Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik


Terms and definitions of fusion research from A to Z

The smallest particle of an element that is not further divisible ...

Atomic number Z
Every element is characterised by the number ...

The beta of a fusion plasma is defined the ratio of the ...

In a future fusion power plant the blanket covers the interior surfaces of ...

Burning Plasma
In a burning fusion plasma so many fusion processes occur that ...

Thermally insulating vacuum vessel enclosing a superconducting ...

Deuterium (D) or heavy hydrogen is a natural isotope of hydrogen. Its ...

In a tokamak the outer magnetic field lines are ...

Fusion product
The fusion product is the characteristic parameter for ...

Heating power
The energy input per unit time required ...

High-frequency heating
When electromagnetic waves of appropriate frequency are beamed into the ...

Plasma state with improved energy confinement in ...

Plasma configuration in which the plasma is bounded ...

Plasma state in tokamak plasmas with purely ohmic or weak ...

Magnetic confinement
Charged particles – ions and electrons – in a magnetic field are ...

Neutral particle heating
Particles with high kinetic energy that are injected into the plasma transfer their energy ...

Neutron fluence
The neutrons impinging on one square metre of the plasma ...

Nuclear fusion
The neutrons impinging on one square metre of the plasma ...

Ohmic heating
Internal heating in a tokamak resulting from the ohmic resistance of the ...

In a fusion power plant hydrogen is to be continuously converted to ...

The "fourth aggregate state of matter" , largely composed of ionised ...

Power gain Q
The ratio of the heating power input to the plasma to ...

Spitzer Conductivity
The electrical resistance in a plasma is approximately ...

Unlike tokamaks, stellarators can in principle operate in continuous ...

The most investigated and furthest advanced configuration for ...

Tritium (T) or superheavy hydrogen is an isotope of hydrogen. Its ...

Wall load
In a burning fusion plasma so many fusion processes occur that ...

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