Wikipedia 20/Resources/ru
- 20-летие Википедии Празднование дня рождения
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- Пресса и соцсети Распространение информации
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- Results Impact around the world
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Find customisable visual materials to use and share to celebrate Wikipedia 20.
About the Wikipedia 20 mark
We are celebrating our 20th anniversary with a wide range of symbols, illustrated by Karabo Poppy Moletsane and Jasmina El Bouamraoui, representing different types of knowledge, cultures, celebrations, the internet, and the Wikimedia movement.
In place of just one single mark, the Wikipedia birthday logo is customizable. Everyone can choose and arrange the birthday symbols to make their own mark. Feel free to use the symbols that are most meaningful to you, and of course, you can make your own symbols!
The unifying consistency here is visual. By following the design recommendations below, you can make the designs both personal to you and recognizable as part of the Wikipedia 20 birthday celebration.
How to use the mark
You can celebrate 20 years of Wikipedia with a text-only mark or you can use the symbols to create your own.
The custom mark consists of two basic elements:
- an image or animated group of images
- text below
Other than keeping things in that order, you can reuse, remix, and enjoy the symbols in a variety of ways.
Wait? Which Wikipedia 20 mark should I use?
There are two primary design styles for the Wikipedia 20 "mark."
The first uses 4 symbols from the birthday set (creators are free to choose the symbols that they wish) atop the Wikipedia wordmark with a "20" added in Linux Libertine type to the right. The writing must fit snugly beneath the margin edges created by the 4 panels.
The second uses the phrase "20 years of" in the font Linux Libertine Italic, carefully positioned 40px above the Wikipedia wordmark. This second lockup can be used with 4 birthday symbols in a 2x2 grid (placed above the wordmark) or used alone, without any birthday symbols.
By writing "20 years of," the design expresses just what we are celebrating.
How to customize the mark
The set of symbols can be connected, rearranged, and recolored to create custom combinations. You can use the materials in any graphics editing program, including Inkscape, which is free and open source.
The diverse color palette was inspired by celebrations around the world – representing confetti, cakes, piñatas, and party decorations. You can adjust the colors of the symbols themselves to fit your design needs using the color palette below.
R220, G8, B22
C7, M100, Y100, K1
PMS 2035 C
R230, G121, B166
C5, M66, Y7, K0
PMS 204 C
R238, G128, B25
C3, M60, Y100, K0
PMS 158 C
R240, G188, B0
C6, M25, Y100, K0
PMS 7408 C
R233, G231, B196
C9, M4, Y26, K0
PMS 168-9 C
R2, G139, B63
C87, M21, Y100, K7
PMS 3522 CP
R4, G157, B255
C69, M31, Y0, K0
PMS 2995 CP
R1, G84, B213
C87, M70, Y0, K0
PMS 300 CP
R0, G0, B0
You can use this template to begin your custom mark design. The text "Wikipedia" can be replaced with any localized wordmark. Use the official Wikipedia wordmark in your language, place the number 20 next to the mark, and pick symbols to put above the text.
Wikipedia 20 mark template
Making your own birthday symbol
The symbols have three layers:
- A background using one of the colors from this palette
- A stylized vector icon illustrated with a 9pt stroke
- Confetti accents
DIY starter kit:
Symbol background
Symbol confetti
- Pick your background color from the color palette and apply it to the grey rounded holding shape in your DIY starter kit.
- Find an icon that helps you tell a story. Think something of cultural significance, celebration, something that symbolizes a moment in Wikipedia history, or any memories you have of the movement over the last 20 years. The icon must have a 9 pt brushstroke. Place it on the center of your background, and color it in using colors from the Wikipedia 20 palette. You can also find free icons that match this style on Noun Project.
- Finally, add confetti. You will find a block of confetti in your symbol starter kit.
- Pick what you need, use contrasting colors in the palette. Remember: too much confetti can clutter the artwork.
- You’re done, it’s time to use this symbol, and have others use it too.
- Share your symbol on Commons with "Wikipedia 20 symbols" so others can find it.
On-wiki template
The template {{custom mark}} can be used on meta or copied to other projects to make on-wiki creation of banner symbols easier. This is convenient for users to customize on their user page or project pages which might want to change the images frequently. An example use would be:
{{Custom mark | image1 = Wikimania2021_learning.svg | image2 = Wikimania2021 bus travel.svg | image3 = Wikipedia20 Knowledge.svg | image4 = Wikipedia20 community2.svg | wordmark = Wikipedia-wordmark-uz.svg }}
Using the designs for other materials
The Wikipedia 20 symbols can be used to produce celebratory merchandise, identify special web pages or other digital content, make posters or banners, name tags, birthday cakes, and much more. Below are a few examples that show how the symbols can be used on a tote bag and sticker packs. Use these templates to make your own designs.
"20 years of Wikipedia" mark in black
"20 years of Wikipedia" mark in white
20 symbol design
20 symbol template
sticker sheet design
sticker sheet design
sticker sheet design
sticker sheet design
sticker sheet design
Please make them to share! But please do not use the name "Wikipedia" to sell any items, or for other uses without checking the trademark policy.
Presentation template
Are you planning to hold a talk, a presentation or a discussion during your Wikipedia 20 event and need a branded slide template? Find the Wikipedia 20 presentation template here. Make a copy and personalize it to best fit your needs.
Social media and events design templates
Download these SVG templates to build your own designs
Wikipedia 20 design template guide
Wikipedia 20 design template
Wikipedia 20 design template
Wikipedia 20 design template
Wikipedia 20 design template
Wikipedia 20 design template
Celebration videos
Celebratory video messages from Katherine Maher that can be played at virtual birthday celebrations.