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Wikivoyage Logo Election 1ドル
Wikivoyage Logo Election
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All about your participation in Wikivoyage Logo Election 1ドル
Wikivoyage Logo Election 1ドル and You
Wikivoyage Logo Election - State
You can vote for {{Plural:1ドル|ONE logo|1ドル logos}} in total. {{Plural:1ドル||If you vote for more than one logo, please vote for them in order of your preference.}}
- Raw (JSON format)
- Information about voters (huge table)
- 109 of 601 voters are Wikivoyagers. All voters were generally eligible.
- Wikivoyage/Logo/2013/R1/Results/Candidates
- 302 of the 1603 valid votes came from Wikivoyagers.
- Wikivoyage/Logo/2013/R1/Results/Runoff
- Round 2 results
These are the three that should be entered in the final round, if there are no legal issues (in no particular order - if they actually are in order, it's an accident):
Geographical zones with arrow 2
Wv logo proposal flying plane
WV-Logo Proposal AleXXw
If there are issues (which will be clearly communicated), replacements are in descending order:
Wikivoyage0.4 Proposed by Dyolf77
Wikivoyage fantasy balloon logo3
WV logo v25 v2
They also would have to be cleared of issues.