Ciara Kelly: If I had a chance to meet my younger, headstrong self for coffee, here are the six things I’d say to her

"You may have seen the 'If I Met My Younger Self for Coffee' trend on social media of late." Photo: Getty

Ciara Kelly

You may have seen the ‘I Met My Younger Self for Coffee’ trend on social media of late. Basically, it features people talking about what they’d say to their younger, generally messier selves, if they met them today with the benefit of age and hindsight — what reassurance or advice they wish they could have given.

It’s a fascinating idea. I’d absolutely love to meet young Ciara — maybe in her late teens or twenties. As my parents often pointed out to me, she didn’t take advice very well, but as someone who was both clueless in many ways but also very headstrong — wilful was a word sometimes used — oh boy, did she need some.

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