Recordings & Discussions of Other Vocal Works: Main Page | Motets BWV 225-231 | Mass in B minor BWV 232 | Missae Breves & Sanctus BWV 233-242 | Magnificat BWV 243 | Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 | Johannes-Passion BWV 245 | Lukas-Passion BWV 246 | Markus-Passion BWV 247 | Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 | Oster-Oratorium BWV 249 | Chorales BWV 250-438 | Geistliche Lieder BWV 439-507 | AMN BWV 508-523 | Quodlibet BWV 524 | Aria BWV 1127 | Motet BWV 1165=Anh 159
Bach's Other Vocal Works
Index to Recordings & Discussions
Main Page
This section of the Bach Cantatas Website (BCW) contains comprehensive discographies of Bach's other vocal works (non-cantatas). The recordings of each work are arranged chronologically, according to recording date. This section also contains discussions of Bach's other works, most of which have been compiled from the Bach Cantatas Mailing List (BCML) & Bach Recordings Mailing List (BRML).
If you are aware of a recording of Bach's vocal work/s not listed in the recording pages and/or have corrections to listed recording/s, please send the info to me in accordance with the guidelines at:How to contribute.
If you want to discuss a vocal work of J.S. Bach, please send a message to BCML. If you are not yet a member of the BCML, you are invited to join. The instructions how to join the BCML and how to post messages appear at: How to contribute.
Other Vocal Works BWV 225-524, 1081-1088, 1127
Mass in B minor BWV 232:
Complete Recordings:
| 1950-1959
| 1960-1969
| 1970-1979
| 1980-1989
| 1990-1999
| 2000-2009
| 2010-2019
| 2020-2029
Recordings of Individual Movements:
| 1950-1959
| 1960-1969
| 1970-1979
| 1980-1989
| 1990-1999
| 2000-2009
| 2010-2019
| 2020-2029
General Discussions:
Part 1
| Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
| Part 5
| Part 6
| Part 7
| Part 8
| Part 9
| Part 10
| Part 11
| Part 12
| Part 13
| Part 14
| Part 15
| Part 16
| Part 17
| Part 18
| Part 19
Systematic Discussions:
Part 1: Kyrie
| Part 2: Gloria
| Part 3: Credo
| Part 4: Sanctus
| Part 5: Agnus Dei
| Part 6: Early Recordings
| Part 7: Summary
Individual Recordings:
BWV 232 - C. Abbado
| BWV 232 - Anonymous
| BWV 232 - G.C. Biller
| BWV 232 - F. Brüggen
| BWV 232 - J. Butt
| BWV 232 - S. Celibidache
| BWV 232 - M. Corboz
| BWV 232 - A. Eby
| BWV 232 - G. Enescu
| BWV 232 - E. Ericson
| BWV 232 - D. Fasolis
| BWV 232 - J.E. Gardiner
| BWV 232 - C.M. Giulini
| BWV 232 - N. Harnoncourt
| BWV 232 - T. Hengelbrock
| BWV 232 - P. Herreweghe
| BWV 232 - R. Hickox
| BWV 232 - R. Jacobs
| BWV 232 - E. Jochum
| BWV 232 - Ifor Jones
| BWV 232 - K. Junghänel & Cantus Cölln
| BWV 232 - H.v. Karajan
| BWV 232 - R. King
| BWV 232 - O. Klemperer
| BWV 232 - S. Kuijken
| BWV 232 - G. Leonhardt
| BWV 232 - P. McCreesh
| BWV 232 - M. Minkowski
| BWV 232 - H. Müller-Bruhl
| BWV 232 - S. Ozawa
| BWV 232 - M. Pearlman
| BWV 232 - K. Richter
| BWV 232 - J. Rifkin
| BWV 232 - H. Rilling
| BWV 232 - H. Scherchen
| BWV 232 - P. Schreier
| BWV 232 - R. Shaw
| BWV 232 - G. Solti
| BWV 232 - M. Suzuki
