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Wikiversity/Projektskizze "eLearning-Dienste für die Wissenschaft"

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Zusammen mit der Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart (WRS), einer Universität und möglicherweise weiteren Partnern werden wir einen Antrag auf Förderung beim Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) stellen (Förderprogramm "eLearning-Dienste für die Wissenschaft"). Dies ist eine gute Gelegenheit, ein Konzept für das Projekt Wikiversity (bzw. Wikiversität) zu entwerfen, Partner zu gewinnen und durch die finanzielle Förderung das Projekt in der Aufbauphase zu unterstützen.

Diese Seite ist zur gemeinsamen Ausarbeitung des Antrags auf Förderung gedacht, Diskussionen dazu - und auch allgemein zu den Perspektiven oder möglichen Problemen - bitte auf der Diskussionsseite. Weitere Seiten zum Thema: Wikiversity, en:wikibooks:Wikiversity, Wikiquiz (möglicherweise auch Wikiresearch, Wiki Scholarly Journals, WikiAbstracts, WikiReviews).

Alle wichtigen Informationen zu den Anforderungen, die an den Antrag gestellt werden, findet Ihr in der Bekanntmachung des BMBF: Richtlinien über die Förderung der Entwicklung und Erprobung von Maßnahmen der Strukturentwicklung zur Etablierung von eLearning in der Hochschullehre im Rahmen des Förderschwerpunkts "Neue Medien in der Bildung".

Der Antrag zielt auf Förderlinie B: Hochschulübergreifender und vornehmlich (aber nicht ausschließlich) fächerspezifischer Kontext (eLearning-Transfer)': "Hier geht es um Organisationskonzepte/Geschäftsmodelle für Dienstleistungen, die die Produktion und Nutzung von eLearning in Hochschulen und darüber hinaus vornehmlich fach- und fachbereichsbezogen unterstützen. Regionale oder bundesweit tätige Arbeitsstellen/Instanzen sollen dafür sorgen, dass vorhandene und weiter oder neu entwickelte Materialien für Lehre, Lernen und Prüfungen in Fachgebieten nachhaltig in Hochschulen eingesetzt und im nationalen und internationalen Raum weiter vermarktet werden."

Es gibt eine deutschsprachige Mailingliste zur Diskussion über das Projekt, bitte zögert nicht Euch einzutragen: http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikiversityde-l

Die Projektskizze wird gemeinsam mit der WRS auf dieser Seite erstellt, bitte beteiligt Euch ausgiebig daran. Abgabetermin ist der 4. Oktober 2004.

Antworten von Fragen an den DLR-Projektträger

Reha: The bullet points fromthe first meeting held in Stuttgart in July are as follows:

Wikimedia • Community Entwicklung

• Nutzerbetreuung

• Koordination Softwareentwicklung: The decisions on the selection of technical infrastructure, necessary, if any, outsourcing on these issues.

• Konzeption

• Strukturierung

• Anförderungsanalyse

• Mitarbeit Contentwicklung


• Mitarbeit Systementwicklung: In addition to providing bulk of the content, the Unis will cooperate with the Wikimedia on the development of technical infrastructure and the means of content delivery

• Curricular Vorarbeit /Erschließung d. Contents (Campus Agentur): The founding principle is to have the Wikiversity content to be self-dependent. Yet, a preliminary work will be required on the initial teaching topics and material. Unis will be the primary administrator of the general guidelines on this issue. The necessary public relation activities in the academic world, too, will be carried out by Unis. Following the roll-out, the Unis will keep supporting the content development and progression. (Reha: These may need to be discused further.)


