Fiji: Country Partnership Strategy (2024–2028)

Institutional Document | August 2024

The overarching goal of the CPS, 2024–2028 is to strengthen Fiji’s resilience to economic and climate-related shocks.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will focus its operations on two outcome-based pillars: (i) more resilient public finances and quality infrastructure and services, and (ii) a greener and more diversified private sector. ADB’s comparative advantage in Fiji will stem from concentrating resources in priority sectors and creating synergies across ADB’s (i) upstream policy dialogue, technical assistance (TA), and long-term capacity building; (ii) midstream support for leveraging private sector participation in sustainable operation and maintenance (O&M) models; and (iii) downstream sovereign and nonsovereign project financing.


  • Country at a Glance
  • Country Partnership Strategy Snapshot
  • Country Development Context
  • Country Strategy Framework
  • Strategy Implementation
  • Annexes

Additional Details

  • ADB administration and governance
  • Country operations
  • Fiji

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