
Financial information

Financial highlights

2023 dates from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024

Consolidated (2019〜2023)

(Unit: Billions of yen)

Operating Revenues 2,013.0

Energy services businesses

Japanese electric power businesses 1,848.3

Other energy services businesses 193.9

ICT services businesses 112.6

Other businesses 28.8

Elimination -170.8
Operating Income(Loss) 63.8
Ordinary Income(Loss) 40.0
Net Income (Loss) attributable to owners of parent -0.4
(As of March 31)
Equity 610.6
Interest-Bearing Debt 3,406.2
Total Assets 4,948.0
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 226.8
Cash Flows from Investing Activities -424.6
Cash Flows from Financing Activities 157.9
Capital Expenditure 421.7
Depreciation (including amortization of nuclear fuel) 261.3

(Unit: Billions of yen)

2020 2021
Operating Revenues 1,521.9 1,743.3

Energy services businesses

Japanese electric power businesses

Power and Retail businesses 1,322.1 1,515.8

Transmission and Distribution businesses 559.2 598.3

Other energy services businesses 180.4 198.6

ICT services businesses 112.9 112.4

Other businesses 29.5 33.3

Elimination -682.3 -715.2
Operating Income(Loss) 76.8 48.6
Ordinary Income(Loss) 55.1 32.3
Net income (loss) attributable to owners of parent 31.8 6.8
(As of March 31)
Equity 652.3 645.4
Interest-Bearing Debt 3,522.6 3,638.0
Total Assets 5,128.5 5,342.3
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 253.4 257.8
Cash Flows from Investing Activities -330.5 -320.8
Cash Flows from Financing Activities 95.5 79.4
Capital Expenditure 355.8 312.1
Depreciation (including amortization of nuclear fuel) 205.7 225.2

Note1 : Due to the change of our segments classification, Kyuden Mirai Energy Company, which was classified as "Energy related businesses" until FY2017, has been classified as "Japanese electric power businesses" since FY2018. In addition, we split off our power transmission and distribution business into a separate entity named Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Company in April 2020. With this change, Kyushu Electric Power Company and Kyuden Mirai Energy Company have been classified as "Power generation and sale businesses", and Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Company has been classified as "Electricity transmission and distributionbusinesses" since FY 2020.

Note2 : The Group has applied "Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition" and the revised "Electricity Business Accounting Regulations" from the beginning of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022. As a result, the consolidated financial statements for the previous fiscal year (FY2020) are calculated retrospectively.

(Unit: Billions of yen)

2022 2023
Operating Revenues 2,221.3 2,139.4

Energy services businesses

Japanese electric power businesses

Power generation and sale businesses 1,930.9 1,819.7

Electricity transmission and distribution businesses 708.9 698.4

Overseas businesses 6.2 5.7

Other energy services businesses 261.1 299.4

ICT services businesses 119.3 131.4

Urban development businesses 24.9 28.9

Others 8.7 9.1

Reconciliations -839.1 -853.5
Operating Income(Loss) -72.9 254.9
Ordinary Income(Loss) -86.6 238.1
Net income (loss) attributable to owners of parent -56.4 166.4
(As of March 31)
Equity 582.0 890.5
Interest-Bearing Debt 3,991.5 3,765.4
Total Assets 5,603.6 5,727.2
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 30.5 586.0
Cash Flows from Investing Activities -328.8 -344.3
Cash Flows from Financing Activities 324.7 -150.5
Capital Expenditure 306.5 320.2
Depreciation (including amortization of nuclear fuel) 221.0 249.9

Note: Our segments were changed from "Power generation and sale," "Electricity transmission and distribution," "Other energy services," "ICT Services," and "Other" to "Power generation and sale," "Electricity transmission and distribution," "Overseas businesses," "Other energy services," "ICT services," and " Urban development businesses " effective from FY2022.

Please refer to the Financial Data Book for more detailed data.

Please note that in case of discrepancy in interpretation, the Japanese version shall prevail.
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