Cookies Policy

Updated Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Cookies are small items of data stored on your computer while you are visiting a website. They help make websites work and provide us with aggregated information about how users interact with our site. We do not use cookies to collect information that identifies you personally.

You may refuse to accept cookies by changing the settings on your browser. However, doing so may affect your ability to access or use certain parts of our website.

Our website may from time to time contain links to third party sites where media content (ie videos and images) such as Google content, are embedded on our pages. We do not control the cookies set by these sites, nor are we responsible for their content or practices, and this Cookies Policy does not apply to these sites. Please check their specific policies for further information e.g. Google's privacy policy for information concerning how Google use cookies.

Information about the other cookies we may set on your browser appears below.

We collect personal data such as your name, address, telephone number, or email address when you voluntarily submit it through a site form or an email sent to one of our contact email addresses. Other information (such as your browser type, operating system, IP address, domain name, number of times you visited our website, dates you visited our website and the amount of time you spent viewing our website) may be collected via cookies and other tracking technologies (such as transparent GIF files). We only use cookies to track which device is logging on to our website: our cookies do not identify (and we do not record) who is using that device. Our cookies do not contain any of your personal information and only take up about one-thousandth of the space of a single image from a typical digital camera. All the cookies we set are necessary in order for us to provide our website to you as effectively as possible. Aggregate information (such as how many times visitors log onto our website) may also be collected.

The cookies we set are as follows:

Name of Cookie




Keeps the user session ID for security reasons.



Stores the visitor's preferred regional settings.



Indicates if the visitor is new or returning. Used for tracking the visitors statistics.



Used to distinguish users.



Used to distinguish users.
