User talk:Placeholderusername

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Welcome to Uncyclopedia[edit ]

Be assured that your contributions here are in the hands of professionals.

Hello, Placeholderusername, and welcome to Uncyclopedia. This is a wiki (a collection of pages anyone can edit). Words in blue are "links" and can be clicked to take you to another page. This wiki is for comedy. It pretends it's Wikipedia, but we make people laugh, not bore them. If you aren't interested in a fake encyclopedia but in writing fake news stories, we have UnNews, and there are other projects for scripts, lyrics, how-to guides, and so on.

You can create your own article. For starters, create it under your own name; for example, User:Placeholderusername/Bedbug. (The red instead of blue is a link to a page that doesn't yet exist.) We have a list of articles that need to be created. You can help without writing articles; just read articles and, if you see an improvement in writing or in comedy, jump in and edit it. In fact, you can help without writing at all, such as organizing, watching for vandals, or even greeting other new users.

To write articles, you need a sense of humor and an ability to write good English. We all have strengths and weaknesses and you can get help in any area. But everyone needs an ability to work with other people. Be polite, positive, and helpful toward others, and assume others are doing the same toward you. Here are some pages that might help:

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  • I will watch this page for a while and will know if you edit it. Afterward, you can contact me on my own talk page.
  • If you've written an article, we have a Proofreading service where someone will correct your mistakes, and a review process where an experienced Uncyclopedian will read your article and suggest improvements.
How to post to talk pages

Please follow these general rules:

  • Add comments at the end of a talk page so people notice them.
  • Start your paragraphs with one or more : characters to indent them and set them off from other people's posts.
  • At the end, type ~~~~ (four tildes), which gets replaced by your user name and the current date and time.
  • Don't delete anyone's messages. In case of any controversy, we depend on an accurate record of what was written. You may disavow your remarks by (削除) striking them through like this. (削除ここまで)

I hope you enjoy it here and write a lot of funny stuff! Spıke 🎙️ 12:17 17-Feb-16

Calais [edit ]

Now the page ends quite abruptly. How could I end it?

Thanks. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Placeholderusername (talk • contribs)

Thank you for asking. (See instructions above about signing/timestamping your posts to talk pages.) I think you will find a way. A snappy ending is a good thing for a page to have. The reason I deleted the ending you had is that it is not good when an article writer changes the focus to How it is being an article writer. Too many new writers find being a writer the most interesting thing, and it is unlikely to be entertaining to the reader. Spıke 🎙️ 14:39 17-Feb-16

Chris Christie [edit ]

I reverted you here. Using (削除) strikethrough (削除ここまで) immediately makes us look less like an encyclopedia and ought to be done only when there is a major increase in comedy. Where you did it, there is not, because the article had not yet begun. (See How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid for similar tips.) Your joke is the resemblance between Chris Christie and Fred Flintstone. That is worth developing, though I think it is not the basis of a full paragraph but as a drive-by thing, as I stuck in Chrispie Chream.

PS--Please get in the habit of clicking Preview to see how your edit will render, then continuing to edit, clicking Save only when you get to a good stopping point. Calais now shows 26 official changes, which makes it harder for our Patrollers to look through Special:RecentChanges to check for vandalism. Cheers! Spıke 🎙️ 14:49 17-Feb-16

Thanks for all the help! Much appreciated.
I've changed this page by adding a quote at the top ("Yabba dabba doo!" - Chris Christie) and changing text from "...between Christie and Marco Rubio" to "between Chris Flintstone and Marco Rubble". I hope this works, although the quote may be a bit too much. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Placeholderusername (talk • contribs)

It is too much, as lately we are discouraging initial quotations. As Flintstone is not the theme of this particular article, I had already removed it, but your other change is exactly the right way to play this.

  • Please read above about how to sign/timestamp your posts to talk pages!
  • Please keep both halves of this conversation on this page, for the benefit of anyone who wanders by a year from now and wants to figure out what the hell we were talking about.