Department and contact person in charge of the project:

FIR_st - Forum IT-Region Stuttgart / Hans-Ulrich Schmid, Hjalmar Hiemann, Ö. Reha Tözün


WRS has a strong commitment to Open Source software and has been putting stringent efforts for its promotion. In addition to activities targeted at end-users (distribution of 50.00 copies of Knoppix-Linux CDs, conferences and a Linux on desktop demo-site (http://opensource.region-stuttgart.de/index.php?main=8&sub=8_0)) and WRS aims to support the commercial deployment of Open source software (http://opensource.region-stuttgart.de/). It has also been involved in e-learning practices through the research project Prodela (http://www.prodela.de/sixcms/list.php?page=prodela), an on-demand platform for the Kommunen in the region. WRS sees Wikiversity as a novel opportunity to make a contribution to Open Source and to have a wide-reaching effect in the e-learning domain.

Projected responsibilities of WRS:

The responsibilities of WRS within the project will be the project management, development of the business model for the sustainability of the project after the grant period, promotion and awareness building, the coordination of launch activities and co-financing efforts.

Project management:

WRS will perform project co-ordination, and ensure that clear objectives and efficient plans are maintained and communicated between partners. The project will involve the development of technical platform and the content by respective consortium partners and require the effective cooperation of parties that will be geographically dispersed. The project management approach will be detailed in the second round of application scheme.

WRS will appoint a Project Manager (PM) (Hand-Ulrich Schmid) and a project assistant to work closely with PM (Reha Tözün). A trainee will also be employed for the project’s purposes.

WRS will also establish and maintain communication and reporting procedures to ensure progress follow-up and internal dissemination of required information. The biannual reports shall include the following points: progress summary, budget utilization, and schedule changes, if any, development of content size, user and contributor numbers. Additionally, the year-end progress report shall additionally cover the management plan revisions, actual schedule, corrective actions if needed.

The planned applications for co-financing through EU grants will be organised and prepared by WRS. There are several EU programmes that Wikiversity project can apply for; eTEN (http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/eten/index_en.htm) and Minerva Action Programme (http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/socrates/minerva/ind1a_en.html) are two examples. WRS employs two full-time representatives in Brussels for EU affairs.

Financial management and budget controlling of the project will be carried out by WRS according to plans drawn out by project partners.

Business Model Development:

After the proposed grant period of 3 years, the Wikiversity project shall be financially independent. The content development of the Wiki model is self-sufficient and will not require large funds, yet the hardware replacement and software development costs will be ever-present. As for the marketing efforts, they will be running low, as bulk of the chores will have been completed during the three years. The network of agents (please see Promotion and awareness building) will be restructured to a lesser size and mostly voluntary involvement basis.

Although this is a picture of reduced costs, there will still be need for funding. The main asset of the Wikiversity will be the traffic on the site, which would generate some options for ad-based funding and strategic partnerships. For the former, currently the least obtrusive means is the Google’s ad-words. The latter would be in terms of agreements with hardware ("powered by..." and software suppliers (Red Hat, Novell, etc.), to cover main costs items.

The site could also host a board and virtual meeting rooms with dedicated software for people in search for private lessons, "ein Nachhilfemarkt", if you like. The interested parties would post their requests and would not be charged for this service. Yet, with an additional, for-pay software, revenues could be generated. Very roughly put, this feature would include a chat function and a drawing board in cascaded windows. Different or additional features may be added to increase the usability and effectiveness of this tool. For the individuals who would like to benefit from Wikiveristy.de as a vocational or continued education resource, the site would offer storage space and content management software. For those who do not possess a PC or who would like to collect and access to their documents in one location would be charged a nominal fee for convenience.

Additionally, donations and future grant programs by European Union and German government shall be targeted. It is obvious that the business models evolve in market conditions and choices on this matter will need the accession of the community and the consortium partners.

Promotion and awareness building:

Considering the fact that the project will be public funded and the extent of change it aspires, an organized promotion and awareness campaign will be necessary. Wikipedia displays the power of Wiki projects to generate interest; however, Wikiversity aims at a more difficult task. To manage the extensive mobilization of the teachers and students to change their behaviour patterns; to think about and act against their traditional roles in education will require a dedicated effort. It would be comparably easier to generate ever increasing user numbers, yet the success of Wikiversity will depend on its ability to encourage visitors to turn into contributors. The seemingly present reluctance of academicians to display their teaching material to open view will require some convincing.

