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Fiji and ADB

ADB supports Fiji’s development objectives through policy analysis and advice, sovereign and private sector financing facilities, and targeted technical assistance and knowledge services.

ADB's Work in Fiji

The economy of Fiji was one of the most heavily impacted by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, although with the reopening of borders, tourism has since led to a strong recovery. Since Fiji joined ADB in 1970, ADB has been helping the country through investments in transport infrastructure, water supply and sanitation, public sector management, and private sector development. Recent engagement has focused on economic recovery and building climate and economic resilience.

ADB recognizes Fiji’s vulnerabilities as a small island developing state. In November 2021, ADB reclassified Fiji from a group C to a group B country under ADB’s graduation policy. Since January 2022, Fiji has been eligible for technical assistance grants, concessional loans, regular loans, and various trust funds. Fiji can also has some access to apply for Asian Development Fund 13 thematic pool grants. In the event of disasters triggered by natural hazards, Fiji is also eligible for emergency response grants and emergency loans. In October 2023, ADB introduced more favorable concessional lending terms for small island developing states, including Fiji, to meet infrastructure needs, strengthen social services, and scale up climate action and disaster risk reduction.

As of 31 December 2023, ADB has committed 117 public sector loans, grants, and technical assistance totaling 991ドル million to Fiji. ADB’s current sovereign portfolio in Fiji includes 2 loans worth 142ドル.1 million.

Cumulative sovereign and nonsovereign loan and grant disbursements to Fiji amount to 923ドル.37 million. These were financed by regular ordinary capital resources and other special funds.


ADB has been investing in the upgrade and rehabilitation of Fiji’s roads since the 1980s. Since 2014, investments in transport infrastructure have been cofinanced by the World Bank and include a 100ドル-million loan from ADB supporting the rehabilitation and resealing of more than 300 kilometers of roads and preparing detailed designs for 3 jetties and 40 bridges that need to be rehabilitated or replaced. ADB has also supported a review of development options for the Suva Port including potential relocation.

ADB is helping expand access to sustainable water supply in the Greater Suva area through an ongoing project—utilizing a 42ドル-million loan from ADB and cofinanced by the European Investment Bank and Green Climate Fund.

In 2023, ADB committed a grant of 3ドル million funded by the Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and the Pacific for a rural electrification project to help demonstrate a clean, sustainable, reliable, and replicable rural electrification model.

In 2022, ADB committed 150ドル million for a recovery program to support reforms to restore fiscal sustainability and inclusive and climate-resilient economic growth after the COVID-19 pandemic. ADB’s first private sector operation in Fiji was the Fiji Airways COVID-19 Liquidity Support Facility, a 65ドル-million operation committed in 2021 to help fund the company through the international travel downturn caused by the pandemic.

48141-001: Transport Infrastructure Investment Sector Project (formerly Bridge Replacement Project). Photo of the Suva Arterial Road Upgrade Project billboard. The project is part of the Transport Infrastructure Investment Sector Project, which finances civil works to repair and upgrade existing roads, bridges, and rural jetties. Photo: Eric Sales/ADB

Operational challenges. Fiji faces operational and implementation challenges like other Pacific island countries, with limited capacity and frequent staff turnover in key positions affecting both the public and private sectors. Accordingly, ADB initiatives in Fiji seek to deliver appropriate levels of technical assistance to ensure effective implementation and sustainable results. ADB’s focus on improving project readiness and introducing risk-based procurement measures will help manage key risks associated with the lending pipeline for Fiji.

ADB operations in Fiji are enhanced by the presence of ADB’s Pacific Subregional Office in the country’s capital, Suva. Domestic presence supports strong coordination and harmonization with other development partners and regional organizations.

Knowledge Work

ADB brings added value to its members beyond its role in project financing. The bank acts as a knowledge broker by helping its members engage in regional issues, including climate change and ocean health. ADB’s key flagship publications, such as the Asian Development Outlook and Pacific Economic Monitor, help with macroeconomic forecasting and assess economic and key topical issues to guide national policy development and decision-making.

With knowledge support and activities being demand-driven, ADB works closely with Fiji in identifying and responding to both country and regional knowledge needs. Knowledge solutions through technical assistance are geared toward supporting reforms related to fiscal policy, public financial management, state-owned enterprise performance, private sector and financial sector development, and gender equality.

Shareholding and Voting Power

Number of Shares Held
7,218 (0.068% of total shares)

46,332 (0.348% of total membership, 0.535% of total regional membership)

*Overall capital subscription
96ドル.84 million

*Paid-in capital subscription
4ドル.84 million

*United States dollar figures are valued at rate as of 31 December 2023.

ADB Governor: Biman Prasad
ADB Alternate Governor: Shiri Krishna Gounder
ADB Director: Made Arya Wijaya (Indonesia)
ADB Alternate Director: Llewellyn Roberts (New Zealand)
ADB Director’s Advisors: Rosemary Abigail Lee Hang (Samoa) and Mohammed Jabid (Fiji)

Financing Partnerships

Financing partnerships enable ADB’s financing partner governments or their agencies, multilateral financing institutions, and private organizations to participate in financing ADB projects. The additional funds provided may be in the form of loans and grants, technical assistance, and nonsovereign cofinancing.

Cumulative cofinancing commitments in Fiji:

  • Sovereign cofinancing: 601ドル.17 million for 10 investment projects and 3ドル.52 million for 5 technical assistance projects since 1992
  • Nonsovereign cofinancing: 25ドル million for 1 investment project since 2021

In 2023, Fiji received 3ドル million in grant cofinancing from the Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and the Pacific for the Rural Electrification Support Project.

Future Directions

ADB operations in Fiji are guided by the country partnership strategy, 2019–2023 endorsed by the government to ensure it reflects priority assistance areas. The strategy has helped drive economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. ADB and the Government of Fiji are formulating a new strategy for 2024–2028. The bank will help promote inclusive and resilient growth by investing in infrastructure, providing policy-based loans, and offering technical assistance to support economic reforms.

ADB’s engagement with the private sector will focus on innovative approaches that enable ADB’s private sector operations to have a highly catalytic impact while paying due attention to the risks involved. Target sectors include renewable energy, financial institutions, transportation infrastructure, agribusiness, and health. ADB will seek to crowd in private sector finance.

This article was originally published in the ADB and Fiji: Fact Sheet. Updated yearly, this ADB Fact Sheet provides concise information on ADB's operations in the country and contact information.

Last updated: 26 April 2024


Pacific Subregional Office
Established: 2004
Level 5, Ra Marama Building
91 Gordon Street
Suva, Fiji
Tel: +679 331 8101
Fax: +679 331 8074

Ministry of Finance, Strategic Planning, National Development and Statistics
Ro Lalabalavu House, 370 Victoria Parade
P.O. Box 2212, Government Buildings
Suva, Fiji
Tel: +679 330 7011
Fax: +679 330 0834

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