
ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2021年8月6日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s)://www.nig.ac.jp/welcome/2021bosyuT.html ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。






ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2021年8月6日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s)://www.nig.ac.jp/welcome/2021bosyuT.html ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。




(1)特別共同利用研究員申請書 (様式1)
(2)履歴書 (様式2)

募集要項 (PDF) 研究系・各研究室の担当教員及び研究の概要 (PDF)
2021年2月26日(金) 必着
(1) 指導教員が研究指導上必要と認めたときは、本研究所の施設等を当該施設等の管理責任者の許可を得て、利用することができます。
(2) 特別共同利用研究員は、リサーチアシスタント(RA)として指導教員の研究に関する補助業務に従事することができます。ただし、RAとして雇用されるためには別に定める取扱いに従い、別途申請のうえ審査で承認される必要があります。
(1) 受入期間中に病気等、やむを得ない理由により研究指導の中止を希望する場合には、在籍する大学院研究科長を通じて「特別共同利用研究員の研究指導中止について(申出)」(様式3)を提出してください。なお、研究指導を中止した場合には、研究修了証明書は交付しません。
(2) 本研究所では、災害補償制度の加入手続きはしておりませんので、それぞれの大学において公益財団法人日本国際教育支援協会の学生教育研究災害障害保険制度に加入してください。

〔参考〕 公益財団法人日本国際教育支援協会担当部署連絡先
担当部署 郵便番号 所在地 電話
学生支援部・学生保険課 153-8503 目黒区駒場 4 - 5 - 29 03(5454)5275
(3) 特別共同利用研究員制度により受け入れた大学院学生に対する単位の認定、学位論文の審査、及び学位の授与等については、本研究所が関与するものではなく当該学生の在籍する大学院で行われることを前提とします。
(4) 本研究所特別共同利用研究員の申請に関連して提供された個人情報については、選考の目的に限って利用し、本機構で定める文書管理規定に則り一定期間保管した後、責任を持って破棄します。

大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構
国立遺伝学研究所 管理部総務企画課研究推進係

募集要項 (PDF) 研究系・各研究室の担当教員及び研究の概要 (PDF)
特別共同利用研究員申請書(様式1) (Word)履歴書(様式2) (Word)
特別共同利用研究員の研究指導中止について(申出) (様式3)(Word)

Application Guidelines for NIG Special Collaborative Research Students 2021

National Institute of Genetics (NIG) serves as a core institute of life science for promotion of collaboration among researchers and education of graduate students. NIG accepts a graduate student from another university as a "research student" in accordance with the following guidelines. A graduate student studying various aspect of genetics or related academic field will be a subject to this program. A research student will receive guidance from NIG faculty on a specific research subject for a certain period of time upon request from a head of his/her home graduate school.
1. Number of Students to be accepted
A few students will be accepted in each department/center.
2. Eligible Applicants
A student enrolled in the master’s or doctoral course at domestic or overseas universities and studying genetics or related academic field is eligible to apply.
3. Host Faculty and Research Outline
Please refer to the Research Outline. A supervisor of the applicant is requested to consult with prospective NIG faculty member (host faculty) before applying. (An application without prior consultation with NIG faculty member is not acceptable.)
4. Acceptance Period
As a general rule, acceptance period is one year or less, starting from April 1st, 2021.
Different start date is acceptable when it is deemed to be necessary. In that case, the acceptance period is one year or less from the permitted start date. Please contact with research promotion team before applying.
Acceptance period can be extended upon request. Those who wish to extend the period are requested to submit an application at least a month before the original completion date.
Note that students in the master’s course are not allowed to stay more than one year in total.
5. Documents to be submitted
- Application Form for Special Collaborative Research Students (Form No. 1)
- Vitae (to be filled out by the student) (Form No. 2)

Guidelines (PDF) / Research Outline (PDF) /
Application Form (Form No.1) (Word) / Curriculum Vitae (Form No.2) (Word)
6. Submission Deadline
Application documents must arrive by Friday, February 26th, 2021
In case of application for different start date, it must arrive one month prior to the preferred start date.
7. Admission Decision
Admission decision will be made by the Director-General of NIG based on the documents submitted and the result will be announced to a head of applicant’s home graduate school.
8. Fees
No fees (application fee, admission fee or tuition fee) shall be collected from research students.
9. Termination of Research Guidance
A certificate of completion will be issued to those students who have completed prescribed research guidance and a completion notification letter will be sent to a head of their home graduate school.
10. Treatment
(1) When host PI finds it to be necessary, research students are allowed to access and use NIG facilities after obtaining approval from the relevant authority.
(2) Special Collaborative Research Students are eligible to apply for a "Research Assistant (RA)" position to engage in research activities of their host faculty member. In order to be employed as an RA, applicants have to be reviewed and accepted by the NIG Working Group based on the administration policy specified separately.
11. Others
(1) If a student wish to cancel the research guidance due to illness or other unavoidable reason, a head of his/her home graduate school must submit "Cancellation Request for Research Guidance for Research Student" (Form No. 3) to NIG Research Promotion Team.
In this case, a certificate of completion will not be issued.
(2) NIG does not offer any accident compensation insurance to students. It is strongly recommended for Japanese students to purchase the following student insurance through their home university. Foreign students need to purchase accident compensation insurance in their own country.


Japan Educational Exchanges and Services
Section in Charge Zip Code Address Phone
Personal Accident Insurance Unit, Admin Officer Student Insurance Division 153-8503 4-5-29 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 03(5454)5275
(3) NIG does not involve approval of credits, thesis examination and degree conferment of the graduate students who are accepted as "Research Student". Those procedures must be done at their home graduate school.
(4) Applicant’s personal information acquired from the application will be used solely for the purpose of selection and retained for a certain period in accordance with ROIS Document Management Regulations and then disposed responsibly.
12. Submission and Inquiries to:

Research Promotion Team, General Affairs and Project Section
National Institute of Genetics,
Research Organization of Information and Systems
Yata 1111, Mishima, Shizuoka
411-8540 JAPAN
Phone : +81-55-981-6728

【List of Forms】
Application Guidelines (PDF) / Research Outline (PDF) /
Application Form (Form No.1) (Word) / Curriculum Vitae (Form No.2) (Word) /
Cancellation Request for Research Guidance for Research Student (Form No.3) (Word)

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