The National Institute of Genetics (NIG) invites applications for one Assistant Professor
position in the field of molecular evolutionary studies or genome informatics. Please see details
below and apply for the position.
Application Guidelines:
PDF Application Materials:
Brief summary of career(excel)
1. Division: Molecular Life History Laboratory, Department of Genomics and Evolutionary Biology
2. Recruiting: Assistant Professor (1 qualified person)
3. Appointment Start Date: in and after February 2022 (negotiable)
4. Term of Appointment: 5 years
One-time extension of five additional years would be possible based on evaluation.
(For those who are/were employed by The Research Organization of Information and Systems
(ROIS) at any time between April 1st, 2013 and the day before the starting date of this
advertised position, the aforesaid term(s) of employment will be subtracted from the extended
five years.)
5. Qualifications:
The candidate should have a demonstrated record of excellence in molecular evolutionary
studies or genome informatics and have potential to develop original research for revealing the
history of cellular mechanisms of life or the molecular basis of biodiversity in collaboration with
Professor Kuraku.
6. Salary and Allowance: Based on ROIS Regulations
7. Social Insurance:
MEXT Mutual Society of Health Insurance
Worker’s Accident Compensation Insurance
Employment Insurance
8. Work Hours: Discretionary Labor System
9. Holiday:
Saturday and Sunday, National Holidays,
From December 29th to January 3rd (New Year’s Break), Summer Break
10. Application Deadline: Noon (Japan Time) on Wednesday, September 15th, 2021
11. Application Materials:
I. Curriculum Vitae (In English. Japanese applicants should include an additional copy in
Japanese. Include e-mail address.)
II. List of publications (If there are multiple authors, describe your work briefly. Indicate your
major papers.)
III. Summary of past and present research and future direction/interests (In English, max.
1,500 words. Include figures as necessary.)
IV. Names and contacts of references (2 to 4 references, including more than 1 international
reference is desirable.)
V. Brief summary of career
VI. Your main papers
*All the private data in application for employment is handled in strict confidentiality, and such
data is not utilized for any other purpose.
12. Submission: Submit items I to VI listed above electronically.
a. Subject line should be “Application for Molecular Life History Laboratory Assistant
Professor”, and the same should be noted in the e-mail body.
b. Put items I to IV together in a single file by separating each item by page. E-mail the file as
an attachment. File format should be either MS Word or PDF. Also attach completed item V
whose form can be downloaded from the NIG homepage.
c. E-mail your main papers as an attachment. File format should be PDF. If your main papers
are available to access online, include a list of http addresses in the e-mail body
* We will notify you via e-mail upon receipt of your electronic application within 2 business days.
If you cannot apply electronically, you may send your application by post. Note the division and
position you are applying for in red ink on the envelope and send by registered mail.
Based on gender equality National Institute of Genetics has been actively promoting female
scientists. In case of equivalent aptitude and achievements in research, education, and social
contributions, preference will be given to female candidates.
National Institute of Genetics is promoting safety and healthy working environment by such
means as preventing passive smoking.
(Indoor smoking is banned. / Smoking is allowed only in the designated outdoor areas.)
Send your application and inquiries to:
NIG Personnel Committee (Personnel Team)
Mailing Address
National Institute of Genetics
Yata 1111, Mishima, Shizuoka 411-8540 JAPAN