Cheers! Spıke 🎙️ 22:52 17-Feb-16

Like this? Placeholderusername (talk) 22:54, February 17, 2016 (UTC)

Aha! Like that. Placeholderusername (talk) 22:54, February 17, 2016 (UTC)

Yes, except for the part about indenting your posts to set them off from mine. Separately, I replied to you at Talk:Calais. Even more separately, thank you for voting on VFH, but you do not get just one vote per user name lifetime; your vote for Harrogate is not that it should be main-page featured to the exclusion of other nominees. Please vote for or against everything! Then, if you have any energy left, go to Votes for deletion and vote on that stuff too! Finally, regarding your user page, if you are not satisfied with Placeholderusername, you may want to take advantage of a special name-change offer. This, in fact, is once per user name lifetime. Details are at the top of User talk:Sannse. Spıke 🎙️ 12:34 18-Feb-16

PS--If you want a fancy signature, read UN:SIG. If you want everyone else not to see what pages are on your watchlist, turn off this "feature" by clicking My preferences at the top of any page. Spıke 🎙️ 12:39 18-Feb-16

PPS--Admin Romartus reminds you at the article to add {{VFH}} at the top when nominating an article for honors. He did it for you this time. Spıke 🎙️ 22:36 18-Feb-16

R.E: VFD[edit ]

I can't vote on VFD. It doesn't give me an edit button. What should I do? TIA. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 10:33, February 19, 2016 (UTC)

There are many pages that "new users" cannot edit, including any article that has been featured on the main page. This will not affect you much longer. Please resist the tendency to give everyone a piece of your mind on every page you visit. UN:SIG does display your user name, and not just because of the luck of your pick, but because it uses the {{USERNAME}} function, which does exactly that. Please resist the tendency to overuse this to prank your reader; it is only funny to you. At Jeb Bush, I already mentioned his brief affair with Jeb! and repeating this would be telling a joke too many times, also would be screwing with typography to make an article look less encyclopedic. Please avoid imitative humor (i.e., pranks) in favor of innovation. And do read How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid. Cheers! Spıke 🎙️ 12:57 19-Feb-16
Like the sig Placeholderusername but you can ask Evil Incorporated if you want a new identity in case you get bored with this one. --Laurels.gif RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 13:09, February 19, 2016 (UTC)

No, no, that's fine, I didn't intend on doing any pranking anyway. :)

With regards to UK wikipedia, is it possible to import pages onto there? The Calais article appeals more to British Humour than it does to American humour, and if I could I'd quite like to move it onto as well (I'd do this myself). Thanks. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 19:56, February 20, 2016 (UTC)

Romartus is British, I am American. British versus American does not seem to be at issue, but I undid your addition of {{British}} from the article, as it nags the reader before delivering any humour at all. .co is not the British Uncyclopedia but a bunch of people who quit this website in 2013, some of whom will say anything to suck writers away from this website. You are free to post to either or both websites. Spıke 🎙️ 22:13 20-Feb-16

Ah, thanks. Also, just a quick apology for being such a newbie idiot and not knowing anything, and making you guys run around tidying up after me. Sorry. What do you think of my signature? Is it too big, or too silly or something? --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 22:17, February 20, 2016 (UTC)