There would be two main activities to handle this: 1. Participation in conferences and education fairs Wikiversity will encourage researchers and academicians to relate their efforts to the Wiki platform (Computer science (the platform), pedagogy (the teaching/learning experience), humanities (the community behaviour, relational dynamics). Wikiversity consortium will financially assist their participation in congresses and conferences etc. Additionally, during the first year of the project, Wikiversity will seek to have direct contact with professors and students through educational fairs by having presence in the form of information stands. Although this can seem boring, "old" marketing, it can serve for the need for direct contact. 2. Having a network of "agents" in selected cities of Germany. Wikiversity would have a network of agents in selected cities for network building. These cities are proposed as: Berlin, Dresden (covering Leipzig, too), Köln (covering Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Duisburg), Munich (covering Augsburg and Nürnberg), Bremen (covering Hamburg and Hanover), Frankfurt, Kaiserslautern, Stuttgart (covering Karlsruhe, Freiburg, Ulm). The locations are initial examples, the actual choices are open to debate. In each city, a professor and a HiWi would be named. 20 hrs/month would be allocated by each to promote the project in their area. The assistance of the Wiki community would be sought where and when appropriate.

Project roll-out:

As discussed in the Wikemedia-WRS meeting in Stuttgart in July, the reason to use the term "roll-out" is the belief that there would be software development within the Wikiversity.de project. The site should be able to do more than storing and displaying content and allowing discussions. In addition to means of offering "rich-content", having additional features, like client software that would allow users/contributors to track their history on the site, can enrich the experience and attractiveness of the Wiki offer. As stated, these features will be additions to the existing platform.

The real issue is to elevate the site to a mature and reasonably glitch-free state before the "launch". The popularity of Wiki will be coming from individuals who will be "average" users that will be susceptible to be put off easily. You can liken this to desktop users who are so much needed for world domination of Linux. The issue of roll-out is named in order to coordinate the efforts and internal control processes and the accompanying promotion efforts to have an inspiring and effective beginning. This would take nothing away from the Open Source character of Wikiversity. The roll-out effort, which is planned to take place in Stuttgart region, is to be coupled with a promotion and press campaign to generate maximum return. The resultant effect will act as an initial kernel from which to spread.

The expenditures/project costs:

The costs here are the actual costs needed. They are planned to be multiplied by two for the project documents.

Personal costs:

Uli: 36 months x (4 days/month) x (400€/day) = 57600€

Reha: 36 months x (4 days a month) x (250€/day) = 36000€

Trainee: Part-time basis. 36 months x 400€/month = 14400€

Total: 108000€ for 3 years.

Promotion costs:

Campus Agents: A professor and HiWi at 8 locations, promotion material. 80000€ (65000 + 15000)

Conferences: 2000€

Conferences: 2500€

Travel and subsistence: For 2 persons: (2 visits per month) x (250€/visit – including a mark-up for the occasional overnight stay) x 36 = 18.000€

Legal costs: Includes only legal consultancy: 3% of the total project budget.

Other costs: Meetings, consumables, hosting, etc.: 2500€

Total budget requirement: 213.000€


• Professors

• Industrie

• OSS-Welt

• Politics

1. Etablierung / Hemmnisse: The following have been the major obstructions for e-learning projects and campaigns:

• Angebot unbekannt

• Adminaufwand

• Geschlossenheit

• Nicht transparent

• Kritische Masse

• Mobilising Content Mangelhaft

• Angebot und Nachfrage fallen auseinander

2. Erneuerung d. Lernkultur: Through the following characteristics, Wikiversity will fulfill its promise to bring a new approach to teaching/learning

• Peer Review

• Auflösung Rollenverhalten (Dozent – Schüler) (dadurch : Spaß an d. Wikiversität und Spaß an Lernen)

• Rich Media features (Prodela)

