaneous users: 2)
- provider
- Mainichi Shimbun
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Newspaper Articles
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese
*The folders created as Saved Articles and Saved Search will be deleted at the end of every academic year.
(Concurrent users: 5)
- provider
- Yomiuri Shimbun
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Newspaper Articles
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese
- provider
- PressReader(General Library)
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Newspaper Articles
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese, Western language, Chinese, Korean
UTokyo Repository
- provider
- Library System / Information Systems Department
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Institutional Repository
- Journal Articles
- Doctorial Dissertations
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese, Western language, Chinese, Korean
UTokyo Academic Archives Portal
- provider
- Library System
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Old Documents & Rare Books
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese, Western language, Chinese, Korean
The University of Tokyo Doctorial Dissertation Database
- provider
- Information Systems Department
- access to full text
- none
- source type
- Doctorial Dissertations
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese
Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Doctoral Dissertation Index
- provider
- Graduate School of Engineering
- access to full text
- none
- source type
- Doctorial Dissertations
- subject
- Technology & Engineering & Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics & Astronomy & Geoscience, Medicine & Life Science & Biology & Pharmacy
- language
- Japanese
E-books (electronic books) available in the University of Tokyo
- provider
- Library System
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Books
- Encyclopedic & Dictionary Tools
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese, Western language
UTokyo BiblioPlaza
- provider
- Research Promotion Planning Group, UTokyo
- access to full text
- none
- source type
- Books
- subject
- Philosophy & Psychology, History & Geography, Literature & Language, Politics & Law, Economics & Management & Business, Society & Education
- language
- Japanese, Western language
Academic Search Complete [Available through EBSCOhost]
- provider
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Journal Articles
- subject
- General Fields, Humanities & Social Sciences, (Social Science) Others, Medicine & Life Science & Biology & Pharmacy, Technology & Engineering & Mathematics
- language
- Western language
ACM Computing Reviews
- provider
- ACM :Association for Computing Machinery
- access to full text
- none
- source type
- Books
- Journal Articles
- subject
- Technology & Engineering & Mathematics
- language
- Western language
ACM Digital Library
- provider
- ACM :Association for Computing Machinery
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Journal Articles
- subject
- Technology & Engineering & Mathematics
- language
- Western language
Acta Sanctorum
- provider
- ProQuest
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Books
- Old Documents & Rare Books
- subject
- Philosophy & Psychology, History & Geography, Literature & Language, Humanities & Social Sciences
- language
- Western language
- provider
- National Agricultural Library
- access to full text
- none
- source type
- Books
- Journal Articles
- subject
- Medicine & Life Science & Biology & Pharmacy
- language
- Western language
Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection [Available through ProQuest]
- provider
- ProQuest
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Journal Articles
- subject
- Medicine & Life Science & Biology & Pharmacy, (Natural Science) Others
- language
- Western language
- provider
- Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Information Center
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Books
- Journal Articles
- Scientific/Technological Reports
- Online Academic Information
- others
- subject
- Medicine & Life Science & Biology & Pharmacy
- language
- Japanese
Airiti Library
When you access via off-campus access, you can't use the link to external site.
- provider
- BUNSEI Shoin(Library fo Agricultural and life Science)
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Journal Articles
- Doctorial Dissertations
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Chinese
ALC Search
- provider
- The Art Library Consortium (ALC)
- access to full text
- none
- source type
- Books
- Journal Articles
- subject
- Arts
- language
- Japanese
American Civil Liberties Union Papers [Included in Gale Primary Sources]
Due to a change in the site's settings, PDF files are currently unavailable from off-campus. You can use this database only for search. May 25, 2021
- provider
- Gale Cengage Learning
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Old Documents & Rare Books
- others
- subject
- History & Geography, Society & Education
- language
- Western language
Aozora Collection
- provider
- Aozora Bunko
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Books
- subject
- General Fields
- language
- Japanese
APA PsycARTICLES [Available through EBSCOhost]
Select PsycARTICLES on the Choose Databases menu, and click Continue.
- provider
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Books
- Journal Articles
- Doctorial Dissertations
- subject
- Philosophy & Psychology
- language
- Japanese, Western language
APA PsycINFO [Available through EBSCOhost]
Select PsycINFO on the Choose Databases menu, and click Continue.
