The NIG international webinar by Prof. Kanemaki will be held on February 2nd at 4 pm, Eastern Time (on February 3rd at 6:00 am, Japan Standard Time). He will talk about a new genetic tool that enables rapid and reversible depletion of target proteins in living cells and animals. A Zoom link of the webinar will be obtained by free registration at the following URL (https://rois.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAudOuprD4oHdV4dRlS6mAIdKX2F-jlAIEJ).
Time and Date:
Eastern Standard Time (EST): 4:00 pm, February 2nd
Pacific Standard Time (PST): 1:00 pm, February 2nd
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): 9:00 pm, February 2nd
Central European Time (CET): 10:00 pm, February 2nd
Japan Standard Time (JST): 6:00 am, February 3rd
Registration (Zoom URL will be obtained by the free registration):
AID2 enables rapid target protein degradation in living mammalian cells and mice
Prof. KANEMAKI, Masato
Molecular Cell Engineering Laboratory
National Institute of Genetics
Genetic perturbation is a powerful way to analyze the function of proteins in living cells. For this purpose, we pioneered to develop the auxin-inducible degron (AID) technology by which a degron-fused protein can be rapidly degraded after the addition of the plant hormone auxin (Nishimura et al., Nat. Methods, 2009). By combining with CRISPR-based genome editing, it was possible to generate AID conditional mutants of human cells (Natsume et al., Cell Reports, 2016). The AID system became one of the popular genetic tools to study the function of proteins. However, leaky degradation and high doses of auxin for inducing degradation have been major drawbacks. Moreover, nobody has successfully applied the AID system to control protein degradation in living mice. We recently overcame these problems by taking advantage of chemical biology and successfully established the AID2 system (Yesbolatova et al. Nature Communications, 2020). By using AID2, we can now sharply control protein degradation in yeast, mammalian cells and mice.
• Link to KANEMAKI laboratory
• EurekAlert! link about the paper, Yesbolatova et al. Nature Communications, 2020
• Link to an interview of Prof. KANEMAKI
Chairperson: MAESHIMA, Kazuhiro