1. Libraries

Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology Library

Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology , No. 4 Building, Second floor


  • Weekdays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Service counter closed from 12:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Members of RCAST can enter the library from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM every day.
  • To enter the library, need a Student/Faculty ID card or entrance card(IC card).

Closing Days

  • Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, New Year's holidays
  • Library may also be closed at other times when deemed necessary by library committee.

Eligibility for use of library

1. Persons affiliated with The University of Tokyo :

  • Faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students, university personnel.

2. Persons from outside The University of Tokyo : alumni, others.

Requirements for admission to library

  • Persons from outside The University of Tokyo : Please drop in at the library counter.

Requirements for reading in library

  • Procedures : None
  • Hours : Same as regular library hours


1. Eligibility :

  • Persons affiliated with The University of Tokyo (e.g. faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students)

2. Requirements :

  • User must present Library Card(Student ID Card, Faculty ID Card, Library IC Card)

3. Materials not available for borrowing :

  • Reference books, newspapers, dissertations, and books stored in laboratory.

4. Borrowing privileges :

  • up to 5 books for a period of 3 weeks,
  • 3 bound periodicals for a period of 2 weeks,
  • 3 unbound periodicals for a period of 1 week,
  • 1 latest-issue periodical for same-day return.

5. Other information on borrowing books

  • Library materials may not be borrowed by persons from outside The University of Tokyo.
  • Library materials may be borrowed by other universities, with such materials to be restricted to up to 3 books to be lent for a period of 3 weeks.

Intra-university delivery service

  • Available (Length of borrowing term: 3 weeks)


  • Photocopying permitted/not permitted : Permitted (restricted to persons affiliated with The University of Tokyo making copies at university expense)
  • Photocopiers available/not available : Not available (Copier available only for university expense)
  • Cost per sheet copied : 20yen (Note that copies can be made only at university expense.)
  • Intra-university photocopying service : Both order and accept.

Requesting Delivery Service (ILL service) *RCAST members only

  • Request delivery of books : OK
  • Document Delivery (Copy ): OK (paid service)
  • Document Delivery (PDF): OK (paid service)
  • Inter Library Loan/Photocopy Request : OK (paid service)
  • Payment of fee: public expenses OK, private expense OK

(注記)Paid service requires in-advance application at your home library.

Payment (at private expense)
1.Please make the payment to the following bank account after you got email from library.
2.Bring the ATM receipt to your home library on the day of payment.
3.Receive the document you requested.
(When you request the PDF file, please make payment as soon as the PDF file is available.)

Bank Account Information:

  • Bank name: Mitsui Sumitomo Bank(銀行名:三井住友銀行)
  • Branch: Tokyo Daiichi Shiten(支店名:東京第一支店)
  • Account Type: Ordinary Account (Futsu Yokin)(口座種別:普通預金)
  • Account No.: 9520574
  • Account Name: Kokuritsu daigaku houjin Tokyo daigaku(口座名義:国立大学法人東京大学)

Sometimes you should make payment to the another bank account. So please read notification email carefully.
(注記)No new photocopy requests will be accepted until you complete payment on the outstanding request. Please pay the charge as soon as possible.

Other information

Note :

  • The library should be contacted in advance in regards to access to books listed in OPAC or card catalogs as being stored in the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology Library.

[ update : 2019年3月7日 ]

Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology , No. 4 Building, Second floor
4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 153-8904
UTokyo WiFi:
Not Available (NA)
ECCS terminals:
Not Available (NA)