| BWV 232 - J. Thomas & ABS
| BWV 232 - K. Thomas
| BWV 232 - J.v. Veldhoven
Mass in B Minor, BWV 232 [T. Noel Towe]
| Bach痴 B minor Mass on Period Instruments [D. Satz]
| Like Father, Like Son [B. Pehrson]
Missae Breves & Sanctus BWV 233-242:
Complete Recordings:
| 1950-1959
| 1960-1969
| 1970-1979
| 1980-1989
| 1990-1999
| 2000-2009
| 2010-2019
| 2020-2029
| Recordings of Individual Movements
| Sanctus BWV 241
| Christe Eleison BWV 242
General Discussions:
Part 1
| Part 2
| Systematic Discussions:
BWV 233
| BWV 234
| BWV 235
| BWV 236
| BWV 233-236
| BWV 237-242
Magnificats BWV 243 & BWV 243a:
BWV 243:
Complete Recordings:
| 1950-1959
| 1960-1969
| 1970-1979
| 1980-1989
| 1990-1999
| 2000-2009
| 2010-2019
| 2020-2029
Recordings of Individual Movements:
| 1950-1959
| 1960-1969
| 1970-1979
| 1980-1989
| 1990-1999
| 2000-2009
| 2010-2019
| 2020-2029
BWV 243a:
Complete Recordings
| Recordings of Individual Movements
General Discussions:
Part 1
| Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
| Part 5
| Part 6
| Part 7
| Part 8
Systematic Discussions:
BWV 243
| BWV 243a
Individual Recordings:
BWV 243 - E. Haïm
| BWV 243 - N. Harnoncourt
| BWV 243a - T. Hengelbrock
| BWV 243 - P. McCreesh
| BWV 243 - J. Rifkin
| BWV 243 - H. Rilling
| BWV 243 - R. Shaw
| BWV 243 - M. Suzuki
| BWV 243a - P. Herreweghe
Magnificat in E flat major BWV 243a (1723): Details
Complete Recordings | Recordings of Individual Movements
General Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Systematic Discussions: BWV 243a
Matthäus-Passion BWV 244:
Complete Recordings:
| 1950-1959
| 1960-1969
| 1970-1979
| 1980-1989
| 1990-1999
| 2000-2009
| 2010-2019
| 2020-2029
Recordings of Individual Movements:
| 1950-1959
| 1960-1969
| 1970-1979
| 1980-1989
| 1990-1999
| 2000-2009
| 2010-2019
| 2020-2029
General Discussions:
Part 1
| Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
| Part 5
| Part 6
| Part 7
| Part 8
| Part 9
| Part 10
| Part 11
| Part 12
| Part 13
| Part 14
| Part 15
| Part 16
| Part 17
| BWV 244a
| BWV 244b
Systemetic Discussions:
Part 1: Mvts. 1-8
| Part 2: Mvts. 9-20
| Part 3: Mvts. 21-29
| Part 4: Mvts. 30-40
| Part 5: Mvts. 41-50
| Part 6: Mvts. 51-57
| Part 7: Mvts. 58-63b
| Part 8: Mvts. 63c-68
| Part 9: Role of the Evangelist
Individual Recordings:
BWV 244 - L. Bernstein
| BWV 244 - G.C. Biller
| BWV 244 - F. Brüggen
| BWV 244 - J. Butt
| BWV 244 - R. Chailly
| BWV 244 - S. Cleobury
| BWV 244 - J. Daus
| BWV 244 - D. Fasolis
| BWV 244 - W. Furtwängler
| BWV 244 - J.E. Gardiner
| BWV 244 - W. Gönnenwein
| BWV 244 - P. Goodwin
| BWV 244 - E.z. Guttenberg
| BWV 244 - N. Harnoncourt
| BWV 244 - P. Herreweghe
| BWV 244 - R. Jacques
| BWV 244 - H.v. Karajan
| BWV 244 - O. Klemperer
| BWV 244 - T. Koopman
| BWV 244 - S. Koussevitzky
| BWV 244 - S. Kuijken
| BWV 244 - F. Lehmann
| BWV 244 - G. Leonhardt
| BWV 244 - P.J. Leusink
| BWV 244 - E.&R. Mauersberger
| BWV 244 - H. Max
| BWV 244 - P. McCreesh
| BWV 244 - W. Mengelberg
| BWV 244 - K. Münchinger
| BWV 244 - R. Norrington
| BWV 244 - G. Oberfrank
| BWV 244 - S. Ozawa