- provider
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Books
- Journal Articles
- Doctorial Dissertations
- subject
- Philosophy & Psychology
- language
- Japanese, Western language
Archives Unbound. Evangelism in Japan: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1859 - 1911 [Included in Gale Primary Sources]
Archives Unbound. Evangelism in Japan: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1859-1911 is available on Archives Unbound.
This database consists of the records of the foreign missions of the Presbyterian Church in Japan which report social conditions in Japan and efforts to spread the gospel during the nineteenth century.
Due to a change in the site's settings, PDF files are currently unavailable from off-campus. You can use this database only for search. May 25, 2021
- provider
- Gale Cengage Learning
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Scientific/Technological Reports
- subject
- History & Geography, Humanities & Social Sciences
- language
- Western language
Archives Unbound. Global Missions and Theology [Included in Gale Primary Sources]
Archives Unbound. Global Missions and Theology is available on Archives Unbound.
This collection documents the broad range of Nineteenth-Century religious missionary activities, practices and thought in the United States by reproducing pivotal personal narratives, organizational records, and biographies of the essential leaders, simple missionaries, and churches.
Due to a change in the site's settings, PDF files are currently unavailable from off-campus. You can use this database only for search. May 25, 2021
- provider
- Gale Cengage Learning
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Books
- others
- subject
- History & Geography, Humanities & Social Sciences
- language
- Western language
Archives Unbound. Shanghai Municipal Council: The Municipal Gazette, 1908 - 1940 [Included in Gale Primary Sources]
Archives Unbound. Shanghai Municipal Council: The Municipal Gazette, 1908-1940 is available on Archives Unbound. As the official organ of the Shanghai Municipal Council, The Municipal Gazette was established in 1908 and ceased publication in 1942. Released every Friday, the Gazette published notifications, departmental reports, letters from readers, minutes of Council meetings, municipal budget, monthly summary of revenue, financial statements on income and expenditures, policies and orders formulated by the council. This is a complete collection of the Gazette, containing all 35 volumes.
Due to a change in the site's settings, PDF files are currently unavailable from off-campus. You can use this database only for search. May 25, 2021
- provider
- Gale Cengage Learning (Faculty of Letters Library)
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Parliamentary & Official Publications
- subject
- History & Geography, Politics & Law, Economics & Management & Business
- language
- Western language
Archives Unbound. WWI and Revolution in Russia, 1914 - 1918 [Included in Gale Primary Sources]
Archives Unbound. WWI and Revolution in Russia, 1914-1918 is available on Archives Unbound.
This collection documents the Russian entrance into World War I and the Revolution in Russia in 1917 and 1918. The documents consist primarily of correspondence between the British Foreign Office, various British missions and consulates in the Russian Empire and the Tsarist government and later the Provisional Government.
Due to a change in the site's settings, PDF files are currently unavailable from off-campus. You can use this database only for search. May 25, 2021
- provider
- Gale Cengage Learning (Faculty of Letters Library)
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Parliamentary & Official Publications
- subject
- History & Geography
- language
- Western language
ARRIDE (Academic Research Repository at the Institute of Developing Economies)
- provider
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Books
- Journal Articles
- subject
- Politics & Law, Economics & Management & Business, Society & Education
- language
- Japanese, Western language
- provider
- Cornell University Library
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Journal Articles
- subject
- Medicine & Life Science & Biology & Pharmacy, Technology & Engineering & Mathematics, Physics & Astronomy & Geoscience
- language
- Western language
ASABE Technical library
The database which can use the publication of ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers) issue online. A printing magazine is Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Biological Engineering Transactions, Journal of Agricultural Safety, Transactions of the ASABE and Resource Magazine. Standards, Meeting Papers, Conference Proceedings, Textbooks, Lecture Series Full text is available as well as the minutes published since 2001.
When using from the "Use (Ezproxy)" button from off-campus, we have confirmed a problem that the full text is not displayed. Please use the SSL-VPN Gateway service / authentication GW service.
- provider
- ASABE(Library fo Agricultural and life Science)
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Journal Articles
- subject
- Medicine & Life Science & Biology & Pharmacy
- language
- Western language