Harmonization of Reactor Design Evaluation and Licensing: Lessons Learned from Transport

Updated Tuesday, 1 December 2020

(December 2020)

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Harmonization of Reactor Design Evaluation and Licensing: Lessons Learned from Transport reviews the process of harmonizing the regulations for the transport of radioactive material begun over 60 years ago and its impact. It extracts potential lessons to be drawn for the international standardization of reactor designs and harmonized approaches to licensing, which is viewed as essential for the development and deployment of innovative nuclear technologies, such as small modular reactors.

Based on the transport experience, the report recommends that an international framework is established for the harmonization of reactor design evaluation and licensing. At the heart of the framework would be a multinational regulatory advisory panel, composed of experts from national regulatory bodies, empowered by an international agreement.

This report has been produced by the Cooperation in Reactor Design Evaluation and Licensing (CORDEL) Working Group of the World Nuclear Association in cooperation with CANDU Owners Group (COG).