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  7. Organization of Offenders Rehabilitation

Organization of Offenders Rehabilitation

Image: Volunteer probation officer activitiesOrganization of Offenders Rehabilitation

Organization Involved in Offenders Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation Bureau, Ministry of Justice

This bureau conducts work such as planning and drafting related to parole, probation, pardons, crime prevention activities and the medical treatment and supervision system.

Regional Parole Boards

There are 8 regional parole boards established in each jurisdictional area of the eight high courts around the country.
(1) Permission for parole and provisional release, and revocation or cancellation of parole
(2) Permission for parole and discharge from juvenile training schools
(3) Termination of execution of indeterminate sentences
(4) Other work stipulated by law
The boards are have authority in the above areas and consist of 3 to 15 board members.

Probation Offices

A probation office is established in each jurisdictional area of the 50 district courts around the country, and they conduct the following work as the front-line enforcement agency for offender rehabilitation.
(1) Probation
(2) Coordination of social circumstances
(3) Urgent aftercare of discharged offenders
(4) Pardon petitions
(5) Crime prevention activities

In addition, they conduct the following work for those who have committed serious crimes under the condition of insanity as the implementing organizations for treatment under the medical treatment and supervision system.
(1) Investigation of living environment
(2) Coordination of social circumstances
(3) Mental health supervision

Staff Involved in Offenders Rehabilitation

Probation Officers

Probation officers are national public officers. They work with offenders and juvenile delinquents implementing probation and coordination of the social circumstance. They also execute crime prevention activities and assist crime victims. They are professional officers of community corrections and provide effective instruction and assistance to rehabilitate offenders and delinquents, collaborating with Volunteer Probation Officers and using social resources.

Rehabilitation Coordinators

Rehabilitation coordinators are national public officers with qualifications such as psychiatric social workers engaged in treatment such as mental health supervision and the coordination of social circumstances for mentally disabled people who are subject to the medical treatment and supervision system based on specialized knowledge of mental health and welfare of mentally disabled people. They play an important role as coordinators to secure the cooperation of related organizations in local communities in order to secure the continuous medical care and assistance required for those subject to the system and to promote their rehabilitation.

Volunteers Involved in Offender Rehabilitation

In addition, offenders rehabilitation is carried out with the cooperation of volunteer probation officers, juridical persons for offenders rehabilitation, cooperating employers, the Women’s Association for Rehabilitation Aid, and the Japan Association of Big Brothers and Sisters.

People who Support Offender Rehabilitation

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