Transport of Low-Enriched Uranium

Updated Wednesday, 1 January 2020

August 2020


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With its radioactive and fissile properties, low-enriched uranium (LEU) – used in the majority of the world’s nuclear reactors – is regarded as a highly specialized cargo by transport supply chain. Yet its risks are well understood, and it has been shipped safely for more than 50 years.

This report prepared by the World Nuclear Association’s Transport Working Group aims to give stakeholders in the transport supply chain an overview of how LEU is transported, and how risks are mitigated and liabilities managed. The report focuses on maritime transport, which is a vital mode for international movement of LEU.

This Transport Working Group acts as a forum for exchanging leading practice and for identifying and resolving issues relating to the shipment of nuclear material. Its primary focus is on topics relating to the transport of front-end nuclear materials.