IRP Secretariat

The International Recovery Platform Secretariat is located in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan. The Secretariat provides necessary support for operation of the Steering Committee and the IRP network functions as a whole.

It is responsible for coordination of the IRP network and activities. The Secretariat is responsible to the Chair of the Steering Committee. The Secretariat executes the decisions of the Steering Committee and regularly provides updates for, consults with, and reports to the Steering Committee Chair, Co-Chair and members.

IRP Secretariat in Kobe, Japan
Contact IRP
IRP Secretariat Offices located in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.


The Secretariat performs the following functions for IRP:

(a) Provides secretariat service to the Steering Committee

(b) Facilitates the development and implementation of the IRP work plan, monitors progress of activities, and prepares a detailed year-end reporting

(c) Facilitates communication among the IRP Steering Committee members between Steering Committee meetings.

(d) Under the guidance of the Chair or Co-chair represents the IRP in conferences and meetings organized by members or partners.

(e) Organizes IRP events, including the International Recovery Forum, and participates in international and regional events including the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in accordance with the approved work plan or as agreed by the Steering Committee.

(f) Monitors the progress of actions agreed at the meetings, including external communications with other relevant parties.

(g) Management of IRP knowledge and communication by

  • sharing information with ‘IRP Community of Practice’
  • creating the web-based platform for and facilitating the ‘IRP Community of Practice’
  • in partnership with IRP network members review, develop and disseminate tools and knowledge products
  • development of communication strategy and communication materials including publication of regular newsletter
  • maintain and update the IRP website
  • Administer the Recovery Help Desk according to the approved modality of the IRP Steering Committee

(h) Management of IRP Secretariat human resources, assets/office facilities.