And now a newbie who self-nominates at VFH. Not that I haven't! Calais has much more to offer now than the single navelistic joke that the writer hankered to write about Folkestone instead, but needs a little bit of work.
  • UnNews articles have a dateline and are written as though the writer is there. Encyclopedia articles have no place and probably should not use the word "here."
  • For readers who did not find one of your Easter eggs, the mention of Folkestone at the end of the Intro will produce more puzzlement than laughter.
  • The French expression should use italics rather than 'single quotes,' and there are tighter ways to state that it is a French expression.
  • "Calais has its roots in the ground, or rather it would have its roots in the ground if there were any trees there." This is a brilliant sentence; the author sets out to praise but has to qualify it so as to condemn! In the next paragraph, though, "It is thought that" (by whom?) is gassy, and the whole idea that the subject of the article might not really exist got old five years ago (see HTBFANJS).
  • Apart from that bit in the Intro, your transition to writing about Folkestone is smooth and funny. "The next elections are scheduled for June 2013." As it is 2016, I assume you meant to write this, but I am lacking a way to see why this is funny and not just wrong.
  • Don't end the article in the first person; you can tell the exact same joke and stay in-character as an encyclopedia article.
Your signature obeys the length limit in UN:SIG, so is not too big nor too silly. I find both your user name and the name of your signature file (which is replicated everywhere you give a signature, and is a joke no one will see) both too big and too silly, but that doesn't matter. (Both Romartus and I have told you how to get your user name changed, if you care.) Your sig has three parts, and you might shorten it to two, the stuff now in orange linking to your user page and a second bit linking to your talk page. But you don't have to. Spıke 🎙️ 00:21 21-Feb-16

I've edited the article accordingly. However, it's probably still rubbish... --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 09:45, February 21, 2016 (UTC)

New name[edit ]

I'm thinking about changing my name to 'Dr. Widget'. Would that be a good choice for a new username? What do you guys think?

Thanks. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 10:15, February 21, 2016 (UTC)

That is like a girlfriend asking me what dress she should buy. "Here is what I would do, if I were you, but had my values instead of yours." You are the one who will have to live with it. Spıke 🎙️ 13:21 21-Feb-16

Well, you had your own opinion on my current username, and I didn't ask you for that. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 14:14, February 21, 2016 (UTC)

Actually Placeholderusername has grown on me. --Laurels.gif RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 14:59, February 21, 2016 (UTC)

Thanks! --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 15:00, February 21, 2016 (UTC)

It is true; I have many more unsolicited opinions on what you should not do, than on what you should do. Spıke 🎙️ 20:54 21-Feb-16

Indeed. I hope that you (and indeed all readers) notice the good more than the bad! --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 21:07, February 21, 2016 (UTC)

Haven't had a chance to say hello yet, so hello and a warm welcome! Enjoying your writing and humour and thanks for voting for Harrogate. Guess my application for Mayor of the town has been put on hold... likewise yours for Calais. I'll take a look at the article when I get a chance.  EStop Press here for Room Service 08:19, February 22, 2016 (UTC)

Uploads[edit ]

  1. When uploading images, please explain where you got the photo and why we are entitled to have a copy of it; don't just attach a wisecrack.
  2. When adding images to articles, please write original copy; don't just comment on the photo. Don't use articles as galleries of funny stuff you found elsewhere on the web. Write funny stuff.
  3. Jeb Bush was voted to run on our main page and is "assumed not to need new help being funny." It is allowed to bring them up-to-date, and Romartus and I have recently been writing the final chapter ("until 2020") based on his recent withdrawal. Spıke 🎙️ 20:44 22-Feb-16

"What kind of sick person is amused by genocide?"[edit ]

On your comment at VFD: Lots of them. HTBFANJS mentions that one way to do a humorous "state change" that the reader isn't expecting is to treat the macabre with a Pollyanna approach. But it implies cleverness and not just using the gassing of Jews as a meme, as this article does. We have had a bunch of articles over the years specializing in Feces Humor, which we are trying to eliminate, as it were. Spıke 🎙️ 22:12 1-Mar-16

Chris Christie bis[edit ]

A year from now, no one will remember the "small fingers, small...." remark. Encyclopedia articles should be written to stand the test of time. To write comments on current events with a deliberately short shelf life, you should join us on UnNews. (Instructions are at UnNews:Style.) As a separate bit of nagging, "1 March 2016" is British-style, which is fine on the website, but articles on US politics ought to American-style, if only to avoid distractions to the reader, such as having him think that you are some cheeky Brit offering opinions on US politics. Spıke 🎙️ 14:56 3-Mar-16