| BWV 244 - A. Parrott
| BWV 244 - G. Ramin
| BWV 244 - S. Rattle
| BWV 244 - K. Richter
| BWV 244 - H. Rilling
| BWV 244 - H.J. Rotzsch
| BWV 244 - H. Scherchen
| BWV 244 - G. Solti
| BWV 244 - C. Spering
| BWV 244 - M. Suzuki
| BWV 244 - J.v. Veldhoven
| BWV 244 - B. Walter
| BWV 244 - F. Werner
| BWV 244 - M. Wöldike
Saint Matthew Passion, BWV 244 [T.N. Towe]
| Two Easter St. Matthew Passions (Plus One) [U. Golomb]
| St. Matthew Passion from Harnoncourt [D. Satz]
| The Passion according to Saint Matthew BWV 244 [J. Rifkin]
| The Relationship between BWV 244a (Trauermusik) and BWV 244b (SMP Frühfassung) [T. Braatz]
| Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 - Early History (A Selective, Annotated Bibliography) [W. Hoffman]
| Spiritual Sources of Bach's St. Matthew Passion [W. Hoffman]
| Bach and the "Great Passion" [D.G. Lebut Jr.]
| The Genesis of Bach's `Great Passion': 1724-29 [W. Hoffman]
| Early Performances of Bach's SMP [T. Braatz]
Johannes-Passion BWV 245:
Complete Recordings:
| 1950-1959
| 1960-1969
| 1970-1979
| 1980-1989
| 1990-1999
| 2000-2009
| 2010-2019
| 2020-2029
| Complete Recordings sung in English
| Recordings of Individual Movements
General Discussions:
Part 1
| Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
| Part 5
| Part 6
| Part 7
| Part 8
Systematic Discussions:
Part 1: Mvts. 1-7
| Part 2: Mvts. 6-14
| Part 3: Mvts. 15-20
| Part 4: Mvts. 21-26
| Part 5: Mvts. 27-32
| Part 6: Mvts. 36-40
| Part 7: Summary
Individual Recordings:
BWV 245 - F. Brüggen
| BWV 245 - S. Cleobury
| BWV 245 - P. Dombrecht
| BWV 245 - D, Fasolis
| BWV 245 - J.E. Gardiner
| BWV 245 - E.z. Guttenberg
| BWV 245 - N. Harnoncourt-H. Gillesberger
| BWV 245 - P. Herreweghe
| BWV 245 - E. Higginbottom
| BWV 245 - E. Jochum
| BWV 245 - E. Kleiber
| BWV 245 - P.J. Leusink
| BWV 245 - H. Max
| BWV 245 - P. McCreesh
| BWV 245 - H. Münch
| BWV 245 - P. Neumann
| BWV 245 - A. Parrott
| BWV 245 - P. Pickett
| BWV 245 - K. Richter
| BWV 245 - H. Rilling
| BWV 245 - P. Schreier
| BWV 245 - R. Shaw
| BWV 245 - K. Slowik
| BWV 245 - M. Suzuki
| BWV 245 - J.v. Veldhoven
Saint John Passion, BWV 245 [T.N. Towe]
| The Passion of Saint John, BWV 245 [M. Steinberg]
| St. John Passion [A. Wong & N. Proctor]
| The St. John Passion on stage [U. Golomb]
| Literary Origins of Bach痴 St. John Passion: 1704-1717 [W. Hoffman]
| Bach痴 Passion Pursuit [W. Hoffman]
| Bach's St. John Passion and its Dramatic History of Origin [M. Maul]
Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 (1734-1735):
Complete Recordings:
| 1950-1959
| 1960-1969
| 1970-1979
| 1980-1989
| 1990-1999
| 2000-2009
| 2010-2019
| 2020-2029
| Recordings of Individual Movements
General Discussions:
Part 1
| Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
| Part 5
| Part 6
| Part 7
| Part 8
Systematic Discussions:
Cantata 1
| Cantata 2
| Cantata 3
| Cantata 4
| Cantata 5
| Cantata 6
| Part 7: Summary
Individual Recordings:
BWV 248 ? Collegium Aureum
| BWV 248 - H. Christophers
| BWV 248 - J.E. Gardiner
| BWV 248 - N. Harnoncourt
| BWV 248 - P. Herreweghe
