Biological Resource Center, NITE (NBRC)

Patent Deposit


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June 18, 2015
Furnishing of a sample of NPMD/IPOD deposited microorganism based on the recognition of the deposit of microorganisms for the purpose of patent procedure between Japan and Taiwan


NITE Patent Microorganisms Depositary (NPMD)
International Patent Organism Depositary (IPOD)

Aside from the distribution of biological resources, patent depositary is also an important task for a biological resource center (BRC) to protect intellectual properties of individuals. This has been commonly practiced in overseas BRCs such as ATCC and DSMZ.


Biological Resource Center, NITE (NBRC) has 2 Patent Microorganisms Depositaries : NITE Patent Microorganisms Depositary (NPMD) and International Patent Organisms Depositary (IPOD) .

Both Depositaries are authorized institutions under the Budapest Treaty and the Japanese Patent Act to accept, preserve and furnish the microorganisms used in patent applications.

Both Depositaries start the deposit and furnishing services based on the bilateral recognition between Japan and Taiwan from June 18, 2015.

NITE Patent Microorganisms Depositary (NPMD)

If you want to deposit microorganisms listed in the following table,
and if you want to furnish samples of accession number 'NITE BP-*****' or 'NITE P-*****' ,
please see NPMD page.

Bacteria Actinomycetes Archaea Yeasts Fungi
(in host or not in host) Bacteriophages
(in host or not in host) Animal Cell Embryos

International Patent Organisms Depositary (IPOD)

If you want to deposit microorganisms listed in the following table,
and if you want to furnish samples of accession number 'FERM BP-*****' or 'FERM P-*****' ,
please see IPOD page.

Plant Cell Algae Protozoa Seeds

Contact us

NITE Patent Microorganisms Depositary (NPMD), Biological Resource Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
Phone number:+81-438-20-5580
Fax number:+81-438-20-5581
Address:#122, 2-5-8 Kazusakamatari, Kisarazu-shi, Chiba 2920818, Japan MAP
Contact Form
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