Wikimedia thematic organizations/News/de
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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia thematic organizations/News and the translation is 9% complete.
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Thematische Organisationen
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Wikimedia thematic organizations news and announcements
Following a request for comments , Affiliations Committee publishes best practices guide for creation of Wikimedia movement affiliate logos .2013年11月11日
Recommendation to the Board to recognise The Wikinewsie Group as a thematic organisation . The board decided not to do so.2013年06月05日
Amical Wikimedia is recognized by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees as the first-ever Wikimedia thematic organization .2013年05月21日
Affiliations Committee recommends Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees vote to recognize Amical Wikimedia as a Wikimedia thematic organization .2012年12月12日
If you want to help the creation of new thematic organizations, apply for AffCom membership !2012年11月16日
For thoughts regarding the naming of thematic organizations, see the talk page.2012年06月18日
As the model of thematic organizations is new, there might be certain changes in policy, recommendations and best practices over time. Please have this page on your watchlist in order not to miss any announcements.