• Aktualität d. Inhalte durch Enrichment

• Publizieren wird einfach / billig

• On demand for all

3. IT-gestützt / Strukturveranderung

• Wiki sehr amorph

• Komplett neue Struktur / Hochschulübergriefend, Anbieter = Nachfrager

• Alle können lernen

4. Paradigmawechseln: With the following properties, Wikiversity will answer the demand of the BMBF to deliver a paradigm shift in learning

• Aktualität

• Hierachie verandert sich (flach)

• Prof=Wissensmoderator

• Leistung zählt

5. Innovationsorientierung / Verbesserung d. Inhalte (gefächert, nachhaltig)

• Wiki ist global

• Review/Diskussion u. Lizenz sorgt. Nachbarkeit u. Verbesserung

• Cathedral vs. Bazaar

Die Skizze besteht aus den folgenden Teilen:

Zentrale Kriterien

[edit ]

Bedeutung des Vorhabens für die dauerhafte und breitestmögliche Etablierung der neuen Medien in den Hochschulbetrieb;

Erfüllung der Zuwendungsvoraussetzungen;

Originalität/Innovationshöhe der vorgeschlagenen Ansätze;

Erfolgsaussichten mit Ergebnisverwertung (insbesondere der Vorstellungen zur Eigenfinanzierung nach Projektende; Produkt/Dienstleistungsdefinition, Geschäftsmodellpläne, hierzu vergleichbare Projekte angeben, zu denen wir bereits im Bilde sind);

Schlüssigkeit des Konzepts (hier am besten auch klarmachen, dass es ein gutes Projektmanagement geben wird, das mit verteilten vituellen Arbeitsstrukturen umgehen kann und internationalem Input offen gegenübersteht);

Eignung des Standorts (Umfang der Vorleistungen);

Umfang der Eigenbeteiligung.

Teil 1: Anmeldung - Einrichtung A

[edit ]

Name der Organisation:


Strasse, Nr.:

oder Postfach:




Hochschule? (ja/nein):


Ansprechpartner/in A








Weitere Angaben A

Leistungsprofil: max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

ggf. bisherige Förderung zum Einsatz digitaler Medien in der Lehre durch das BMBF oder andere Institutionen: max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

Finanzierungsplan der federführenden Einrichtung A

Personal-Betrag in EUR:

Personal-Erläuterungen: max. 1.000 Zeichen

Auftragsvergaben in EUR:

Auftragsvergaben-Erläuterungen:max. 1.000 Zeichen

Sachausgaben-Betrag in EUR:

Sachausgaben-Erläuterungen:max. 1.000 Zeichen

Gegenstände u. Investitionen-Betrag in EUR:

Gegenstände u. Investitionen-Erläuterungen: max. 1.000 Zeichen

Summe-Partner A:

davon Eigenleistung:

Eigenleistung-Erläuterungen:max. 1.000 Zeichen

Teil 2: Projektpartner - Einrichtung B,C, ..

[edit ]

Name der Organisation:


Strasse, Nr.:

oder Postfach:




Hochschule? (ja/nein):


Ansprechpartner/in A








Weitere Angaben A

Leistungsprofil: max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

ggf. bisherige Förderung zum Einsatz digitaler Medien in der Lehre durch das BMBF oder andere Institutionen: max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

Finanzierungsplan der federführenden Einrichtung A

Personal-Betrag in EUR:

Personal-Erläuterungen: max. 1.000 Zeichen A

uftragsvergaben in EUR:

Auftragsvergaben-Erläuterungen:max. 1.000 Zeichen

Sachausgaben-Betrag in EUR:

Sachausgaben-Erläuterungen:max. 1.000 Zeichen

Gegenstände u. Investitionen-Betrag in EUR:

Gegenstände u. Investitionen-Erläuterungen: max. 1.000 Zeichen

Summe-Partner A:

davon Eigenleistung:

Eigenleistung-Erläuterungen:max. 1.000 Zeichen

Teil 3: allg. Angaben zur Vorhabensbeschreibung

[edit ]

Auswahl der Förderlinie




allg. Angaben zum Vorhaben



Gesamt-Förderbedarf in EUR:

Förderzeitraum in Monaten: 36 Monaten

Anzahl der Projektpartner:

Teil 4: spezielle Angaben zur Vorhabensbeschreibung

[edit ]

Teil 4a: Vorhabensbeschreibung - Förderlinie a) eLearning-Integration

[edit ]

(deliberately left blank)

Teil 4b: Vorhabensbeschreibung - Förderlinie b) eLearning-Transfer

[edit ]

Wissenschaftliches Fachgebiet oder typische Querschnittsthema:

Kurzbeschreibung:max. 12.500 Zeichen (5 Seiten)

Few ideas inspired and collected from Meta-Wiki site:

-A public, online resource for creating, sharing, and delivering university level education.

  • There are a lot of problems associated with each of these areas! --WiseWoman 21:48, 12 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Reha: True. We are planning to get legal advice through the project and include it in our cost calculations.

-A decentralized teaching model wherein the production and distribution of knowledge is not assumed to be dependent on the one-to-many relationship, but a many-to-many relationship.

  • We have had models like this in pedagogy for years... --WiseWoman 21:48, 12 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Reha: Is there any material that we can access? Could you help on that?

-Teaching resources : Books, lecture notes, presentations, teaching material, teaching plans

  • German professors do not like to share their toys. There must be encouragement for people to want to share - and since many teachers do not use original materials, but some that they borrowed from others, they are reluctant (understandably) to put it online. --WiseWoman 21:48, 12 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Reha: May be so, but getting recognition could a strong motive. Being able to exert influence on what students learn in German language may prove tempting.

  • Not really - Many German professors are only motivated by money or recognition. But there are a few who think this could be a good idea. --WiseWoman 12:05, 17 Sep 2004 (UTC)

-Interactivity: Discussion tools btw readers and contributors, on-line courses, special research sub-groups

  • There are already a number of tooks in this area (open source!), for example Stud.IP or moodle.

Reha: ILIAS, Moodle, OpenUSS and Stud.IP are open source e-learning packages/platforms that have bigger foothold than others. We shall be incorporating suitable features in our project.

-A high level e-learning resource where people go through courses as well as write and edit them, AND a host for lecturers to interact and to draw upon in their own classes AND a crossroads joint for researchers.

  • How about this: the BMBF has poured enormous amounts of money into elearing materials creation. These materials tend to sit around on servers behind passwords and are not used by people other than the others. What is needed is a repository similar to Wiki and NOT based on SCORM or Dublin Core or any of the highbrow classification systems (of course, having some bot to suck in SCORM and deposit content on a Wiki would be a big plus). If BMBF could release the projects from their promise to make money (no one is

making money now anyway) and request that they donate their content, programs and materials to a BMBF eLearning Wiki, we would have a serious project to be funded. --WiseWoman 21:48, 12 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Reha: Swell idea. The content production was the first round of the e-learning support action and we will be applyin for the second one. Making use of the existing material from the first phase is mentioned in the BMBF annoucement to be an influential factor. Does anybody have access to any contact persons in BMBF who can help on this?

-A central repository, with content and a central database listing resources. Helping lecturers to improving the content and visuals of the teaching material. Guidelines for teachers (guidelines on lecturing, an introduction to the different types of learning styles, etc.), and students (how to make a presentation, guidelines on how to write a good report, etc).

  • There is already a great site for teachers (in German): e-teaching.org. There needs to be content developed for teaching people about didactics and presentation and so on, much of what is out there is not really very good, because it is expensive to make good stuff. --WiseWoman 21:48, 12 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Some cut-ups from the "Bekanntmachung des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung" text. The conecpt of Wikiversity fits these quite very well.

eine deutlich verbesserte Qualität von Lehren und Lernen ...erhöhte Effizienz der Wissensvermittlung und eine bessere Vorbereitung auf die Erfordernisse des lebenslangen Lernens.

Die systematische Nutzung dieser neuen Technologien ist überdies erforderlich, um das Innovationspotenzial, das sich für Bildungs- und Wissensdienstleister aus dem Trend hin zur Wissensgesellschaft und zur Tertiarisierung (TERTIARIZATION term used to refer to the development of the tertiary (service) sector and the growing proportion of employment (both of men and, particularly, of women) represented by this sector as compared with the primary and secondary sectors. ) ergibt, umfassend auszuschöpfen.

Das Innovationspotenzial der IuK-Technologien liegt dabei sowohl im Bereich von Prozesserneuerungen (Neuorganisation des Lernprozesses und der Wissensvermittlung im grundständigen Studium und anderen Lernsituationen...) als insbesondere auch von Produktinnovationen (Erweiterung des Leistungsangebots durch kundenorientierte Weiterbildungsangebote, neue Konzepte der Internationalisierung, neue Formen des unmittelbaren FuE-Transfers in die Lehre...).

Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, ist es erforderlich, dass in den Hochschulen und den in ihrem Umfeld etablierten Einrichtungen eine tief greifende Erneuerung der Lernkultur erreicht und eine übergreifende Vernetzung aufgebaut wird.

Eine "Resonanz in der Organisation" muss letztlich auf einen Paradigmenwechsel abzielen und eine prozess- und produktbezogene Innovationsorientierung erzeugen, die zugleich geeignet ist, das Profil der einzelnen Hochschule zu schärfen und die Studienangebote in einzelnen Fächern auf regionaler oder nationaler Ebene insgesamt nachhaltig zu verbessern.

konkrete Angaben zu Nutzergruppen des gepl. Angebotes:max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

-Students, lecturers and researchers from all branches and specialisations

-Anyone who wishes to benefit from / contribute to the content on wikiversity.de to self-educate

Zielsetzung:max. 12.500 Zeichen (5 Seiten)

Vorerfahrungen und einschlägige Aktivitäten (derzeitige Nutzergruppen):max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

konkrete Angaben zu Nutzergruppen des gepl. Angebotes:max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

-Students, lecturers and researchers from all branches and specialisations

-Anyone who wishes to benefit from / contribute to the content on wikiversity.de to self-educate

Art der beabsichtigten Verwertung / Vermarktung – regional, national, internationalmax. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

-Region-independent, will serve at the national level.

-Will be open to global contributions

-Will serve at the global scale for higher education in German language

-The technology will be shared with and improved by wiki communities and other users active in other languages

Plan zur Weiterführung des Vorhabens nach Abschluss der Förderung (Eigenfinanzierung):max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

-Costs will be kept on the low side by the utilization of OSS and commoditized hardware


-EU grants

-Google ads ?

-Printed copies of content?

Fachgebietsabdeckung:max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

-Social Sciences


-Economy and Business Administration

-Interdiciplinary topics

-Topics requested by the users/contributors

Gender-Mainstreaming-Aktionsplan:max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

vorhandene Infrastruktur, Eigenleistungen der Einrichtung / des Konsortiums:max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

Course material existing in Unis

Supporting material - images, applets, graphics, etc. (Member Unis and Wikipedia).

Programming guidelines (OSS community)

OSS packages, including existing e-learning platforms

ggf. Angaben zum internationalen Einsatz oder zur Nutzung neuer Technologien (GRID-Computing):max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

ggf. andere aktuelle Antragstellungen; EU-Fördermöglichkeiten:max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

Reha: As far as I could gather from EU web sites, Minerva Action Program can be a suitable entry point to EU assistance (Total annual budget: 8,5 M € / Average grant per year per project: 100 000 - 130 000 € / Average project duration: 2 - 3 years / 35 - 40 projects are selected per year). More info at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/socrates/minerva/ind1a_en.html

ggf. weitere Erläuterungen:max. 2.500 Zeichen (1 Seite)

ggf. PDF-Datei mit nummerierten Abbildungen / Grafiken / Tabellen:max. 7 MB

AltStyle によって変換されたページ (->オリジナル) /