PS--In fact, if you move this, with the photo, into a passably good UnNews, it will make a great side-by-side with Romartus's UnNews:Trump puts up his Dukes at the top of the page. Spıke 🎙️ 15:16 3-Mar-16

Do not, ever, change another Uncyclopedian's vote. Do not even strike through someone else's post. See you tomorrow. Spıke 🎙️ 16:26 3-Mar-16

Voting etc[edit ]

Cardinal rule about removing other people's votes or striking through their comments. You can do that to your own postings but not others. Usually a one day ban but I have knocked off a few hours this time. --Laurels.gif RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 12:25, March 4, 2016 (UTC)

Also, do not delete other people's posts from your talk page. (See the Welcome message above: "Don't delete anyone's messages. In case of any controversy, we depend on an accurate record of what was written.") I did not post above to "hammer the point across" as you charge in your Edit Summary, but to tell you why you were banned. Spıke 🎙️ 18:39 4-Mar-16

Maybe, but I found it all rather demeaning. It was just a misunderstanding, after all. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 18:41, March 4, 2016 (UTC)

Washington[edit ]

I deleted your emerging UnNews after you blanked it; I hope that's what you wanted. I thought your Washington joke didn't go anywhere. State of Washington versus Washington, D.C. is an oddity that we learned in grade school and Brits/Australians might not even get. (The Colonizers' draft of Barack Obama tried to make a joke of the fact that Obama changed from an Illinois Senator and a U.S. Senator for Illinois, and I told them that wasn't automatically funny either.) A few years ago, I took Washington confusion in a specific direction in UnNews:Tea Party wave arrives at wrong capitol. Spıke 🎙️ 14:05 5-Mar-16

UnNews:Carson leaves presidential race [edit ]

A good start! I recommend you not crack wise with the dateline (Fairy-land); that's Illogicopedia style ("Everything here is crap" including the names of months in the change summaries) but make it take the form of serious news. Spıke 🎙️ 19:06 5-Mar-16

Thanks; also recommend that the first big joke not be about Uncyclopedia itself ("navelism"). Write for the millions (!) in your audience, not for the half dozen on duty today. Spıke 🎙️ 19:11 5-Mar-16

Yeah; I cut the navelism before you sent the message, replacing it with Taco Bell. The Fairyland thing I cut too; it was meant to be an (削除) illusion (削除ここまで) allusion to the idea that the location is sleep-related. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 19:14, March 5, 2016 (UTC)

I had the same problem with HAR-BORE, but that is directly related, isn't it? Spıke 🎙️ 19:16 5-Mar-16

If you think I should change it, then I could delete that too. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 19:43, March 5, 2016 (UTC)

Taco Bell didn't get in. I suspect we had an Edit Conflict as both of us were in at about the same time. Also, please cite your source. It being the UnNews: space, you won't get nagged by my Abuse Filter. Spıke 🎙️ 19:22 5-Mar-16

Yep, a conflict took place. Will add source. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 19:43, March 5, 2016 (UTC)

When you get a conflict and you want to override me, copy-all from the lower window and paste-all into the upper window and then save. But then go into the History and see what my edit was and whether you want to keep some of it. Spıke 🎙️ 19:49 5-Mar-16


  1. It's less of a problem to have a photo caption that repeats a joke from the story than to have a photo with no caption at all.
  2. When covering the US, use US spelling (with "color" and "-ize") and US grammar. (We don't use single quotes except when nested inside double quotes.)
  3. "An illusion" (above) is a misperception. You mean "an allusion," something that alludes (refers to or suggests) something else. Spıke 🎙️ 19:53 5-Mar-16
I realise that now, sorry. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 19:56, March 5, 2016 (UTC)

A related mistake is "to affect" (to influence) versus "to effect" (in British, to realise). You really ought to do something with CPAC (the conference where Carson bowed out) versus CPAP (the machine fatties use to avoid choking to death in their sleep as Justice Scalia apparently did), especially as Carson put everyone in the room to sleep. Spıke 🎙️ 20:00 5-Mar-16

Apologies, but would you mind doing that? I have no idea how I would do it. Thanks. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 20:46, March 5, 2016 (UTC)

Campaign autopsy here. I am not suggesting it as another Source of your UnNews but just as background reading so that your humor can be better based on reality. Schaper here omits a detail that I read before: The time that Carson's campaign manager resigned, apparently because Carson was listening to TV personality and impresario Armstrong Williams rather than his campaign manager, including on aspects of his campaign management. Spıke 🎙️ 14:14 6-Mar-16

Thanks! --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 14:16, March 6, 2016 (UTC)

Please back out your last two edits.

  1. "Mediaite" is the name of the racket, misspellings and all. Look at the URL!
  2. If you are going to pun with the name of the place in the dateline, be consistent in the story. Spıke 🎙️ 21:41 18-Mar-16

Glad you decided to play it straight with the dateline. But the function of a dateline is to say where the "reporter" is located (even when he is not). This lets you say "here" in the text rather than repeat the name of the place. Spıke 🎙️ 15:49 19-Mar-16

Thanks[edit ]

Thanks for the welcome Pharmakeus (talk) 23:21, March 5, 2016 (UTC)

You're welcome. :) --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 23:28, March 5, 2016 (UTC)

Deleting off talk pages[edit ]

Hi Placeholderusername, you deleted my entry and some of Spike's comments on User talk:Pharmakeus. As you are aware, this is a no-no as it is a record of conversations with timestamps. So, why would you do that? The intention was to userspace Skipton for if required and I would only intervene in the writing, if it was starting to risk not getting back into the mainspace. You are a good writer so I would not expect to have do that. It's also good you are welcoming others and getting hands on with the other stuff, but the talk pages and voting etc. need to stay as written. Deleting converstaions does not help us. The reason is they can be areas for argument and controversy, so they are important for record keeping and resolving disputes. It's tiresome work and takes us away from writing funny stuff — you will find that as you go on with welcoming and assisting others.  EStop Press here for Room Service 10:16, March 6, 2016 (UTC)

I am going to do you the favor of assuming you mistakenly edited an old version of Pharmakeus' talk page. Otherwise, pursuing your persistent, (削除) rude (削除ここまで) tendency to edit other people's remarks after recently being banned for doing just that would merit a nice long ban until someone else noticed what had happened and shortened it. Spıke 🎙️ 13:16 6-Mar-16
No, it was an old version. And that was really hypocritical! I'm the rude one? What about you?
Please disavow your last comment. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 13:29, March 6, 2016 (UTC)
There is no hypocrisy; I meant every word. Just because I can be rude does not mean you cannot be rude. I will disavow the word "rude." Beyond that, wise up. We do very good work (such as last night's collab at Skipton) when you are not wasting time defending your honor. Spıke 🎙️ 14:04 6-Mar-16
  • Honour*; no Americanisation accepted here! Just kidding, obviously. Will heed advice. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 14:07, March 6, 2016 (UTC)

Skipton [edit ]

Fabulous article, really well done! Love the quirkyness too! You may have inspired me to do another Yorkshire town too, perhaps Helmsley; with its perfect blend of doily laden tea shops and leather clad "Barry Sheens" in the town square, eating victoria sponge off their Kawasaki Z1s!  EStop Press here for Room Service 06:57, March 7, 2016 (UTC)

Wow, thanks! Helmsley would be good, but there's also Thirsk, Easingwold and Ripon to come. And Northallerton is dire. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 19:17, March 7, 2016 (UTC)

Donald Trump [edit ]

This section-intro did need updating (as well as correct spelling)! But please avoid the desire to report rather than amuse; there is nothing funny about a list of which states were carried by whom. I also undid some extra words you added at Chris Christie, as my addition to your contribution was another drive-by Fat Joke, that I thought should stay short and sweet (or at least short). Spıke 🎙️ 21:06 8-Mar-16

Mister[edit ]

Normally, we use page name for the first reference (Ted Cruz) and then just surname thereafter (Hillary being an obvious exception to avoid ambiguity). You can use Mr. or Sen. or other titles, but if you do, be sure to do so consistently (on that single page; you don't have to use that exact style on future UnNewses). The only goal of this is to avoid variation that distracts from amusing the reader.

