विकिमीडिया फाउंडेशन बोर्ड ऑफ ट्रस्टीज
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विकिमीडिया फाउंडेशन न्यासी बोर्ड विकिमीडिया फाउंडेशन आरू एकरौ काज के देखरेख करै छै, एकरो अंतिम कॉर्पोरेट प्राधिकरण केरो रूप मँ।
बोर्ड के गठन 2003 मँ तीन ट्रस्टियो के साथ करलो गेलो रहै, आरू 2020 सँ मँ 16 ट्रस्टी तलक शामिल छै। ई न्यासियो स अधिकारियो के नियुक्ति करै छै: एगो कुर्सी, अधिकतम दू उपाध्यक्ष, आरू समिति अध्यक्ष। बोर्ड गैर-ट्रस्टी अधिकारियो के नियुक्ति करै छै: एगो मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी, एगो कोषाध्यक्ष, आरू सचिव। बोर्ड के काम मँ आंशिक रूप सँ resolution आरू वोट शामिल छै। गवर्नेंस, ऑडिट, प्रतिभा आरू संस्कृति, उत्पाद आरू प्रौद्योगिकी समिति जैसनो मामला क कवर करै वाला बहुत्ते समिति सिनी क आरू काज सौंपलो गेलो छै। आरू सामुदायिक मामला के समिति।
बोर्ड के अंतिम संरचना छेकै:
- १ (एगो) संस्थापक के सीट (जिमी वेल्स लेली आरक्षित);
- 7 (seven) seats appointed by the rest of the Board for specific expertise selected in a process guided by the Board Governance Committee; and
- 8 (eight) seats elected by the Wikimedia communities and affiliates.
समिति सिनी
- Wikimedia Foundation Audit Committee (Charter)
- Wikimedia Foundation Board Governance Committee (Charter)
- Wikimedia Foundation Talent & Culture Committee (Charter)
- Wikimedia Foundation Product and Technology Committee (Charter)
- Wikimedia Foundation Community Affairs Committee (Charter)
- Affiliations Committee (Charter)
- Current liaisons: Lorenzo Losa, Mike Peel, Nataliia Tymkiv
- Elections Committee
- Current liaisons: Nataliia Tymkiv
- Language committee (Charter)
- Current liaison: Nataliia Tymkiv, Victoria Doronina
- Wikimedia Human Rights Policy
- Current liaison: Esra'a Al Shafei (to Wikimedia Foundation internal committee)
बोर्ड सँ संपर्क करना
There is a Board noticeboard for sharing requests and recommendations. The Board can be contacted directly by posting to the noticeboard. The Wikimedia Foundation itself can be contacted in a number of ways as outlined on their contact page.
(追記) (追記ここまで)
वर्तमान सदस्य
- Main article: foundationsite:role/board
- नोट्स:
- ↑ Board of Trustees/Restructure Announcement Q&A, April 2008
पूर्व सदस्य
- User:Doc James
- User:Denny
- User:Pundit
- User:Guy Kawasaki
- User:Frieda
- User:Lyzzy
- User:Raystorm
- User:Phoebe
- User:Lyzzy
- User:Patricio.lorente
- user:Bishdatta
- User:Phoebe
- User:Sj
- User:Akl
- User:Mhalprin
- User:Sj
- User:Midom
- User:Wing
- User:Michael Snow
- User:Midom
- User:Frieda
- User:Stu
- user:anthere
- User:Mindspillage
- User:Oscar
- User:Mindspillage
- User:Eloquence
- User:Jan-Bart
- User:Angela
- User:Anthere
- User:Mdavis
- User:TimShell
- User:Jimbo Wales
- Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
- User:Kritzolina
- User:Nadzik
- User:NTymkiv (WMF)
- User:Esh77
- User:Mike Peel
- User:Laurentius
- User:Victoria
- User:Rosiestep
- User:Pundit
- User:Raystorm
- User:Doc James
- User:Pundit
- User:Esh77
- w:en:Esra'a Al Shafei
- w:en:Raju Narisetti
- User:NTymkiv (WMF)
- User:Schiste
- User:Doc James
- Arnnon Geshuri
- Kelly Battles
- User:Guy Kawasaki
- User:Frieda
- User:Patricio.lorente
- User:Lyzzy
- User:Raystorm
- User:Denny
- User:Pundit
- Arnnon Geshuri
- Kelly Battles
- User:Jimbo Wales
- Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
आगू पढ़ौ
- List of Board meetings (with minutes)
- List of Board resolutions
- Board deliberations process
- Composition of the Board of Trustees
- Presentations by Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees members
- Essays and discussions on ideal membership: