SOAS China Institute


The SOAS China Institute (SCI) is a world leading centre for China expertise located in the heart of London. SOAS is home to the largest community of Chinese Studies scholars in Europe.

The Institute promotes interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, critically informed research and teaching on China; it channels the unrivalled breadth and depth of expertise across a wide spectrum of disciplines on China to the wider worlds of government, business, media, education, the arts, NGOs and beyond. The SOAS China Institute promotes collaborative research on China and its relations with the rest of the world.

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Facts and figures

1ドル.5 million

the amount Dr Jieyu Liu, Deputy Director of the Institute, received from the European Research Council (ERC) for her research on Chinese families in East Asia, "Doing Intimacy: A multi-sited ethnography of modern Chinese family life".


affiliated academics working in 13 humanities and social science departments.

Watch, read and listen


China In Context is a fortnightly podcast by the SOAS China Institute which offers expert analysis on the politics, economy, society, culture and history of China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.


The SOAS China Institute Blog offers a platform to academics, PhD students and other China-specialists and researchers to share short commentaries on their expertise and research across a wide spectrum of disciplines.


See lectures, seminars and conferences from the SOAS China Institute on the SOAS University of London YouTube channel.

Research themes


Other information


SOAS China Institute
Paul Webley Wing, Senate House
SOAS, University of London
Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square
London WC1H 0XG

Press and media enquiries

Interviews with our China experts can be arranged by calling the Communications Office on +44 (0)20 7898 4135 or email

Visiting scholars

Each year the Institute receives visiting scholars of Chinese studies who wish to be located at SOAS to take advantage of its existing research culture and its excellent Chinese library holdings. Information on how to apply.

Corporate membership scheme

In 2017, SCI was pleased to introduce our corporate membership scheme. Enquiries should be addressed to the Director.