Meanwhile, thanks for the Foolitzer nomination; I have not gotten one of these for years and stuff like this helps because people like it when the site is more social. However, please read the rules on formatting the nomination. Spıke 🎙️ 21:13 9-Mar-16

Howard the Duck (film) on VFD[edit ]

Did you read it? It does mention George Lucas liberally. As well as writing a new History section, I've scrubbed the rest of the article. In response to your comment, I threw in a mention of Chewbacca. Are you going to vote? Can you improve the photos? Spıke 🎙️ 18:46 10-Mar-16

Ah, my bad. I can't improve the photos, but I will vote to keep the article. --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 18:57, March 10, 2016 (UTC)

NotM[edit ]

I would not do that, as on these pages, there can be only one winner per designated time period. Instead, mention this under my comment to Romartus just now. Again, it would be a very good thing if the website's awards pages got new life breathed into them. Spıke 🎙️ 22:07 10-Mar-16

Conservapedia[edit ]

Yes, Conservapedia takes itself just as seriously as the Tea Party does, and is at least as right-wing, if not more so, than they are. Same political viewpoint that the USA should be turned into a Christian Theocracy and a Capitalist Oligarchy at the same time. I tend to be liberal myself, but I have maintained an account on Conservapedia by trying not to make any changes to the site that might be considered liberal. (Though I have been tempted many times.) Even so, I was told that I have been "exposed to liberals". They are probably so extreme they would block me if they found out my husband is even more liberal than I am, and definitely would if they found out that I support Bernie Sanders. They actively defend extreme conservative bias in their articles and hide the truth about Trump's racism. (If he wasn't racist, he wouldn't tolerate racist violence at his rallies, and would distance himself from the KKK and the Neo-nazis, who have shown enthusiastic support for him.)-- Simsilikesims(♀GUN) Talk here. 05:29, March 13, 2016 (UTC)

Thanks for explaining. Also, I don't think I've met you yet, but if not, then I'm Placeholderusername. I've created a few things (Calais, UnNews:Carson leaves presidential race, Template:Yorkshire and Template:Scotland), and collaborated on others (such as Skipton and Chris Christie).
I also created this: ILikeSpike.png

That's pretty much all I've done yet...

--PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 08:49, March 13, 2016 (UTC)

Template:Scotland [edit ]

You need those </DIV> tags to terminate the division for NavFrame and NavContent. The error was produced by your first edit of the day when you changed <FONT>...</FONT> to <FONT>...<FONT>. That threw everything off; the parser was expecting the FONT to end and not expecting the DIV to end; that is why you saw them on the page.

Again, please don't separate towns into five separate sections. This makes it hard for the reader to find, say, Gretna Green without knowing what part of Scotland it is in.

Regarding Caithness on VFD:

  1. The rules, somewhere, stress that ballots are not talk pages.
  2. Pointing out that it is a county and not a town does not weigh on the debate on the article.
  3. When I tell you that (in noting that your comment does not change my vote), assuming that it is I creating drama (and muttering "not nice") is you creating drama.

