IRP Vision, mission and goals


To be internationally recognized as the principal platform for the sharing of experiences and learnings on approaches to build back better in recovery.


To identify and strengthen knowledge and information on building back better in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.

Goal 1

To proactively contribute to the implementation of Priority Four of the Sendai Framework and lead discussions around the issue of building back better at international forums.

Sub Goals:

  1. To systematize, promote, communicate and generate knowledge that supports countries and partners to implement and contribute to reporting against the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, specifically Priority Four related to ‘build back better’.
  2. To support the enhancement of capacity through its partners for integrating build-back-better approaches.
  3. To identify and promote the tools, methodologies and knowledge / information management systems that are available to support partners and countries to achieve build-back-better outcomes.

Goal 2

To promote collaboration and cooperation among global and regional partners on the subject of building back better in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction.

Sub Goals:

  1. To advocate at international and regional forums that build-back-better approaches are systematically incorporated into development and recovery policies, planning and practice.
  2. To coordinate a referral system and network among IRP partners for providing guidance and advice on build-back-better related issues.
  3. To contribute to other global framework discussions, advocating for the adoption of sustainable development through retrospective and reactive resilience policy pathways.

Goal 3

To promote shared understanding of a common strategic approach for building back better among IRP partners

Sub Goals:

  1. To generate and facilitate the consolidation of knowledge within the IRP Network and promote synergy for guidance on building back better.
  2. To provide a learning and information sharing platform through the International Recovery Forum
  3. To manage and promote the IRP knowledge system and Network supported by research and development of thought pieces around building back better in reconstruction.

Strategic Framework

The IRP Strategic Framework outlines three strategic goals for IRP’s work: (i) to proactively contribute to the implementation of Priority Four of the Sendai Framework and lead discussions around the issue of building back better at international forums; (ii) to promote collaboration and cooperation among global and regional partners on the subject of building back better in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction; (iii) to promote shared understanding of a common strategic approach for building back better among IRP partners.