Wikimedia Endowment/Meetings/January 15, 2019
[edit ]9:30 – 9:40 am - Welcome and Introductions
-Approve July meeting minutes
9:40 – 10:00 am - Briefing from Katherine Maher
10:00 – 10:45 am - Fundraising Update (Kaitlin Thaney and Marc Brent)
10:45 – 11:00 am - Break
11:00 – 11:15 pm - Investment and Governance Update (Lisa Seitz Gruwell and Annette Campbell-White)
11:15 - 11:30 am - Other topics
11:30 - 12:00 pm Next Meeting Scheduling & Topic Confirmation
- Adjourn
[edit ]Location: The Wikimedia Foundation Office, San Francisco
Meeting Attendees:
Endowment Advisory Board Members: Annette Campbell-White, Peter Baldwin, Niels Christian Nielsen, Michael Kim, and Jimmy Wales
Wikimedia Foundation Staff: Katherine Maher, Lisa Gruwell, Kaitlin Thaney, Caitlin Virtue, Marc Brent, Megan Hernandez, and Jerry Kim
Summary of Action Items:
1) Approved minutes from July 2018 meeting
●くろまる Voting in Favor: Annette Campbell-White, Peter Baldwin, Niels Christian Nielsen and Michael Kim, and Jimmy Wales
●くろまる Voting Against: None
2) Wikimedia Foundation Update from Katherine Maher
●くろまる Wikipedia is doing well: Continued mobile growth, desktop stable
●くろまる Wikipedia’s favorable position in the world continues to be appreciated, brand value has climbed
●くろまる As Wikipedia has grown, larger institutions worldwide want to work with us i.e. collaborations with the Met, conversations with the Library of Congress
3) Fundraising Update
●くろまる 35ドル.2 million raised in gifts and pledges.
●くろまる Broadening base of supporters through a series of dinners and individual meetings.
4) Investment & Governance Update
●くろまる Financial: Investment committee is conducting fund manager due diligence per investment policy mandate re: revisiting after passing 33ドルM benchmark.
●くろまる Governance: Last meeting, Eileen Hershenov had recommended to stay with Tides for the time being.
5) Next Board Meeting Agenda Discussion
●くろまる July 16, 2019 9 -10:30 am (PT): Remote Meeting