As before, please be less anxious that every chance conversation put you in a positive light. The conversation needn't have been about either of us but about the quality of an article that someone else wrote. Spıke 🎙️ 22:31 14-Mar-16

PS--Regarding needing two clicks to display the template, tech expert and near-Admin PuppyOnTheRadio has emailed that "It's an ongoing issue. Came across the same with [Game:Alone in the Dark] which uses similar code." The rest of his reply is cryptic and I am trying to draw it out of him. This needs to be resolved and I am willing to file a dreaded Ticket with Wikia, but before doing so, I would start recoding stuff in jQuery. Spıke 🎙️ 03:05 15-Mar-16

Arrgh! (Pirate noise) The template had display:none to provide that it not appear initially, though the JavaScript assumes it does appear initially and puts up a [hide] button. So the first time you click it, JavaScript hides it: no change. The second click and you see it. Not your fault; you copied this from the Britain one, which I have also corrected. If you want it not to appear initially, the right way is to assign an additional class. Spıke 🎙️ 10:24 15-Mar-16

PPS--Have finished the job. It is not necessary to call out the color in everything that is not a piped link; a general rule at the start will cover them all. You had both a DIV CLASS=NavContent and a {| Wikitable, which was a box within a box; the solution was {| CLASS=NavContent. Spıke 🎙️ 15:41 15-Mar-16

Thanks! --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 16:52, March 15, 2016 (UTC)

Well, are you going to actually use it on something? Spıke 🎙️ 15:00 16-Mar-16

Ah, there you go. I haven't looked at your edits, but keep in mind if those pages used See also to do what you are now doing with the {{Scotland}} template, and delete those entries and possibly the entire section. Spıke 🎙️ 23:47 16-Mar-16

Sorry! I see one of my edits (regarding moving class names to the outermost DIV) made the toggle (show/hide) go away, now fixed. Spıke 🎙️ 00:10 17-Mar-16

Don't worry about it. :) Is it possible to give the whole box a gradient? --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 18:15, March 17, 2016 (UTC)

I saw you trying to undo various edits. The only way I figured out how I broke stuff is to go into History and view every revision to see which one broke it. Yes, you could give the whole box a gradient, by copying {{LinearGradient}} from inside the style on the NavHeader to the comparable location in NavContent. But I wouldn't, because it's needless prettiness at the expense of readability of the links. I only did it in the header out of necessity to make v.d.e and show/hide visible. Spıke 🎙️ 18:32 17-Mar-16

UnNews:Kasich wins something [edit ]

Now it is your turn. What if you take a news article on the anti-Wall Street Bernie Sanders and imagine things he might have said, especially now that he is getting desperate for a message versus Hillary? What if he took aim at Business Routes, the green-markered expressways that go downtown? So I-96 would go around Lansing but the route into Lansing is no longer Business 96 but "Proletariat 96." Other examples are up to you. Spıke 🎙️ 15:00 16-Mar-16

PS--Well, it was your turn, but I went ahead of you with UnNews:Boehner backs Ryan for President‎‎. It should be obvious that any decent UnNews that is about something other than the US primary will now get the top spot. Spıke 🎙️ 18:32 17-Mar-16

Oh, is there some sort of competition going on? --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 19:01, March 18, 2016 (UTC)

No, just too much election news, is all. At least too much for eight months before the election. Spıke 🎙️ 19:21 18-Mar-16

Hmm, you may have just given me an idea (that's no guarantee, by the way)...I could write an article called "Trump doesn't say anything" if there's ever a lull in the election news... PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 19:23, March 18, 2016 (UTC)

Speaking for the moment as a US voter rather than an Uncyclopedian, I am afraid there will never be a dull moment with this guy. Spıke 🎙️ 19:35 18-Mar-16

Sorry, Spike, but I don't think you're allowed to break character. Trump never does... PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 19:50, March 18, 2016 (UTC)

Leaving[edit ]

So, anyway, I'm leaving. The bottom line is that I'm spending too much time online...this seems the best way to cut it down. Seeya! :) --PlaceHolderUserName My talk! 07:27, March 23, 2016 (UTC)

I understand. You're always welcome to pop back in. Many uncyclopedians 'come and go', often when they think of a good story angle. Hope to see you around again. --Laurels.gif RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 08:22, March 23, 2016 (UTC)
Yes indeed, you are most welcome any time. Thanks for your work on Yorkshire and Calais, and inspiring me to do Helmsley!  EStop Press here for Room Service 02:15, April 3, 2016 (UTC)
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