| BWV 248 - R. Jacobs
| BWV 248 - N. McGegan
| BWV 248 - R. Otto
| BWV 248 - K. Richter
| BWV 248 - H. Rilling
| BWV 248 - P. Schreier
| BWV 248 - M. Suzuki
| BWV 248 - K. Thomas
| BWV 248 - J.v. Veldhoven
A Bottomless Bucket of Bach - Christmas Oratorio [D. Satz]
| BWV 248/19 鉄chlafe, mein Liebster? - A Background Study with Focus on the Colla Parte Flauto Traverso Part [T. Braatz]
Chorales BWV 250-438:
Details and Recordings
Individual Recordings: Hilliard - Morimur
| Chorales - N. Matt
| Chorales - H. Rilling
| Preludi ai Corali - Quartetto Italiani di Viola Da Gamba
Motets & Chorales for Events in the LCY / Chorales by Theme
| General Discussions: Part 1
| Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
| Chorales in Bach Cantatas: Part 1
| Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
| Part 5
| Part 6
| Part 7
| Part 8
| Passion Chorale
References: Chorales BWV 250-300
| Chorales BWV 301-350
| Chorales BWV 351-400
| Chorales BWV 401-438
| 371 4-Part Chorales sorted by Breitkopf Number
| Texts & Translations of Chorales BWV 250-438
Chorale Texts: Sorted by Title
| Chorale Melodies: Sorted by Title
| Explanation
MIDI files of the Chorales: Cantatas BWV 1-197
| Other Vocal Works BWV 225-248
| Chorales BWV 250-438
Articles: The Origin of the Texts of the Chorales [A. Schweitzer]
| The Origin of the Melodies of the Chorales [A. Schweitzer]
| The Chorale in the Church Service [A. Schweitzer]
| Choral / Chorale [C.S. Terry]
| Hidden Chorale Melody Allusions [T. Braatz]
| The History of the Breitkopf Collection of J. S. Bach痴 Four-Part Chorales [T. Braatz]
| The World of the Bach Chorale Settings [W.L. Hoffman]
Hymnals: Hymnals used by Bach
| Wagner Hymnal 1697
| Evangelisches Gesangbuch 1995
| Dietel Chorale List c1734
Abbreviations used for the Chorales
| Links to other Sites about the Chorales
Geistliche Lieder und Arien BWV 439-507: Complete Recordings | Recordings of Individual Songs | General Discussions | Georg Christian Schemelli - Short Biography
Anna Magdalena Notenbüchlein BWV 508-523: Details and Complete Recordings | Recordings of BWV 508 | General Discussions
Quodlibet BWV 524: Details & Recordings
General Discussions:
Part 1
| Part 2
Article: BWV 524 Quodlibet (Fragment) 展as seind das vor grosse Schlösser" [by Thomas Braatz]
Psalm 51 BWV 1083:
Details & Recordings
General Discussions:
Part 1
| Part 2
Passions-Pasticcio BWV 1088:
Details & Recordings
General Discussions:
Part 1
Lost Works
Prepared by Aryeh Oron (November 2000 - January 2024)
Recordings & Discussions of Other Vocal Works: Main Page | Motets BWV 225-231 | Mass in B minor BWV 232 | Missae Breves & Sanctus BWV 233-242 | Magnificat BWV 243 | Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 | Johannes-Passion BWV 245 | Lukas-Passion BWV 246 | Markus-Passion BWV 247 | Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 | Oster-Oratorium BWV 249 | Chorales BWV 250-438 | Geistliche Lieder BWV 439-507 | AMN BWV 508-523 | Quodlibet BWV 524 | Aria BWV 1127 | Motet BWV 1165=Anh 159
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